Rom Hop-On Hop-Off Sightseeing-Tour
2 days
Über diese Aktivität
Rom hat mehr Sehenswürdigkeiten zu bieten als viele andere Hauptstädte zusammen. Dank seiner glorreichen Vergangenheit hat Italiens Hauptstadt viele künstlerische und architektonische Meisterwerke zu bieten, von gut erhaltenen römischen Relikten bis hin zu barocken Plätzen. Eine der besten Methoden zum Erkunden der Stadt ist eine Hop-on-Hop-off-Besichtigungstour im Bus, die Ihnen Stress beim Fahren zwischen den einzelnen Sehenswürdigkeiten erspart.
Mit Ihrem Ticket besteigen Sie einfach den Bus und können an jeder der acht Haltestellen aussteigen und die Sehenswürdigkeiten besichtigen. Bewundern Sie das Kolosseum, der Ort blutiger Gladiatorenkämpfe, und besichtigen Sie den Piazza Venezia, Heimat des grandiosen Denkmals von Vittorio Emmanuele II. Sie können auch in der Nähe des Trevi-Brunnens aussteigen, um eine Münze hineinzuwerfen. In Vatikanstadt können Sie zudem den Petersdom besichtigen.
Sie können nach Belieben an den Haltestellen aussteigen und wieder einsteigen, oder für eine komplette Rundfahrt im Bus bleiben (ungefähr 1,5 bis 2 Stunden) und die Sehenswürdigkeiten mit informativen Audiokommentaren bewundern. Mit kostenlosem WLAN an Bord können Sie außerdem jederzeit bloggen, twittern sowie Fotos hochladen und teilen.
48-Stunden-Ticket mit Keine-Warteschlange-Eintritt zum Kolosseum, Forum Romanum und auf den Palatin Erweitern Sie Ihr 48-Stunden-Ticket um den Keine-Warteschlange-Eintritt in drei alte römische Sehenswürdigkeiten, dem Kolosseum, Forum Romanum und den Palatin. Gehen Sie an den berüchtigten langen Warteschlangen am Kolosseum vorbei, und gehen Sie hinein, um die erste und zweite Ebene dieser spektakulären römischen Arena, einst der Ort blutiger Gladiatorenkämpfe, zu erkunden. Danach erhalten Sie Keine-Warteschlange-Eintritt in das nahe gelegene Forum Romanum mit seinen zerbröckelten Tempeln, Straßen und Säulen, und zum Palatin, einer von Roms sieben antiken Hügeln.
48-Stunden-Ticket mit Eintritt zu den Vatikanischen Museen und der Sixtinischen Kapelle Staunen Sie über die glorreichen Vatikanischen Museen und die Sixtinische Kapelle, wenn Sie Ihr 48-Stunden-Hop-on-Hop-off-Ticket erweitern, um Eintritt zu diesen zwei römischen Sehenswürdigkeiten zu erhalten. Besuchen Sie die Vatikanischen Museen, um die unbezahlbaren Kunstwerke, Wandteppiche und Karten zu bewundern, und betreten Sie die heilige Sixtinische Kapelle, um Michelangelos Meisterwerk, das Deckengemälde, zu erblicken.
48-Stunden-All-Inclusive-Ticket mit Eintritt zum Kolosseum, dem Forum Romanum, den Vatikanischen Museen und der Sixtinischen Kapelle Warum sollten Sie nur eine von Roms tollen Sehenswürdigkeiten verpassen? Nutzen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt in Italiens Hauptstadt optimal, indem Sie Ihr 48-Stunden-Hop-on-Hop-off-Ticket erweitern, um Eintritt zu den vier wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten zu erhalten: Keine-Warteschlange-Eintritt zum Kolosseum, Forum Romanum und dem Palatin mit Eintritt zu den Vatikanischen Museen und der Sixtinischen Kapelle. Dies ist eine tolle Methode, Roms größte Sehenswürdigkeiten in kurzer Zeit zu besichtigen.
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Mit Ihrem Ticket besteigen Sie einfach den Bus und können an jeder der acht Haltestellen aussteigen und die Sehenswürdigkeiten besichtigen. Bewundern Sie das Kolosseum, der Ort blutiger Gladiatorenkämpfe, und besichtigen Sie den Piazza Venezia, Heimat des grandiosen Denkmals von Vittorio Emmanuele II. Sie können auch in der Nähe des Trevi-Brunnens aussteigen, um eine Münze hineinzuwerfen. In Vatikanstadt können Sie zudem den Petersdom besichtigen.
