2-tägiger Landausflug mit St. Petersburg-Stadtbesichtigung und lokaler Kultur in kleiner Gruppe
St. Petersburg, gegründet von Peter dem Großen im Jahre 1703, ist nach wie vor eine weltweit schönsten Städte. Dieser umfassende, 2-tägige Landausflug macht es einfach, die vielen Reize von Schlössern und Parks, einer Kanalfahrt und kulturellen Abenden zu entdecken. Diese Tour dauert rund 17 Stunden über zwei Tage verteilt (bzw. 20 Stunden, sofern Sie sich für eine optionale, 3-stündige Abenderweiterung entscheiden) und ist die perfekte Einführung in die Stadt.
Am ersten Tag verlassen Sie nach der Ankunft das Schiff und machen direkt eine Stadtrundfahrt. Sie besichtigen Sehenswürdigkeiten von innen, darunter das Hermitage-Museum, die Bluterlöserkirche, die St. Isaak-Kathedrale und den Winterpalast, unterbrochen von einer Mittagspause. Außerdem fahren Sie eine Stunde lang auf dem Fluss Neva. Um 17:30 Uhr kehren Sie zum Schiff zurück oder nehmen die 3-stündige Option wahr, um die Stadt bei Nacht zu sehen. Sie können auf eigene Faust die Stadt erkunden oder auswärts essen. Sie können auch an einer optionalen Abendaktivität teilnehmen (gegen Aufpreis), darunter ein Besuch im Fabergé-Museum, eine Pub-Tour, ein Ballett-Besuch oder ein geführter Spaziergang.
Am zweiten Tag, treffen Sie Ihren Reiseleiter um 8:00 Uhr am Hafen und fahren direkt aus der Stadt hinaus nach Puschkin, wo sich der Katharinenpalast befindet, einer der weltweit größten Paläste. Am Vormittag erkunden Sie den Palast und das Gelände, bevor Sie zu Mittag essen. Anschließend besuchen Sie das Schloss Peterhof, eine Palastanlage am Meer, die berühmt für ihre weitläufigen Gärten und viele Brunnen bekannt ist. Danach fahren Sie nach St. Petersburg zurück, wo Sie eine Fahrt mit der Metro machen, die für ihre barocken Verzierungen berühmt ist. Die Tour endet mit der Rückkehr zu Ihrem Schiff eine Stunde vor der Abfahrt.
Im Reiseplan finden Sie Einzelheiten zu jedem Tag der Reise.
- Für Kreuzfahrtpassagiere ist kein russisches Visum erforderlich.
- Transport im klimatisierten Kleinbus mit 4G High Speed-Internet
- Professioneller Reiseleiter
- Sämtliche Steuern, Gebühren und Bearbeitungsgebühren
- Eintrittspreise
- Örtliche Steuern
- Trinkwasser in Flaschen
- Sightseeing-Bootstour
- Fotografiegenehmigungen für Museen (falls erforderlich)
- Schirme (falls erforderlich)
- Reiseleiter-Funk und Kopfhörer für Gruppen ab sieben Personen
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Speisen und Getränke, sofern nicht anders angegeben
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Sonderpreise für Kinder nur in Begleitung zweier (2) voll zahlender Erwachsener
- Bei der Buchung müssen Kreuzfahrtpassagiere folgende Informationen angeben: Name des Schiffs und Ankunfstdatum.
- Bitte geben Sie für alle Teilnehmer bei der Buchung den im Pass eingetragenen Namen, Passnummer, Ablauf der Gültigkeit und Land an
- Rückerstattungen werden nicht ausgestellt werden, wenn eine Tour/Aktivität aufgrund von Verspätung oder Nicht-Ankunft des Bootes verpasst werden
- Maximal 15 Personen pro Buchung
- Die Tour findet bei jedem Wetter statt. Bitte kleiden Sie sich entsprechend
- Nicht geeignet für Personen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität. Rollatoren oder Rollstühle sind nicht erlaubt.
- Diese Tour ist sehr intensiv, und es wird eine mäßige Strecke zu Fuß zurückgelegt
- Diese Tour ist nur für Passagiere geeignet, die für mindestens zwei Tage im Hafen bleiben.
- Bitte beachten Sie: Diese Tour ist nur für Kreuzfahrtpassagiere visafrei und ist nicht geeignet für Landreisende, die eigene Visa-Arrangements treffen müssen.
- Im seltenen Fall, dass eine Gruppe nicht vor dem Einschiffen zurückkehrt, werden die Gruppenmitglieder kostenfrei zum nächsten Anlaufhafen transportiert.
- Die Buchung drei tage im Voraus ist erforderlich. Hierzu müssen für alle Teilnehmer alle Pass-Details angegeben werden, einschließlich Geburtsdatum. Bei späterer Buchung ist für das Verlassen des Schiffs ein russisches Visum erforderlich.
- Die Tour findet garantiert statt. Eine Mindestanzahl ist nicht erforderlich.

My husband and I both enjoyed this tour immensly. The small group of 14 was ideal and our Guide Svetlana was outstanding. Her English and knowledge of the history of St. Petersburg was excellent, finding the answer for a question if she didn't know it. She had a delightful sense of humour and made the history extremely iteresting and easy to understand. She went out of her way to include the Faberge Museum for those who wanted to visit it right at the end of a very busy day, still smiling and making sure we all had what we needed. She also arranged shopping time for those who wished for it. An amazing 2 days spent enjoying such a beautiful city. I highly recommend this tour but particularly Svetlana.
Everything was handled exactly and stated. It was a breeze. The guide and driver were exemplary and we really enjoyed our trip. I would advice this excursion to everyone. Perfect in every way.
