San Francisco Super Saver: Muir Woods und Weinanbaugebiete mit optionalem Feinschmecker-Mittagessen
1 day
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Früh morgens werden Sie am Hotel abgeholt und fahren zum Muir Woods National Monument. Sie verlassen San Francisco und fahren vorbei am Palace of Fine Arts und Presidio nach Norden über die berühmte Golden Gate Bridge. Bestaunen Sie die Skyline der Stadt und die Insel Alcatraz auf dem Weg in die berühmte Weinregion in Nordkalifornien.
Genießen Sie die frühe Ankunft in den Muir Woods, bevor die meisten anderen Reisegruppen den Park erreichen. In diesem unberührten Wald aus kalifornischen Küstenmammutbäumen wachsen einige der ältesten und höchsten Bäume der Welt. Sie haben etwa eine Stunde Zeit, um die Haine der riesigen Mammutbäume zu bewundern. Erleben Sie die majestätischen Mammutbäume bei einem gemütlichen Spaziergang mit Ihrem informativen Reiseleiter, der Sie auf die heimische Küstenflora und -fauna mit Farnen und Lorbeerbäumen aufmerksam macht, wobei es manchmal sogar Hirsche zu sehen gibt.
Überqueren Sie moosgesäumte Bäche und wundern Sie die Bäume, die bis zu 76 Meter in den Himmel ragen. Dann geht es weiter zu einer gemütlichen Weinprobe am Nachmittag in drei Weingütern im Napa Valley und im Sonoma County. Die typischen Stopps umfassen Madonna Estate Winery, Cline Cellars und Mayo Family Winery, können sich jedoch je nach Verfügbarkeit ändern.
Sie verbringen bis zu eine Stunde auf jedem Weingut und haben dabei die Möglichkeit, drei bis fünf köstliche Weine zu probieren – genießen Sie eine Sektprobe und kaufen Sie eine Flasche Wein für zu Hause. Alle Weinproben sind kostenlos!
Bei Ihrer Ankunft beim ersten Weingut in der weltberühmten Carneros-Region in Sonoma County werden Sie mit einer Vielzahl exklusiver Weine verwöhnt. Machen Sie einen Spaziergang über das Weingut, schießen Sie ein paar schöne Fotos in den Weinbergen und genießen Sie die freundliche Atmosphäre bei diesem ganz persönlichen Erlebnis.
In Sonoma Plaza haben Sie eine Stunde Zeit für ein Mittagessen, zum Stöbern in den Boutiquen oder für weitere Weinproben in den vielen Verkostungsräumen (Kosten nicht im Preis inbegriffen), bevor Sie auf den beiden anderen Weingütern, darunter Napa Valley, weitere Weine probieren können.
Entspannen Sie dann auf der Rückfahrt über die Golden Gate Bridge und genießen Sie den wunderbaren Ausblick auf die Bucht von San Francisco und die Klippen an der Küste auf dem Weg zurück zum Hotel.
Küstenmammutbäume & Wein-Ausflug mit leckerem Essen und Wein-/Essenskombinationen UPGRADE
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Genießen Sie die frühe Ankunft in den Muir Woods, bevor die meisten anderen Reisegruppen den Park erreichen. In diesem unberührten Wald aus kalifornischen Küstenmammutbäumen wachsen einige der ältesten und höchsten Bäume der Welt. Sie haben etwa eine Stunde Zeit, um die Haine der riesigen Mammutbäume zu bewundern. Erleben Sie die majestätischen Mammutbäume bei einem gemütlichen Spaziergang mit Ihrem informativen Reiseleiter, der Sie auf die heimische Küstenflora und -fauna mit Farnen und Lorbeerbäumen aufmerksam macht, wobei es manchmal sogar Hirsche zu sehen gibt.
Überqueren Sie moosgesäumte Bäche und wundern Sie die Bäume, die bis zu 76 Meter in den Himmel ragen. Dann geht es weiter zu einer gemütlichen Weinprobe am Nachmittag in drei Weingütern im Napa Valley und im Sonoma County. Die typischen Stopps umfassen Madonna Estate Winery, Cline Cellars und Mayo Family Winery, können sich jedoch je nach Verfügbarkeit ändern.
