Privates traditionelles balinesisches Kocherlebnis und Gartentour durch Ubud
Beginnen Sie dieses private kulinarische Abenteuer mit einer praktischen Abholung von Ihrem Hotel in Ubud um 9:00 Uhr. Wenn Sie nicht in Ubud übernachten, begeben Sie sich eigenständig zum angegebenen Resort in der Nähe seines Hauses und treffen Sie dort Ihren Gastgeber. Besuchen Sie eine traditionelle balinesische Familie in einem Dorf mit terrassenförmig angelegten Ausläufern nördlich von Ubud. Das Dorf besteht aus mehreren offenen Pavillons um einen zentralen Innenhof und Heimat von Ihrem Gastgeber und seiner Großfamilie.
In der Nähe des Hauses Ihres Gastgebers entdecken Sie exotische balinesische Früchte, Kräuter und Gewürze, wie Galgant, Gewürznelken, Kakao und Muskatnuss und Sie erfahren mehr über ihre medizinischen Eigenschaften. Anschließend gehen Sie 10 Minuten zum Haus Ihrer Gastgeber für eine Vorstellung der Familie, bevor seine Frau Jero authentische, frisch zubereitete balinesische Gerichte mit einem traditionellen Holzofen backt. Erfahren Sie mehr zum Kochen von Jero-Gerichten wie z. B. Pepes Ikan (Gegrillter Thunfisch in Bananenblättern), Bumbu Kuning (Hähnchen in einer frischen Kurkuma- und Kokosmilch-Sauce) und Bregedel (handgemahlene Maiskroketten). Genießen Sie ein köstliches Essen, das gemeinsam gekocht wurde und erleben Sie das Leben einer lokalen Familie in den üppig grünen Mauern. Verlassen Sie die Familie mit Rezepten, neuen Freunden und lebenslangen Erinnerungen.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Dewa oder eine ebenso wunderbare Familie Ihr Gastgeber sein wird, zusammen mit Dewas Frau Jero. Dies ist kein professioneller Kochkurs. Das Erlebnis ist eher ein Besuch in einem Haus vor Ort, bei dem Sie einen lokalen Kochexperten treffen und gemeinsam die balinesische Kultur und Küche erleben.
- Trinkgelder
- Getränke
- Einheimisches Bier
- Trinkwasser in Flaschen
- Mahlzeit im Haus
- Alle Aktivitäten
- Gastgeber vor Ort
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel nur für Hotels in Ubud
- Private Tour
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel außerhalb von Ubud
- Wenn dieses Angebot noch buchbar ist, erhalten Sie innerhalb von 48 Stunden eine Bestätigung
- Wenn Sie vegetarische Speisen wünschen, teilen Sie dies bitte bei der Buchung mit
- Kürzere Strecken müssen zu Fuß zurückgelegt werden
- Bitte wenden Sie sich an uns, um zu bestätigen, ob Ihr Hotel auf der Abholungsliste steht
- Pro Buchung sind mindestens zwei Personen erforderlich

Excellent experience to Balinese cooking. Dewa spent some time to first explain the agricultural model and its philosophy. We went through his garden to discover the typical Bali's plants. He welcomed us in his home to go through hands on cooking. Everyone was involved. We finally got to taste the 7 delicious recipes prepared. A unique experience to get closer to Balinese culture.
Words cannot describe this experience, there is no doubt that this 'tour' is worth your time. Dewa is beyond authentic, with a smile and a calm voice, he opened the doors not only to his house and village, but to a philosophy of life that holds more truth than anything we own or desire, one that allows us to exist beyond ourselves in close connectedness to nature and the seasons, community and cycles of life. The food we cooked under the family's guidance was delicious, varied and plenty, and I do not exaggerate to say that some of Dewa's words have had an irreversible, amazingly positive impact on my life. Yet, even if adding spiritual light onto your path while in Ubud is that's not what interests you, the time walking around the 'garden', and the discovery of the different wholesome ingredients that are included in these traditional recipes is just a time of simplicity, fun and joy. Also note that this is not one of the tours where there's many other people with you, it's a private tour and has a very different feel not that the other are not usually good, but this was the best cooking tour i've personally done- you also get to keep the recipes. A rich sharing experience that is worth every cent and more. Dewa, thank you so much for your light, Adrien and I shall carry it always. Until we meet again Sensei, I wish you and your family good health and happiness- Astrid.
This was definitely an experience, a gift. Thank you Dewa. We love to cook with the best of ingredients and this wonderful opportunity broadened our understanding of so much more. The support given to the local village by Travelling Spoon inc is also a revelation giving a chance for tourists to get up close and involved in village life. Dewa was the prefect host, we learned a lot about Buddhist philosophy and Balinese way of life. And of course the food we prepared was heavenly to us.A big plus seeing the plants growing in the garden and having the recipes to make a similar feast we we get back home. Many thanks Dewa.
Best tour ever ! A must do with Dewa !
Dewa was a most interesting guide and imparted a variety of very interesting facts about the lifestyle and views of the people of his village. Everyone we met was very welcoming and friendly and the whole experience was excellent. Primed with the knowledge of the way that Dewa's village viewed food and it's position in their lifestyle, we weren't expecting very much when it came to lunch how wrong we were! Dewa and a lady from the village explained how to prepare each course of a 7 course lunch menu which involved corn fritters, two chicken dishes and an excellent soya bean dish accompanied by 2 salad courses and a banana fritter dessert. We were involved in the preparation of each dish and each element was explained so that we could write down the recipes. After lunch, we were taken around the garden where the various fruits, vegetables and herbs were shown to us. This was followed by a visit to an area where students were learning art and we were introduced to their teacher and enjoyed a locally prepared coffee. Overall a very enjoyable experience that I would recommend to anyone with a view to learning a little more about Balinese food and culture.
This tour was amazing!