Tagesausflug in kleiner Gruppe ab Venedig in die Dolomiten und Cortina
Sie treffen Ihren Fremdenführer im Zentrum von Venedig und verlassen die Stadt im luxuriösen Kleinbus, reisen nach Norden durch die Landschaft des Veneto in die Region Sesto, in den Dolomiten.
Machen Sie Halt für einen Kaffee (auf eigene Kosten) in Pieve di Cadore, einem wunderschönen kleinen Dorf, das dafür bekannt ist, die Geburtsstätte des Renaissancemalers Titian zu sein, und fahren Sie dann im Kleinbus zum Misurinasee - bekannt als „Perle der Dolomiten“. Halten Sie Ihre Kamera bereit, um atemberaubende Aufnahmen vom See vor dem Hintergrund der Drei Zinnen zu machen - den drei markanten Gipfeln der Dolomiten.
Sie essen in einer lokalen Trattoria zu Mittag (auf eigene Kosten) und können dann entweder einen Spaziergang unternehmen oder im Restaurant bleiben und sich entspannen. Wenn Sie sich für den Spaziergang entscheiden, folgen Sie den Erläuterungen Ihres Reiseleiters und gehen einen der gemäßigten Bergpfade entlang, um mehr von der herrlichen Landschaft der Gegend zu sehen.
Sie lassen die Ausläufer der Drei Zinnen am Nachmittag hinter sich und fahren mit dem Bus in das mondäne Skigebiet Cortina d'Ampezzo, wo wohlhabende Italiener nicht nur zum Skilaufen hinströmen, sondern auch, um zu sehen und gesehen zu werden. Machen Sie Fotos an einem Aussichtspunkt mit Panoramablick, und genießen Sie den Blick auf die geschäftige Stadt, umgeben von hohen Bergen. Genießen Sie jede Menge Freizeit in Cortina, um so wenig oder so viel zu tun, wie Sie möchten. Vielleicht besuchen Sie die eleganten Boutiquen, oder trinken in einem der Straßencafés einen Kaffee (nicht im Preis inbegriffen). Sie treffen Ihren Fremdenführer/Fahrer zur verabredeten Zeit und fahren nach Venedig zurück, vorbei an den in der Nachmittagssonne strahlenden Gipfeln der Dolomiten. Die Führung endet am Abend an ihrem Ausgangspunkt.
Tagesausflug in die Dolomiten im Winter
Von 15. November bis 31. März, nehmen Sie an der Tagestour durch die Dolomiten ab Venedig teil, um Cortina zu besuchen, wo Sie Zeit haben, um durch das geschäftige Stadtzentrum zu spazieren und die vielen Geschäfte dieser berühmten Dolomitenstadt zu erkunden.
Anschließend begeben wir uns zum malerischen Pragser Wildsee, der auch als „Perle unter den Dolomitenseen“ bezeichnet wird. Er befindet sich im schönen Pustertal und gilt als einer der schönsten Seen in Südtirol. Hier haben Sie die Möglichkeit, einen Spaziergang zu machen oder den schönen Blick von einem der Cafés am See aus zu genießen, während Sie eine heiße Schokolade trinken.
Anschließend geht es weiter nach Innichen, einem der schönsten Dörfer Südtirols in den Dolomiten. Sie können einen Spaziergang machen und lokale Spezialitäten wie Speck, lokale Käsesorten und den köstlichen Canederli-Knödel kosten - ein traditionelles Rezept für den ersten Gang, das von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben wird - und für Schleckermäuler gibt es den köstlichen Strudel.
Vom 23. November bis zum 6. Januar können Sie den Weihnachtsmarkt von Innichen besuchen. Alle Stände befinden sich im Fußgängerbereich inmitten von Weihnachtsdekoration. Die gemütliche und magische Atmosphäre wird Sie voll und ganz einnehmen.
- Fahrer/Tourbegleiter
- Einfache, selbstgeführte Naturwanderung (optional)
- Beförderung im klimatisierten Minivan von Mercedes o. ä.