Sie verbringen bis zu eine Stunde auf jedem Weingut und haben dabei die Möglichkeit, drei bis fünf köstliche Weine zu probieren – genießen Sie eine Sektprobe und kaufen Sie eine Flasche Wein für zu Hause. Alle Weinproben sind kostenlos!
Bei Ihrer Ankunft beim ersten Weingut in der weltberühmten Carneros-Region in Sonoma County werden Sie mit einer Vielzahl exklusiver Weine verwöhnt. Machen Sie einen Spaziergang über das Weingut, schießen Sie ein paar schöne Fotos in den Weinbergen und genießen Sie die freundliche Atmosphäre bei diesem ganz persönlichen Erlebnis.
In Sonoma Plaza haben Sie eine Stunde Zeit für ein Mittagessen, zum Stöbern in den Boutiquen oder für weitere Weinproben in den vielen Verkostungsräumen (Kosten nicht im Preis inbegriffen), bevor Sie auf den beiden anderen Weingütern, darunter Napa Valley, weitere Weine probieren können.
Entspannen Sie dann auf der Rückfahrt über die Golden Gate Bridge und genießen Sie den wunderbaren Ausblick auf die Bucht von San Francisco und die Klippen an der Küste auf dem Weg zurück zum Hotel.
Küstenmammutbäume & Wein-Ausflug mit leckerem Essen und Wein-/Essenskombinationen UPGRADE
- Muir Woods National Monument, Sonoma und Napa Valley in 1 Tag
- Genießen Sie ein exklusives Drei-Gänge-Menü mit einer Kombination aus Speisen und Wein!
- Mittagessen für Kinder nicht im Preis enthalten und muss direkt im Restaurant bezahlt werden
- Fachkundiger Reiseleiter und Kommentar
- Weinproben auf 3 Weingütern
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel (die meisten Hotels in der Innenstadt von San Francisco/Fisherman's Wharf, aber keine Abholung außerhalb der SF-Stadtgrenze)
- Wein-/Essenskombinationen und Gourmet-Mittagessen (Upgrade; beim Auschecken auswählen, falls gewünscht)
- Kostenloses WLAN im Fahrzeug
Nicht inbegriffen
- Eintrittsgeld für den Muir Woods National Park (10,00 US-Dollar)
- Zusätzliche Speisen und Getränke
- Das Mittagessen für Kinder ist nicht im Preis enthalten und muss direkt im Restaurant bezahlt werden. Kinder-Gerichte a la carte. (Kunde ist verantwortlich für die Zahlung vor Ort)
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich, wenn Sie spätestens einen Tag vor dem Ausflug buchen Danach erhalten Sie so schnell wie möglich eine Bestätigung, wenn das Angebot noch buchbar ist
- Nach kalifornischem Gesetz müssen Teilnehmer dieses Ausflugs einen Pkw-Sicherheitssitz für Kinder unter 8 Jahren bzw. unter einer Größe von 1,40 m mitführen.
- Audiotour-Kopfhörer sind in Spanisch, Italienisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Koreanisch, Mandarin und Japanisch erhältlich. Geben Sie bei der Buchung unter „Sonderwünsche“ die Sprache an. Bitte bringen Sie am Tag der Tour 20,00 US-Dollar als Kaution mit. Diese wird am Ende der Tour zurückerstattet.
- Für die Abholung vom Hotel wählen Sie, falls Ihr Hotel nicht auf der Liste steht, bitte die Hilton Towers, 333 O'Farrell Street (Maison Street)
- Für dieses Angebot ist eine Mindestteilnehmerzahl erforderlich. Wenn sich nicht genügend Teilnehmer anmelden, behalten wir uns vor, diese Veranstaltung auch nach erfolgter Bestätigung abzusagen. In diesem Fall bieten wir Ihnen entweder einen anderen Termin oder die Erstattung des vollen Betrages an.
