Halbtägiger Architektur Rundgang durch Tokio
Die japanische Architektur hat sich in den letzten 15 Jahren durch die Beharrlichkeit der Architekten, Designstandards neu zu definieren, entwickelt. Dies ist eine tolle Tour, wenn Sie mehr als das Übliche suchen. Sie werden die Stadt und die Architektur anhand einer Reihe von kuratierten Themen aus der japanischen Kultur, globalen Trends und Geschichte verstehen lernen. Die Erfahrung auf diesem Spaziergang ist eine interaktive Lernerfahrung durch Konversation und multimediale Bildübertragung, damit die Gäste Tokio und die japanische Architekturszene besser verstehen.
Vom Bahnhof Harajuku aus schlängelt sich die Tour durch eine der angesagtesten Gegenden Tokios. Buchen Sie die 15:00 Uhr Tour, wenn Sie es vorziehen, mehr Leute auf der Straße zu sehen. Die Gegend ist ein beliebter Ausflugsort für Menschen aus aller Welt. Es gibt einige bedeutende Gebäude abseits der Hauptstraße, die auch die Bandbreite der Kreativität japanischer und internationaler Architekten zeigen. Viele Gebäude, die Sie besuchen werden, wurden nach 2003 gebaut und sind die Definition der zeitgenössischen Architektur.
Am Ende der Tour haben Sie ein gutes Verständnis für zeitgenössische japanische Architektur. Sie werden 8-10 zeitgenössische Gebäude sehen, von denen die meisten von Japans führenden Architekten entworfen wurden.
- Professioneller englischsprachiger Reiseleiter
- Rundgang
- Führung in kleiner Gruppe
- Speisen und Getränke
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Das Mindestalter beträgt 12 Jahre.
- Mittlere Strecken werden zu Fuß zurückgelegt.

My adult son and I did this tour with Mike in late August, it turned out to be a private tour for just the 2 of us. Even though it was hot, Mike kept us in the shade and showed us soooo many buildings. His knowledge of architecture is amazing! We loved the Prada building, and thoroughly enjoyed the secret places he took us. He has a great sense of humor and his love of architecture is truly evident!
Our tour guide, Mike, was very knowledgeable,attentive, and enthusiastic about sharing his passion for Tokyo's architecture and architecture in general with us! And since I was the only one on the tour who is not an architect, Mike patiently answered my questions, and clearly explained architecture concepts that I was not familiar with. After Mike's tour, I have a much greater appreciation and expanded perspective of Tokyo's beautiful buildings and overall city layout,as well as Japanese philosophy and culture. I will definitely sign up for another tour with Mike, the next time I go back to Tokyo!
Very enjoyable tour with knowledgeable guide who was thoughtful and tailored it to us. We got to see the great buildings and Mike told us all about the whys and wherefores of each building too. We were told anecdotes and stories that don't appear in guidebooks. We loved to see the narrow lanes with smaller shops and houses, as well things like Prada you see on the boulevards. We ended up knowing where the Apple store was too and bought a tax-free tablet after the tour. There was a pineapple bread cafe and we loved the innovative restrooms there. We recommend it for anyone with any interest in the buildings.
This was a wonderful tour. I learned so much about Tokyo architecture! My favorite parts of the tour were going inside of the buildings and learning about the construction. Highly recommended.
I'm into modern architecture and thought this was a well planned out, informative and efficient and fun tour. Really well planned out, and I got to see more than I would have on my own and buildings I had already passed with different point of view. Also seems to attract interesting people. I'm SO glad I did this!
Thanks for a great insight into all the beautiful buildings and special side tour to the temple W and T from NZ
The tour was just great! Mike made a really interesting selection of spots and the walk through them was beautiful. I very much appreciated the solid context and architects' background that he provided for each building, as well as mechanical or material details. It was a fantastic way to get introduced to Tokyo's contemporary architecture and I definitely recommend it. The tour finished elegantly in a fancy cafe with a pineapple cake where all my remaining questions on traditional and contemporary japan were answered!
Mike was great Learned a lot Good fun Strongly recommend