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel
- Speisen und Getränke, sofern nicht anders angegeben
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Für dieses Angebot ist eine Mindestteilnehmerzahl erforderlich. Es besteht die Möglichkeit einer Stornierung auch nach erfolgter Bestätigung, falls sich nicht genügend Teilnehmer finden. In diesem Fall bieten wir Ihnen entweder einen anderen Termin an oder erstatten den vollen Betrag zurück
- Der Besuch der Ausläufer der Drei Zinnen ist saison- (Ende Mai bis Oktober) und wetterabhängig. Wenn der Besuch nicht möglich ist, verbringen Sie stattdessen mehr Zeit in Cortina.
- Die Tour findet bei jedem Wetter statt. Bitte kleiden Sie sich entsprechend
- Kinder müssen von einem Erwachsenen begleitet werden
- Kindersitze sind auf Anfrage verfügbar, wenn sie bei der Buchung angegeben werden (Kinder unter 36 kg oder 1,50 m müssen geeignete Kinderrückhaltesysteme verwenden). Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Kleinkinder oder Kinder abzuweisen, wenn wir zum Zeitpunkt der Buchung nicht benachrichtigt werden und die mitgebrachten Autositze nicht den Anforderungen der italienischen Gesetze entsprechen.
- Die Preise gelten für alle Teilnehmer; keine Ermäßigungen für Kinder

Wow!! This tour was amazing. Great driver and such an amazing place to see! I would highly recommend this tour
Our driver/tour guide, Phillipe, was excellent! He was informative and an amazing driver. He even stopped a few times to let us see the views and get pictures (and he was gracious enough to take pictures of us). We were lucky to have perfect weather so that always helps to make a trip like this even better. One thing you should be aware of....this is a long drive! We were in a nice van that took four couples however if you get stuck in the back hopefully the others in the van will take turns with the seating. There are quite a lot of switchbacks and fast driving so if you get car sick, this may not be the trip for you. However, the sites were spectacular so if you can stomach it, make it happen. Well worth the cost!
Fantastic day. Our guide was very charismatic and knowledgeable and provided with much information. The day was very interesting with great scenery throughout the journey. Well worth it.
Wonderful trip with amazing scenery. Driver was very knowledgeable about places we stopped at. Definitely worth the price.
This tour was such a great way to see the beautiful Dolomite mountains! It is a perfect tour to go on as a family! It makes a lot of stops so you are able to get out and take pictures and explore!
The scenery and guide were great, but there wasn't much time at the all the stops. We got less than an hour at most places other than when we stopped for lunch.
Our guide, Marco was awesome. The trip was scenic and we were allowed to get down and take pictures at such spots. This trip (unlike some others) was relaxing.
At first I understood that there would be more touring and informative discussion, my disappointment was in the fact that the 9 hour tour consisted of 5 hours in the vehicle getting to the mountains and return to Venice. The beauty of the region is exceptional not sure I would recommend a full day in Italy just to get there.
Our tour guide, Philipo, was awesome! He spoke English very well and was patient and courteous the whole trip. He gave us ample time at each stop, even gave us recommendations! Lunch was at a great spot and the cost was reasonable. I only wish it were a clearer day, but we had an awesome time nevertheless. This was a great value!
Our guide was very helpful, filled with information. Answered all our questions, had a great sense of humor! Couldn't have asked for a better guide!
We had Incredible views of snow capped mountains the entire day. The weather was beautiful, and our minivan of 8 was so lucky to have Giovanni as our guide and driver. He is so knowledgeable and interesting, with just the right balance of humor, history and facts. His guidance kept our group on time without the feeling of being too rushed. Cortina was lovely, and the lakes were equally picturesque. We had time for a leisurely lunch and extra free time at one of the lakes. The tour was well paced, and Giovanni was an excellent driver. I highly recommend this tour for anyone who wants to visit the breathtaking Dolomite mountains and lakes on a day tour from Venice.