Sie können nach Belieben an den Haltestellen aussteigen und wieder einsteigen, oder für eine komplette Rundfahrt im Bus bleiben (ungefähr 1,5 bis 2 Stunden) und die Sehenswürdigkeiten mit informativen Audiokommentaren bewundern. Mit kostenlosem WLAN an Bord können Sie außerdem jederzeit bloggen, twittern sowie Fotos hochladen und teilen.
48-Stunden-Ticket mit Keine-Warteschlange-Eintritt zum Kolosseum, Forum Romanum und auf den Palatin Erweitern Sie Ihr 48-Stunden-Ticket um den Keine-Warteschlange-Eintritt in drei alte römische Sehenswürdigkeiten, dem Kolosseum, Forum Romanum und den Palatin. Gehen Sie an den berüchtigten langen Warteschlangen am Kolosseum vorbei, und gehen Sie hinein, um die erste und zweite Ebene dieser spektakulären römischen Arena, einst der Ort blutiger Gladiatorenkämpfe, zu erkunden. Danach erhalten Sie Keine-Warteschlange-Eintritt in das nahe gelegene Forum Romanum mit seinen zerbröckelten Tempeln, Straßen und Säulen, und zum Palatin, einer von Roms sieben antiken Hügeln.
48-Stunden-Ticket mit Eintritt zu den Vatikanischen Museen und der Sixtinischen Kapelle Staunen Sie über die glorreichen Vatikanischen Museen und die Sixtinische Kapelle, wenn Sie Ihr 48-Stunden-Hop-on-Hop-off-Ticket erweitern, um Eintritt zu diesen zwei römischen Sehenswürdigkeiten zu erhalten. Besuchen Sie die Vatikanischen Museen, um die unbezahlbaren Kunstwerke, Wandteppiche und Karten zu bewundern, und betreten Sie die heilige Sixtinische Kapelle, um Michelangelos Meisterwerk, das Deckengemälde, zu erblicken.
48-Stunden-All-Inclusive-Ticket mit Eintritt zum Kolosseum, dem Forum Romanum, den Vatikanischen Museen und der Sixtinischen Kapelle Warum sollten Sie nur eine von Roms tollen Sehenswürdigkeiten verpassen? Nutzen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt in Italiens Hauptstadt optimal, indem Sie Ihr 48-Stunden-Hop-on-Hop-off-Ticket erweitern, um Eintritt zu den vier wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten zu erhalten: Keine-Warteschlange-Eintritt zum Kolosseum, Forum Romanum und dem Palatin mit Eintritt zu den Vatikanischen Museen und der Sixtinischen Kapelle. Dies ist eine tolle Methode, Roms größte Sehenswürdigkeiten in kurzer Zeit zu besichtigen.
- Hop-On-Hop-Off-Sightseeing-Tour mit dem Bus
- Offizieller Audio-Guide für den Petersdom mit einer Dauer von 1 Stunde und 15 Minuten (falls ausgewählt)
- Integrierter Audioguide in acht verschiedenen Sprachen
- Kostenloser Wi-Fi-Bus an Bord
- Mobile kostenlose App “Sightseeing Experience
Nicht inbegriffen
- Eintrittsgebühren für Sehenswürdigkeiten (sofern nicht anders angegeben)
- Trinkgeld
- Abholung vom Hotel und Rückgabe
- Essen und Trinken
- Sie erhalten die Bestätigung zum Zeitpunkt der Buchung.
- Der Eintritt ins Kolosseum ist nur an dem auf dem Gutschein angegebenen Datum gültig. Das Skip the Line-Ticket kann nur am ersten Tag und nicht am zweiten Tag verwendet werden. Der Gutschein muss im Besucherzentrum von City Sightseeing Rome in der Via IV Novembre 147 bis 13.00 Uhr eingelöst werden.
