Tagesausflug zum Garten Keukenhof und zu den Blumenfeldern ab Rotterdam
Sie treffen Ihren Reiseleiter am Morgen in Rotterdam und steigen in einen komfortablen Reisebus. Nach einer Panoramafahrt ab Rotterdam zum Blumenzwiebel-Areal rund um Lisse beginnen Sie Ihre Tour mit einer Panoramafahrt durch die Gegend machen. Je nach Saison sehen Sie eine Landschaft mit bunten Blumenfeldern in fast jeder Farbe, die Sie sich vorstellen können. Ihr Fahrer wird versuchen, den besten Ort für wunderbare Fotos zu finden.
Anschließend geht es weiter zum wahren Höhepunkt dieser Tour, dem Park Keukenhof. Der Keukenhof, einst ein Küchengarten mit Gemüse und Kräutern, liegt heute inmitten der Tulpenregion Südhollands und hat die Ehre, mit etwa 800.000 Besuchern pro Jahr der weltweit größte Blumengarten zu sein. Diese Tour führt Sie durch 15 Kilometer lange Wanderwege und 32 Hektar große Gärten, wo jedes Jahr Millionen Blumen gepflanzt werden. Tulpen, Hyazinthen, Osterblumen und andere Frühlingsblumen in vielen lebhaften Farben bedecken das Gelände. Machen Sie einen Spaziergang durch den englischen, den japanischen und den historischen Garten. Und bestaunen Sie die Blumenskulptur zum Jahresthema.
Bringen Sie Ihre Kamera mit - dies ist ein Erlebnis, das Sie nicht vergessen wollen.
Nach Abschluss der Tour werden Sie vom Reiseleiter wieder nach Rotterdam gefahren.
- Sämtliche Steuern, Gebühren und Bearbeitungsgebühren
- Beförderung im klimatisierten Reisebus
- Eintrittspreise
- Erläuterung der Sehenswürdigkeiten während der Fahrt
- Essen, Getränke
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Kürzere Strecken müssen zu Fuß zurückgelegt werden.
Good trip, though the blossom isnt come yet.
When you think of visiting Holland you immediately think about New Amsterdam and while New Amsterdam is a great city do not rule out spending time in Rotterdam. We spent a few days in Rotterdam as the starting point for a Cruise to the Baltics. We really didnt know that much about Rotterdam other than it is one of the largest ports in Europe. We stayed at the Holiday Inn which is located in the heart of the city. The hotel is valued priced. The rooms were lovely, the morning breakfast was one of the best I have ever had and the staff went out of their way to be helpful. Rotterdam is one of the cleanest cities that I have ever visited. Its a friendly city with lots of parks and open spaces and the architecture is amazing. We enjoyed the restaurants, the shopping, the museums and we could easily walk to all of the major parks and the water ways surrounding the port. The city has water taxies and you can easily take tours using them, public transportation or tour companies to quickly take day trips to Delft, Hague, and the heritage wind mill site Kinderdisk and in season tulip park Kukenhof. These are world class sites and it is easy to spend a day in each location. So if you are planning a visit Holland put Rotterdam on your to do list as you will not be disappointed. Also if your cruise leaves from Rotterdam go early and enjoy this wonderful city. You would not be disappointed.
This is a very good trip. We were staying at Rotterdam in early April, and this trip became a very nice journey for us to depart from Rotterdam to Keukenhof, instead of travelling to Amsterdam first and heading towards Keukenhof. As we hopped on the tour bus from Rotterdam, we also had a chance to by pass Den Haag, and has a short sightseeing while waiting for other tourists. Our tour guide is very nice and helpful and explained to us about history of the Keukenhof, as well as for other places as our tour bus passes by during our travel to the flower fields. It was a very nice sunny day. Our tour guide also explained where we can see tulips and where we would not want to miss. The meeting spot for us to meet her afterwards is clear. It was a pleasant trip and we do recommend this day trip to other visitors, especially those considering to travel from the South Holland.
Need more that 4 hours here at the Kenkenhof Gardens. Just way to much to see and experience. Lovely day dancing thru the tulips.
Great trip! Our guide was very nice and accommodating! Plenty of time was given for this trip. It would be nice if they could pick up at the cruise ship!
We really enjoy this trip not just cover the tulip garden3.5 hours plus couple tulip fields- 1 hour, far much better than princess cruise excursionfriend,s cruise excursion. We have almost 7.5 hourssolid and paid 2/3 of my friend paid5 hours princess shore excursion. We visit more tulip fields and very good tour guide lady and driver, We will try Viator tour again in the near future due to this first and good experience.