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The tour bus runs around in-town San Francisco in the morning picking up folks staying at various hotels. My wife and I were staying outside of SF up in Marin County (Larkspur), so we were told to meet the tour in front of the Zephyr Hotel on Beach St. near Fisherman's Wharf. Well, it turns out that is the last stop for picking up passengers and when we got on the bus there were only two seats remaining for us and they were no where near each other. My wife and I took our separate seats with strangers. We obviously planned on spending the day together (it's a LONG bus ride), and were not happy at all that reserving two seats well in advance did not mean two seats together! When we reached the first stop (Muir Woods), I approached the driver/tour guide and asked if something could be done to get my wife and I seated together, it was obvious that she did not plan to help out at all and was actually quite set back by my asking. Since it was it appeared that the both of the people that we were seated with were touring alone, I took it upon myself to ask the gentleman that I was seated with if he would be so kind as to exchange seats with my wife. That way two singles were together and that allowed my wife and I to sit together. Incidentally, this is what I had asked the driver/ tour guide to do, but she was unwilling to do that. The gentleman that I asked to exchange seats was kind enough to agree to that change (he was giving up a window seat for an aisle seat!). The remainder of the tour was enjoyable and as described, but considering that this is a 10 hour tour , much of which is spent riding the bus, there should be some effort on the part of Extranomical Tours to keep touring partners seated together.
Very nice couples' trip between the woods and the wine tasting. No need to spring for the lunch, there's plenty to eat nearby. Randall did an excellent job and got us a great view of the Golden Gate Bridge at the end of the tour.
Roman was great! The woods were spectacular and wine stops were amazing. The last one was my favorite. Roman was great about keeping us on time and avoiding traffic jams and have us a surpriyat the end !
What an excellent and well organized tour with Kimberly. This combination tour was perfect for our short stay in SF. The Muir woods tour was short but honestly, just enough for a peek and small walk around the easy path. We beat the crowds and felt like we had the whole park to ourselves. The winery portion was just as great. Kieu Hoang winery was the nicest and had the biggest vineyard, so great for photos! The Mayo winery had the best wines and they show you their barrels but no vineyard (just a small one) and the last winery had a great backyard and snacks for purchase! This was a perfect introduction to Napa and Sonoma. You can't ask for much more from these two different locations. It was well timed, organized and entertaining. Thank you Kim for
The visit of the first winery (Kieu Hoang) was very lame. The reception was very uninspired, the explanation not very well informed and she kept us under the sun for no reason. Being there so many wineries to choose from, this is the least interesting and passionate about wine. The other two wineries were enjoyable, great explanation, great wines and great reception. The meal included was OK. Our tour guide (Jacob) was great! He was fun, he kept us entertained and had a great attitude
I really enjoyed the tour. Didn't know part of the entertainment included Roman. Great guide and information from him. I actually learned some local knowledge and wine making. Roman filled in the gaps of drive time but didn't over do it. All personell at the wineries were welcoming.
Dustin is a relaxed tour guide that is always upbeat and positive. His musuc selection was good. Bring Dramamine if you get motion sick. The road to Muirwoods is pretty twisty.
Great time! And our tour guide was funny and helpful. Muir Woods is a great way to start a wine tour as well. I would recommend without a doubt!
We went on the Muir Woods/wine country tour with Roman as a tour guide. The entire trip was excellent. Roman is the perfect mixture of facts and fun. Each part of the trip was the exact length to be both interesting and enjoyable. My husband and I went with our three grown sons and a girlfriend and everyone enjoyed the day. Highly recommend taking the tour and requesting Roman.
Take this trip. Make sure you get Constantine. I believe we spent a total of 12 hours. Early pickup, exactly on time. Even driving around for 30 minutes picking up passengers was great because he turned that part into a mini tour of San Francisco. Polite, professional, friendly, warm and knowledgeable! Definitely worth the money and more!
Constantine was an excellent tour guide. He picked us up on time and manuevered us through traffic while engaging in conversation and pointing out the highlights of San Francisco as we travelled out of the city. He gave information about Muir Woods and the Winerys we were visiting. Very knowledgeable about the area with entertaining commentary. Last stop at the Golden Gate Bridge was spectacular. Great tour made even better with Constantine. Highly recommend both.