- Eröffnung des Petersdoms: täglich von 9.30 bis 15.00 Uhr (außer Mittwoch) - Mittwoch von 13.00 bis 15.00 Uhr. Bevor Sie zur Basilika gelangen, gehen Sie bitte zu City Sightseeing® Roma - Vatikanische Museen Besucherzentrum - Via Veniero 74, vor den Vatikanischen Museen. Zeitplan: 8.30 - 16.00 Uhr Mo.-Sat
- Petersdom-Audioführer in: Italienisch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Chinesisch, Japanisch, Portugiesisch
- Die Stadtverwaltung Rom kann ohne Vorwarnung neue Vorschriften und einen eingeschränkten Zugang für alle Hop-on-Hop-off-Touren in Rom auferlegen. Dies kann sich auf die Anzahl der verfügbaren Haltestellen und / oder Ihre Fahrt auf dieser Tour auswirken. Die genaue Reiseroute wird am Reisetag mitgeteilt
- An Sonntagen und ausgewählten Feiertagen (Ostern) kann der Verkehr in bestimmten Gegenden Roms eingeschränkt sein. Häufig betroffene Haltestellen sind Colosseo oder Circo Massimo
- Rollstuhlgerecht (nur unteres Niveau); Elektrorollstühle können aus technischen Gründen nicht untergebracht werden. Der beste erreichbare Boarding Point ist Via Marsala (Termini Station)
- Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Vatikanmuseum an Sonntagen und an ausgewählten Feiertagen geschlossen ist
- Rollstuhlgerechter Zugang
- Für Kinderwagen zugänglich
- Gute Anbindung an den öffentlichen Nahverkehr
- Kleinkinder müssen auf dem Schoß sitzen.
- Durchschnittliche Fitness erforderlich
- Vermeiden Sie zu kurze Hosen und niedrig geschnittene Oberteile, bedecken Sie Beine und Schultern.
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You should definitely book a bus trip! However, one day is enough because the „heart of Rime“ you can practically walk everything...
I've always found this a great way to get the feel for a city I visit... allows you to see aspects of attractions you can't always see any other way..
Easy service but hampered by broken comms system for whole bus. Jumped on another bus - all ok. Didn’t see colleseum as closed for some reason.
Always good idea to do a bus trip to gather bearings and get the gist of the area. Opportunity to chat to other tourists met some lovely people from USA and Australia. Poor commentary pretty sure there is a huge amount of history which could be delivered and certainly no substitute for a human guide. Bus stop a long way from entrance to Vatican For others : get off bus, cross bridge, turn left and continue some way across road at lights to find your office on right to collect voucher ( don’t forget ID or you will be turned away). Then continue on road up to St. Peter’s square , follow road to right around walls until finally arriving at Vatican museum entrance!
Absolutely not worth the money. Short route, bad audio - not synced with what you were seeing, no fans on board and terrible heat. Some top decks had no roof. If you loved hop on/off in London, NYC or Paris. prepare for a let down on this option.
Great tour and good value, what more can I set had combined attractions and the bus was clean and clear tour guide
We've done a bunch of HOHO buses and this was one of the worst. Still saw the major sites, but always prefer the actual person giving the tour rather than the recorded messages.
My wife and I were impressed with the Viator staff professionalism in handling our Rome vacation experience. I recommend them for being able to handle unforseen occurrences that can adversely affect your vacation plans.
The bus was easy to find and never waited for the bus. Locations were great - easy to get to the main attractions and back to the bus. Would recommend to travelers as it is great and the narration was informative too.
We needed transportation besides taxi. The hop on, hop off bus picked us up near the Vatican and took us to the Spanish steps. We also when by their office near the Vatican and picked up our coliseum tickets. After a separate tour of the Baths we hopped on the bus to save us a long walk and rode it to the tomb of the unknown soldier, from there it was a short walk to the coliseum. At the end of a long day, we rode it back to our hotel. Worked out great.
The five because the buses are plentiful and efficient. The one because a) you don't actually have to find the office to redeem your voucher, it can be done on the first bus you board. This should be stated on the booking, but it isn't and caused more walking in the hear. b) the weather in Rome in August is hot. The buses are hot. The air conditioned buses are hot and steamed double pane windows make it impo0ssible to view. Up top is hot. I know, it's hot, but the bus company should know it too. Save your money and take the metro in the summer at least. I will be requesting a refund for two of my three days as I couldn't stand the hot buses for the next two days. Probably won't get one.