First the good: The Dolomites/Cortina portion of the Italian Alps are incredible! We stopped at so many postcard-worthy picture spots, to include an outstanding lunch in the amazing town of Misurina. If you have time, a day-trip here from Venice is a must! Now the not-so-good: Our driver, Francesco, was a pretty bad driver, especially through the windy roads of the Dolomites. He also rarely pointed out points of interest while driving, and primarily had a private conversation with the 2 tour members in the front seat. He later mentioned that he's only a driver, not a "tour guide" which is what we expected. So, bottom line, great location, but I think we got the short end of the stick on drivers. Ask for someone other then him if you go.
What a great day we had we had. The views were beautiful. I can’t wait to go back and enjoy the mountains.
We absolutely loved this tour. We went on a spring day which was cool, but beautiful. We loved the Dolmites. Yes, you spend a lot of time in the van, but it's definitely worth it. There were many highlights, but we particularly loved a lake we went to that was still frozen over and surrounded by mountains and Cortina D'Ampezzo. We also enjoyed our lunch in San Candido, a small town in northern Italy where all the signs were in German and the restaurants serve German food. It was like being in Austria. This was the highlight of our trip to Europe. If you've already been to Venice, as we had, it is worth the trip. We and others on the tour didn't want to return to Venice.
We loved our trip to the Dolomite Mountains and Cortina! The sheer mass of the mountains were awe inspiring, especially seeing them from a distance and getting up closer to feel the height and mass of them. Our guide had lots of information to share with us and really made the trip come to life. We had lots of opportunities to take pictures, stretch our legs, have a meal and learn more about this beautiful country.
We where advised by Viator to take the People mover transporter at Tronchetta (20 mins trip to the meeting point) for a 8:00 start, however the transporter doesn’t open until 8:10 on Sundays, so we had to walk the 2.5kms to the meeting point, luckily we had left early from our motel and just made it in time. Marco our driver advised he has made this trip many many times over 8 years and was a fantastic guide and company, which made the rest of the day outstanding for us and all the other travellers.
All of the sites visited were stunning and by going off season we had the dolomite mountains all to ourselves..our guide was friendly and a good driver..highly recommend
We loved our day in the Dolomites with Luka! He helped to make our day fun and special. He was such a careful driver and even checked with the local police on road conditions. He worked very hard to make our day special. He did not disappoint. Viator, you offer quality service and great professional leaders.
The views of the mountains were amazing. My pictures came out looking like post cards. Shopping and food was also good.
We were blessed to have clear skies with some clouds so that we could witness the grandeur of these Italian Alps. The clouds would part with blue skies and then mist over in bits and pieces occasionally so that we got some wonderful views. Lunch by the lake (on our own) was a treat. Our guide was friendly and knowledgeable.
The day of our tour the weather was overcast and raining, THIS TOUR SHOULD NOT OPERATE DURING INCLEMENT WEATHER. To summarize our trip, we spent 5 hrs riding around staring at grey skies, when we did stop for breaks we had to quickly find shelter and wait for the scheduled departure time. The ski town of Cortina d'Ampezzo it was a ghost town, there was absolutely nothing open, NOTHING! There were no cars or people, it felt like we had visited a town in a Stephen King novel, we begged our driver not to leave us standing in the rain with nothing to do. We never observed any mountain peaks or scenic views pictured in this tour because the weather obscure the view the entire trip. We could not wait for this tour to end, in retrospect my wife and I agreed that it would have been better to forgo the 360 we paid for this tour and remained in Venice.
My wife and I recently had the opportunity to take this trip from Venice to the Dolomite mountains and Cortina and we're so glad we did. The day we went. 09/24/18, was an absolutely beautiful day. The views that we saw that day were awesome, one more beautiful then the next. Our driver/tour guide, Marco, was very friendly, informative and provided just enough information without going into an overload situation. All in all, this trip was well worth the investment.