The tour was well managed and we got to each of our locations on time. Our Tour Guide was knowledgeable and provided us with many facts of interest. The visit to Muir Woods is very much worth your while if you have not visited this treasure. Each of the vineyards had pleasant staff who were very accommodating and provided us with information on each of the wines we tasted. Although I have done this on my own once before, and visited more upscale wineries, it is alot to rent a car, be sure you have your parking for Muir Woods, find and arrange for the visits and do the driving. This was very relaxing and this time I tasted the wines since I did not have to drive my party around like last time. We opted not to include the lunch and were glad we did. Sonoma has so many excellent restaurants. We eat at Oso Tapas which was excellent.
We did the Muir Woods and wine country tour with Ramon or Roman not sure spelling our German tour guide. He was a 5/5 or a 10/10. From the start he got us on the road early and in front of the other tours. This was amazing time savings at each spot. His commentary was insightful, entertaining, and not just talking to talk. We highly recommend this tour. You can be as aggressive or casual as you like with the hike and enjoy the experience. The win tour was next and I really liked the focus on more micro locations if you are looking for wine you can find at your local store this may not be the best tour. Great trip, great insight and good music on the bus. The only thing that kept this from being a 5 star review was the gourmet lunch DO NOT DO THIS, you have lots of lunch options and we found it to be overpriced and did not save us any time. Individuals ordering from the menu were fed faster, the wine pairing had zero commentary about the wine and was just delivered to our table with the food and the choices were just okay. The food looked good in the restaurant, but ours was overdone and the courses outside of the entree were marginal at best. I also was fairly disappointed with one other aspect, but it had nothing to do with the tour. In advance of the tour when I called to select the "gourmet" lunch I shared that this was an anniversary trip for my wife and I and the agent thanked me for letting him know and implied that they would arrange something. I had no expectations of anything, but thought that was pretty cool. When I asked during the tour our guide had no idea what I was talking about. Had the agent said nothing or we don't really do anything it would have been fine, but he threw it out there an nothing came of it, a minor thing that had no impact on the experience or review. As stated the lunch is the only reason this is not a 5/5 When the company hires new drivers Ramon should train them!
Really good and informative tour. Very well conducted and arranged. The wine factories chosen were superb.
Our guide was friendly and informative. It was extremely hot that day and the driver did his best with the air conditioning that was available.
Tour guide Kimberly was brilliant. She’s the first tour guide we’ve ever had who took great care with her passengers’ comfort. She was also entertaining, informative, good humoured and long suffering! It was worth while seeing Muir Woods and the boutique wineries that we visited were an excellent choice.
Muir Woods and Wine Experience was a well commentated guided tour with plenty of time at each location to fully savour and enjoy the experience. A great lunch!
Kimberly shared good information and entertained us along our journey. The wineries were good, especially The Mayo Family Winery. Kimberly helped put at The wineries which kept things moving. She's also a proficient driver!
The trip was ok, I wouldn´t say it wasn´t good, just it wasn´t enough for mi expectations... Not enough time for the stay in every single point, not enough explanations or information from the guide/driver, not enough room in the bus, not enough wine in the tastings, not enough...
We had a great time on this trip, and our driver/tour guide definitely made it (Roman is the best!!!)! Each stop goes really quickly, which is understandable because you're trying to fit so much into one day, but it made it hard to taste the wine, make a decision, and buy some at each stop. We were the last couple to get on the bus at the first stop, and felt we didn't have enough time to buy at the other two. But we got to see some interesting vineyards we wouldn't have otherwise seen, and it wasn't just the big names that most tours seem to take you to (Sutter, etc.). And Muir Woods was amazingly beautiful, wish we could've spent hours there! Overall, I think this is a fun thing to do to get out of San Francisco for a day and it was definitely worth it!
Really enjoyed starting the day with a cool walk in the woods. Winery personnel friendly and informative. Tour guide was entertaining.