The guide was very professional and knowledgeable. The whisper devices were absolutely necessary so you could hear her commentary. The pace of the tour was good and adequate time was provided to explore on your own and do some shopping
This was a fabulous tour. Our guide was informative with out being boring. The small group made going everywhere easier. St Petersburg was spectacular and this tour gave us a well rounded feel for what the city has to offer.
Tatianna was an excellent tour guide. There was so much to see and lots of information. She was able to alter her tour to show us the local synagogue
This was an outstanding tour. We were collected at the port; the bus was a modern air conditioned Mercedes with free wi-fi. Our guide Svetlana had an encyclopedic knowledge of St P and the tour comprehensively covered all the highlights over 2 full days. Our favorites were the Hernitage, St Isaac’s Cathedral and the Peterhof Gardens which are an hour’s drive outside the city. You couldn’t do a tour of this scale on your own. I recommend it unreservedly.
The tour was nice and took us to all promised places. However other tours include important attractions such as Peter's and Paul's Fortress and Faberge museum. However our tour guide Maria/Marsha and our driver Sergei were excellent. The included lunch was disappointing and low quality. A tasteless chicken schnitzel and rice was the main course!
To say our experience on this tour was fantastic, would be an understatement. I want to thank both Anna and Stan from Tickets and Tours. Stan thank you for arranging a guide for my husband and I which allowed us to explore St Petersburg like a local for 3 hrs after our scheduled tour finished. To have the opportunity to walk the streets, eat locally and experience a little piece of Russian life was priceless. Anna our tour guide, WOW. Your knowledge about EVERYTHING Russia past and present blew us away. Thank you Anna for your expertise and professionalism you have given my husband and I an experience we will not forget. Now to the tour itself. Touring in a small group is the way to go. The pace at each stop was comfortable and not rushed at all. We were so fortunate to have 3 sunny cool days while in St. Petersburg and that made it even better. This tour is exactly as advertised and will not disappoint. I am so glad we booked this tour off ship. The pricing structure and what it included would have cost considerably more and would not have been so personalized. My advice. Just do it!
Smooth, easy, we saw so much in 2 days. Our guide was perfect. Loved her❣We bypassed long lines, had a great lunch included.
This 2 day tour covered everything you could possibly see and do in St Petersburg. Maria our guide had unbelievable knowledge of the history of Russia. We even had free time to shop and buy Russian Vodka although vodka originated in Germany. A must do and don’t get excited if you cruise ship won’t let you off later than your start time of the tour. They know that and will wait for you.
Our tour guide was Anna, and not only was she the opposite of a typical Russian (smiley, joyful, engaging) but she gave an EXCELLENT tour of the city! The lunch that is included was divine, the use of time was great, lots of walking but its expected if you want to see it all. Highly recommend booking this tour. For the price, you get excellent service and unforgettable memories. Small group of about 15 total and Anna's knowledge on the history behind the city is crazy, she was amazing. Again, most tours charge double if not triple for what you get in this tour. Book it!
Great tour hitting all of the highlights of St. Petersburg. Kate, our guide, was firm but gentle in keeping our group at a good pace through all of the sites we visited and counted our group at various times to make sure everyone was present. Our two lunch stops gave us a taste of Russian cuisine and as well some of their culture. You could see her pride in showing us her St. Petersburg and gave us some insight into the effects of history on the culture and thoughts of natives of St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg is a city rich in culture and nothing better than a professional tour guide to make the most out of it. This is a truly professional company and they care they followed up on our visa, promptly answered our telephone and addressed our concerns. We did not have a hitch passing trough customs. Our guide was well informed answering all our questions about anything Russian history, art and a lot more, especially the best part of the tour, the Hermitage. Our guide was very tolerant and we really appreciate her cool attitude and patience. The bus dropped us at the right place and we did not have to walk much and picked us right on time. Thank you Tickets and Tours
This was an exceptional tour with Anna. She is very knowledgable and keep us all on task with kindness and courtesy. Be sure to be timely on the first day as this really makes a difference in what you get to see and the time allotted. Comfortable shoes and the ability to walk easily are a must for your enjoyment. Also note that the company has to reserve group times in advance to secure these special tour activities. I saw all the highlights on my list and really enjoyed the local lunch that was included the first day. Anna and our driver Anatoli certainly made this a top notch excursion.
This was a fun tour. We saw all most of the major landmarks in St. Petersburg. The tour started with a subway ride. They have some really nice murals in the subway system. We went to Catherine the Great's palace, then to the gardens and fountains at Peterhof, which was amazing. We had an authentic Russian lunch at a local restaurant. On Day 2, we toured a beautiful church, St. Isaacs' cathedral, the Hermitage museum, the church of the spilled blood. There was a boat ride in there somewhere also. If you are looking for relaxation, this is not the tour for you. If you want to see all the sites, this will do it. The tour guide, Irena, was very friendly and knew everything about Russia and its history. If you happen to get her you are lucky.
This tour was fantastic. So lucky with 2 days of sunshine. Our tour guide amazing. Her knowledge and English superb. Great value compared to the same tour on offer from our ship. A small group of 12 allowed us more time at sites and freedom not enjoyed by fellow ship passengers on bus tours with 50 people. St Petersburg an amazing City. No issue with visas getting off the ship. No doubt the small group the way togo. Personalized service the best. Thank you Viator.
This was a fantastic tour. Our guide, Anna, was so knowledgeable which which was the key to a great two days seeing the sights and learning the history of places we visited. The price of this tour was exceptional. I highly recommend this tour.