Stadtbesichtigung durch Singapur
Ihre Orientierungstour durch Singapur beginnt mit einer Fahrt durch den Civic District, vorbei am Padang, Singapur Cricket Club, dem historischen Parlamentsgebäude und der Nationalgalerie von Singapur. Die Galerie besteht aus zwei Nationaldenkmälern – dem ehemaligen obersten Gerichtsgebäude und dem Rathaus. Sie können hier eine Fotopause einlegen und diese prächtigen Gebäude aus nächster Nähe betrachten (wetterabhängig).
Danach machen Sie Halt am berühmten Merlion Park und genießen die atemberaubende Aussicht auf die Marina Bay. Nutzen Sie die Fotogelegenheit mit der Merlion-Statue, Singapurs mythologische Kreatur, die halb Löwe, halb Fisch ist.
Sie besuchen den Thian Hock Keng-Tempel, einen der ältesten buddhistischen-taoistischen Tempel in Singapur, bevor Sie an Chinatown vorbei fahren.
Weiter geht es zu Singapurs erster UNESCO-Weltkulturerbestätte, den Singapore Botanic Gardens. Sie spazieren durch den nationalen Orchideengarten, der ein farbenfrohes Schauspiel mit 60.000 Orchideen bietet, mit 400 Arten und mehr als 2.000 Kreuzungen.
Erwecken Sie Ihre Sinne zum Leben in Little India während eines Spaziergangs vorbei an Geschäften entlang des so genannten Five Foot Way, in denen eine Vielfalt an exotischen Früchten, Gewürzen, Jasmin und Orchideengirlanden angeboten wird.
- Beförderung im klimatisierten Reisebus
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel (nur ausgewählte Hotels)
- Ortskundiger Fremdenführer
- Eintrittspreise
- Speisen und Getränke
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Keine Abholung vom Hafen
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Nur bei günstigen Wetterbedingungen. Sollte die Führung aufgrund schlechter Wetterbedingungen ausfallen, bieten wir Ihnen wahlweise einen anderen Termin oder Erstattung des gezahlten Preises an.
- Diese Tour ist nicht rollstuhlgerecht.
- Für dieses Angebot ist eine Mindestteilnehmerzahl erforderlich. Wenn sich nicht genügend Teilnehmer anmelden, behalten wir uns vor, diese Veranstaltung auch nach erfolgter Bestätigung abzusagen. In diesem Fall bieten wir Ihnen entweder einen anderen Termin oder Erstattung des vollen Betrages an.

A great tour of the city of Singapore. The guide was very knowledgeable about the history of the city-state. I will recommend this tour for all first timers in Singapore. The tour company is very good and the staff were very nice.
Our guide was knowledgeable and friendly. Easy relaxing tour that takes in quite a few venues Well worth the money
This tour is ok if you very limited time and are ok with getting quickly shuttles to only a few places and getting little info, but we did not really enjoy it. The tour guide almost left half my family after making a count of people on the bus, too. My young daughter was 1 min late using the restroom.
As we were staying in Singapore for a very short time we thought that short orientation tour of Singapore (half day) might be a good choice. And this trip definitely was a good choice. We started from visiting Chinese temple (definitely a must-see), then we traveler to see the panorama of Singapore followed by National Orchid Garden (another definite must-see). The trip was really well organised and the guide was great - competent, polite and open to explain everything. At the end of the trip we were given opportunity to drop off and explore Little India ourselves (an option) what saved us a lot of time. I really recommend this trip for those that have limited time and want to familiarize with Singapore in a short time. We then followed to Sentosa Island (another must see) ourselves, but this is completely another story ...
Also if I would have preffered a 2 day city tour to an half day, it was good to get a rough overview over the city and plan what to see in the next days
Great way to see a few sights, the guide was very knowledgeable and was happy to answer any questions,
We missed the 1st point due to a miscommunication. They said wait at Hotel 81. So we were waiting outside but actually we had to wait inside. So the bus left us. But when I contacted them they immediately emailed me the 2nd point location and asked us to join them there... But after we joined the group the trip was awesome. Our guide I think is name is Mr. Nigel was very informative and knowledgeable. Though the starting was downhill the later part was great. Would surely recommend for 1st timers to Singapore
Great tour! Hit many highlights of Singapore including the National Orchid Gardens, China Town and LIttle India (where we sampled "pulled tea")
We took an afternoon tour and it was exactly what the tour-guide told us in the beginning: I will do my best to give you an impression of what to expect that if you go to town later you will have some idea where to go".
Tour guide was very knowledgeable about Singapore. He has a good sense of humour. Tour was interesting. We enjoyed it in the morning when it was not too hot.
Great orientation tour of the city. Catherine, tour guide, was WONDERFUL! She was positive, insightful, humorous and knowledgeable! Highly recommend this tour! the company was organized from hotel pick up to tour to hotel drop off!
A first class tour well organised which introduces visitors to Singapore and its main attractions, well organised with knowledgeable guide and air-conditioned double decker coach. You could not ask for more and very good value, really appreciated hotel pick up and drop off by mini coach.
Places visited with low interest. like indian coffee shop.Not visit :Gardens by the Bay ,Chinatown.Could have done better for what we paid.
A must do for first time visitors. Get all the salient facts and figures for better appreciation of the city.
Everything ran like clockwork from pick up to return to hotel.Our tour guide was friendly and informative.
Four of us spent the afternoon with Guide Linda Chan and had a truly marvelous time. Linda is quite a character and her know ledge of Singapore history is incredible. Transport for hotel pickup was on time, clean and air conditioned. The tour bus was smooth and comfortable. The tour took us all through Singapore for a good overview to include Little India, China town, a large Buddhist Temple, the Merlion statue and the Orchid Garden at the Botanic Garden. Linda's sense of humor helped us along our way and her presentations were excellent. We left the tour at Little India to walk about and get some early dinner. The tour was very good and well worth the time and money and Linda was GREAT!
Just ok not great