WOW!! Been on a lot of these type excursions, however TONY knocked it out of the park. What a great trip, met lots of great people from abroad, and then there was our tour guide TONY; BEST EVER, info, history, funny anecdotes, I could go on, he went ABOVE and BEYOND!!
Awesome trip. Our guide Jacob was knowledgeable and very entertaining! It was very well balanced between seeing Muir Woods and the 3 wineries. Would highly recommend!
Had an amazing time on the wine tour. We will definitely be back. Was such a great experience and our driver was amazing also
We had the BEST tour guide for this tour! His name was Roman and he was prompt, courteous, professional and humorous. He was very knowledgeable and My Husband and I thoroughly enjoyed this tour.. We recommend this tour even if you aren't interested in wine or Red Woods .
The tour guide (Randall) was great and very helpful! The trip to Muir woods was good and there was plenty of time. The reason I'm giving this 4 stars is two of the wine stops were just tastings at shops and one was at a vineyard.
Our whole family enjoyed this Muir Woods and wine tour! Kimberly did an amazing job overall; between driving and engaging in the general history of San Francisco and beyond, she kept us on track so that we could enjoy each leg of the tour to the fullest! We fully expect to use Extranomical Tours again in the future!!
Best thing we did in California. Our tour guide was hilarious and made the trip even better. He went out of his way to give us a memorable experience, would go on any other tour as long as it had this entertaining tour guide.
It is a good tour to do if you want in the same day to see the famous redwoods from California and get a taste of the wine country. We had like 1 hour and a half by each stop we made. I took the option with the gourmet lunch and it was really great. It was one the best days of my trip in San Francisco.
Tour guide Jason lead our tour with a mix of humor, historic knowledge and professional comportement. Full day, the highlight was walking through Muir redwoods. But equally interesting was touring 3 smaller wineries, learning about wine production. This tour is a bargain at twice the price.
Our tour guide Alberto was great and very knowledgeable. Had an hour to explore Muir Woods and found this to be plenty of time. The first winery was Mayo which had the most wine options and found the employees very nice. Was not impressed with the wine at the second winery but was very picturesque, took a lot of pictures here instead of sampling wine. The last winery, Cline, was nice but felt rushed at this one. The weather was beautiful so we were able to stop and take pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge. We decided to eat on our on and found a Mexican restaurant close, only had an hour, so make sure you pick a place not crowded. Over all my friends and I really enjoyed our time on this tour, and thought it was a great way to see a small part of wine country.
Our tour guide was Jake, and he was absolutely wonderful. Jake was knowledgeable about every area we traveled to and gave us unique tips and information about surrounding attractions. He had a great sense of humor as well. I rated only 4/5 for the poor service via Viator as I sent 3 emails over a period of 2 weeks and was only answered the day before my trip. I expect better customer service on their behalf.
We enjoyed the Muir Woods stop. We expected to here more about wine making and what distinguished one winery from another. The wine tasting was fine.
Excellent tour. Jacob, our tour guide, was funny and provided interesting information about the destinations. Great day. I would recommend this tour.
This tour is a great way to see wine country. Guide Kimberly is friendly, funny, and knowledgeable. We enjoyed visiting the wineries and really appreciated that we had a designated driver. The VIP luncheon in Sonoma Square was fabulous. We especially liked the Muir Woods tour at the beginning of the trip. We loved that Kimberly kept the tour rolling right along. She was very adamant about leaving times and stuck to the schedule, which was great. The only downside was my husband got motion sickness from sitting at the rear of the bus because there were no free seats closer to the front. If you get a chance to go on this tour - GO!
Great tour! Great guide! Prices reasonably. Very courteous and knowledgeable tour guide. Would highly recommend
We had a great time!! The Muir Woods were beautiful!! And the wine tasting was a blast! Our driver, Kim or Boss Kim :-) was an absolute blast!!!
Kimberly was an exceptional tour guide who kept us informed and entertained throughout the long day. The wineries selected were all excellent. The VIP lunch was delicious. It would have been nice to spend a little longer at Muir Woods and long lunch. Otherwise, it was a memorable tour!