K-Fan K-Pop Tour inklusive Mittagessen
Nach der Begrüßung durch Ihren ortskundigen Reiseleiter am Treffpunkt, Apgujeongrodeo-Station Ausgang 1, ist Gangnam der erste Halt. Besuchen Sie K-Star-Road und sehen Sie die Hallyu-Stars-Management-Agentur und beliebte Treffpunkte, K-Fashion-Road für beliebte Modegeschäfte, K-Beauty-Road für Kosmetik-Läden und Schönheits-Kliniken, K-Flussufer-Road mit den Hangang-Parks entlang des Flusses, und K-Gourmet-Road mit beliebten Restaurants.
Anschließend gehen wir zur Apgujeong-Rodeo-Street, bekannt für ihre ultra-hippen Mode-Outlets, Flagshipstores, und berühmten Restaurants.
Wir passieren SM-Entertainment and JYP-Entertainment. Besucher sind nicht gestattet im Inneren dieser Orte. Weiter geht es zum SM-Stadt-Atrium im COEX. SMTOWN im COEX-Atrium besteht aus dem SMTOWN-Studio, einem virtuellen Raum, der Gästen ein echtes, informatives Erlebnis der SM-Künstler erlaubt, SMTOWN-LIVErary-Café, und SMTOWN-Theater, mit einem großen, großformatigen Panavision-Bildschirm, wo Gäste können an einer Mischung aus holographischer und Live-Unterhaltung Spaß haben können. Sie können viele Fotos auf dieser Tour machen, einschließlich der Statue des erfolgreichen, koreanischen HIts ‚Gangnam Style‘, die in dem Stadtteil Seouls enthüllt wurde, der durch das Lied berühmt wurde. Die Metallskulptur zeigt zwei einander berlagernde Fäuste im Stil des „Reiter“-Tanzes des Lieds. Sie wird vor dem COEX-Shopping-Center aufgestellt, wo ein Teil des Videos gedreht wurde. Ein lokales Mittagessen in einem, von einer prominenten Persönlichkeit unterstützten Café, ist Teil unseres Tour-Pakets.
- Eintrittspreise
- Traditionelles koreanisches Mittagessen
- Englischsprachiger ortskundiger Reiseleiter
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Sonderpreise für Kinder nur in Begleitung zweier voll zahlender Erwachsener
- Bitte teilen Sie uns bei der Buchung jegliche Sonderanforderungen hinsichtlich Ihrer Ernährung mit
- Für dieses Angebot ist eine Mindestteilnehmerzahl erforderlich. Es besteht die Möglichkeit einer Stornierung auch nach erfolgter Bestätigung, falls sich nicht genügend Teilnehmer finden. In diesem Fall bieten wir Ihnen entweder einen anderen Termin an oder erstatten den vollen Betrag zurück
- Wir empfehlen bequeme Laufschuhe
- Aufpreis für Abholung ausschließlich vom Hotel innerhalb von Seoul, Südkorea.
- Ohne Aufpreis für Abholung vom Hotel für Gruppen von 5 oder mehr Personen

NO TOUR GUIDE - NO TOUR FEMALE GOUP MEMBER LEFT STRANDED ALONE IN UNDERGROUND PARKING SUBCONTRACTED OUT TWICE We began by getting into a van with discarded papers, empty used take out coffee cups and only a driver, no tour guide, who spoke very broken English. Once settled, he asked where we would like to go.our reply, we want the tour we booked and paid for. He had no idea what we were talking about. We gave him a copy of the tour and he called his employer. He then said I take you to SM Town. Great, we thought he had worked it all out with his employer and our tour guide would meet us there. We arrived, it was closed, didnt open for 30 min and no tour guide. He told us to go look at Gangnam Hand Statue then disappeared, leaving us stranded, outside in the poring rain for the 30 min. He came back, took us inside, we went up to 2nd floor museum, which was not open so we went up one more floor and found a café, where we decided to sit and wait until the museum opened..again, he abandoned us. With no indication as to if or when he would return, 2 of our group set out and scoured the building to find him. 45 min later all 3 arrived back at the café. At this point we were all thourouly disgusted so he had us speak directly to his employer. We were informed that they were subcontracted by Great Exploration Tours at 6am the morning of the tour and told to provide us with a driver and take us where ever we wanted to go.nothing more. This is why we had no tour guide or anyone who knew anything about K-pop and were expected to pay on top of what we had already paid for the tour for entrance fees, lunch which would not be at a K-pop star restaurant as stated in the itinerary etc. You can imagine the devastation on the face of the teenage girl in our party at this point. We discussed our situation, included our driver and due to the combined factors that he knew nothing about K-pop, could not provide anything as stated in the itinerary and his employer was not able to honour the tour booking due to the fact that they were not subcontracted out to do it, we came to the mutual decision that the driver would return back to his employer. Two of our group went with the driver to retrieve items left in the van and two remained in the café. An hour later our two group members returned, one female in an utter state of shock. The driver could not remember where he had parked the van so the entire hour was spent looking for it and she had been left alone, abandoned by the driver inside an underground parking garage. This was the most horrendous experience any of us have ever had. Great Exploration Tours, your business ethics and representation of Korea tourism needs to be investigated. I received an email stating that a 30US credit will be processed to my credit card.WOW, considering I paid for 4 people on that credit card a total of 460.00US, it seems that their concern and apologizing is also as low as their tour ethics.
Good for Kpop fan, my daughter love it , lunch was nice and simple , so far so good , recomment it but not hot summer
Isabel was an excellent tour guide, my daughter and I appreciated her detailed knowledge of the K pop industry. She knew all the best spots to see our favorite idols. Our lunch was at a place where the idols come to eat. Korea we will be back.
It was so much fun
Our trip was amazing. We had fun and and a lot of laughs. Would recommend to everyone.