Tagesausflug von San Francisco zum Yosemite-Nationalpark
Ihre Reise beginnt mit der Abholung mit einem Luxus-Reisebus, der mit solchen luxuriösen Annehmlichkeiten wie Böden im Hartholzdesign ausgestattet ist. Nach der Überquerung der San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge fahren Sie durch das Great Central Valley in die Ausläufer der Sierra Nevada, in denen einst die Forty-Niners nach Gold gruben.
Sie folgen dem Verlauf des schönen Merced River zur Sierra Nevada und fahren in den Yosemite-Nationalpark. Das Gebirge wurde von Gletschern durchschnitten, die die spektakulären Felsformationen aus Granit formten, welche Sie in dem Park sehen werden. Es gibt viele Sehenswürdigkeiten und Aktivitäten, mit denen Sie sich die Zeit vertreiben können. Besuchen Sie die Ansel Adams-Kunstgalerie, oder mieten Sie ein Fahrrad (auf eigene Kosten). Am Besucherzentrum können Sie mehr über diesen wunderschönen Park erfahren, oder Sie besuchen die Ranger-Station, um spazieren zu gehen und sich zu unterhalten. Sehen Sie sich das traditionelle Korbflechten und die Stickerei im Dorf der Ahwahnee-Indianer an, oder spazieren Sie entlang des Merced River. Sie haben außerdem etwa vier Stunden Zeit, im Park zu verweilen.
Sie können sich auf einer Wanderung zum Fuße der Yosemite-Wasserfälle Ihrem Fremdenführer anschließen oder den Park auf eigene Faust zu erkunden.
Höhepunkte Ihres Tagesausflugs in den Yosemite-Nationalpark:
- San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge
- Sierra Nevada Range
- El Capitan
- Bridalveil Falls
- Vernal Falls
- Merced River
- Yosemite Falls
- Cathedral Spires
- Half Dome
Um 16:00 Uhr geht es durch den Stanislaus National Forest gemeinsam zurück nach San Francisco. Sie werden rundum glücklich sein, denn Sie haben eines der weltweit größten Wunder erlebt.
- Transport im klimatisierten Luxus-Reisebus mit Wi-Fi, Toilette und Steckdosen
- 1-stündige geführte Busrundfahrt im Yosemite Valley und 3 Stunden Zeit zur freien Verfügung
- Eintritt zum Yosemite National Park
- Abholung am Hotel (nur ausgewählte Hotels in San Francisco)
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Zusätzliche Speisen und Getränke
- Aussteigen am Hotel
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich, wenn Sie spätestens einen Tag vor dem Ausflug buchen Danach erhalten Sie so schnell wie möglich eine Bestätigung, wenn das Angebot noch buchbar ist
- Die Busse sind rollstuhlgerecht. Rollstuhlfahrer können jedoch nur an der Tour teilnehmen, wenn sie eigenständig in den Bus einsteigen und aussteigen können und wenn der Rollstuhl zusammenklappbar ist.
- Für dieses Angebot ist eine Mindestteilnehmerzahl erforderlich. Es besteht die Möglichkeit einer Stornierung auch nach erfolgter Bestätigung, falls sich nicht genügend Teilnehmer finden. In diesem Fall bieten wir Ihnen entweder einen anderen Termin an oder erstatten den vollen Betrag zurück

My husband and I visit San Francisco for our anniversary, we took 2 tours with Gray Line /Viator company . From the first day I started to plan the trip with Michael at the office located in Union Square to the 2 tour guys Danilo and Antonio it was a perfect vacation. There hospitality and understanding of the tours and information made the trip an awesome and memorable one. They all were pleasant , respectful and knowledgeable . I would recommend this company 100% ... You really can appreciate time well spent especially if you are visiting for the first time and are not sure of a lot of things. They make it easy for you to relax and enjoy .
The tour guide was great, we only had four hours in Yosemite which was enough to go on one walk. The time in the bus to and from is worth it to see the beauty of the national park.
Would definitely recommend this tour, the bus driver/tour guide was very friendly and well informed! The views were absolutely breathtaking, my only complaint was that the drive was about 5 hours there and 5 hours back with only 3 hours leisure at Yosemite. There’s not much you can do about that but I’d recommend staying the night as they have lodges
It is a long drive to Yosemite Park from San Francisco. We were with the Gray Line service. The entire tour covered about 600 miles in a day I. E. to and fro. But still it was worth it!
The 7 hours on a coach in total aside, the park is wonderful. The cliffs are a sight to behold and the Yosemite waterfalls are unreal. You could, however get it all done in half a day unless yoir coach driver wants to stop quite a bit. Im glad i went and will always keep the sights with me but i wouldn't be in a rush to ho back.
Highly recommended if you have a full day to spend in San Francisco. The scenery along the way was fantastic and made all the better by the coach driver, Chabli. Chabli gave good commentaries all along the route and into the national park. Stop at every "photo" opportunity that we could get and just enough time for us to take great photos. Thoroughly enjoyable trip. Safe driving too by Chabli.
It was a good tour. However the hotel pickup can be at 06:40 hrs for hotels nearby post street as the bus departs only after 07:00 hrs. The wi-fi in the bus did not work.
The trip was simply incredible. We departed at 7:00 AM from SF and arrived at 9:00 PM. Vlad was our driver and tour guide in the same time. He offered really interesting information and had great stops where we could take cool photos. Thanks Vlad ;-) you offered us great memories
Yosemite was magnificent and totally worth the long day spent in a bus. Tour guide was informative. My only issue was that the driver was frequently texting on his mobile whilst on the freeways and also having personal calls. Not sure what the rules are in the US but I found this very disconcerting as a passenger.
Even if only have a day, a trip to Yosemite should be on your must-do list. The scenery and the famous granite formations are incomparable. Viator made it easy and the driver/tour leader (Vlad on our trip) added a lot of value.
Our bus driver Ray was great, very patient and professional, made several photo stops. There are free shuttles buses in the park, you can hop on and hop off to check some interesting places. Be prepare for 4 hours to ride one way, but it is interesting road.
We had a pretty kind driver who entertained us though the whole trip. The bus was comfortable, had wifi and charger spots as well. When I first saw the edge o the National Park, I felt very sorry and disappointed as it was burnt down. Inside the Park we had an exceptional view! I hope that the environment would be recover soon.
Our driver did a great job giving history and background of the park and also made additional stops for the some scenic spots (out of the planned trip) which the entire group appreciated. Yosemite is not a park that can be covered in 1 day but this trip gave a good idea of what all is there when/if one plans to go back. I definitely plan to go back for at least 3-4 days to cover more area.