Fabulous. Also loved the fact that the top deck was covered to protect from the sun. Stopped at all the main places you needed to see. *****
We bought a 24 hour HO/HO bus tour over the phone on a whim. Splitting the hours from midday the first day until midday the second was a great idea. Firstly Mark (Viator operator on the phone) was very helpful, not pushy at all, understood that we had limited time and then made sure that I stayed on the line until my mobile confirmation came through. We then set out and missed the bus stop which was entirely our fault. We met a Viator tour operator down the street who turned us around and sent us back to the correct stop. Staff were super friendly. Audio was perfect every time we hopped on each bus. Throughout the trips one of the young staff came up each time new tourists boarded and made sure they had the correct language audio guide and volume for their experience. Plenty of buses and surprisingly just the right number of seats despite the busy season. Had a blast! I recommend HO HO Roma to anyone wanting a great overview of Rome with plenty of stops at all of the relevant Italian attractions. Or just ride around the city and rest your legs. Either way just Do It :)
I never once found a Viator bus in two full days of walking around Rome. I ended up using taxis, walking or taking the train. My purchase of the bus tickets was a complete waste of money.
This is an okay attraction in Rome. A few times while we were on the bus, they made us get off because the bus was either shutting down or it was lunch time and the driver had to eat. They should have just switched drivers instead of making the entire bus of people get off. The tour itself gives you an overview of different things to see in Rome. You may get off at any of the stops and then hop back in when you are done exploring. Having done it this trip, if I ever were to come back, I doubt I would do it again. Some times you had to wait a good while until the next bus came and I believe it was due to a lot of weekend traffic, which isn’t the company’s fault.
This is a great way to view all the attractions in Rome. We got a two day ticket brought online before our visit. When waiting for the bus, keep watching out for it as we were told to wait at a stop and when it arrived it stopped about 3 stops away so we had to walk quickly to make sure we didn't miss it. Otherwise was a great way to get about Rome and with the earphones that were supplied it gave an excellent and informative talk about the attractions as we approached them.
Overall a good tour. The only issue was that the machine to print the passes was not working in the bus so it took a long time for us to get our passes.
Great way to see the city and all the popular sights. We road the bus almost the whole way around the first trip just to get our bearings. Got off at the 7th stop (Spanish Steps) and walked to the Harley Davidson Shop about 12 minutes away. Then Spanish Steps and Trevi Fountian. Back on the bus and repeated the route and got off at the highlights.
This food tour has changed my opinion completely about all food tours. It was AMAZING!!! Our tour guide Luca was very kind, informative, humorous, etc. All the food was delicious with alot of different variety if foods to taste. You will not regret it.
This was a very knowledgeable and interesting guided tour of the highlights of Rome. We enjoyed the easy to use bus system and the tour guide was great.
Great service. Driver and assistant were very courteous and helpful. We got the runaround in the termini station. But the leaders on the bus were ready and willing to help.
The bus gave a good overview but the narration was a recording and did not contain a lot of information. There were only 8 stops so you still had to do a lot of walking to/ from the stops. Also, at some of the stops; they waited several minutes before continuing on. Also it starts running at 9 am so it was too late to get us to our tours which started earlier. So would not take again in Rome. City bus was 1.5 euro and worked well enough.
A great way to get around Rome, so easy to use and plenty of buses and stops!! The headphones provided were informative and the map provided was really useful and easy to use.
I've use it is New York and used it again in Rome. Always the same pleasure. Took the 48 hours pass and the 1st day did a complete Tour to target the site to visit. Very pleasant.
excellent for a good overview of the city - so many tour busses - need more explicit instructions as to locations and which bus line is on the voucher
The hop on hop off bus tour worked so well for us, we found it easy to use and we were able to see most of rome.
These tours are always great. They stop at all the big sights of the city. Very convenient way to see the city and the sights.
Bought the ticket 2 days before we left. It was printed on the ticket that we had a skip the line entrance into the Coliseum. When we went to use it, we were told we had to book a time in advance as the rules had changed. So it slightly messed up our schedule for that day. The redemption process was very confusing, we waited 10 minutes for some guy at one of the checkpoints. We went to our first stop which was the Vatican, we were told we should leave an hour to get to the Coliseum for our slotted time, so we did. Halfway to the Coliseum they stopped the bus and told us to all get off the bus as it would leave again for the next stop in 30 minutes. No reason given. So it would have taken 40 minutes to go 3 stops if we would have waited, which meant we would be late for our scheduled entry time at the Coliseum. So we ended up running and paying 20 Euros for a cab to get there. In hindsight it would have been easier, cheaper and faster to pre book all of the sites and just get there on our own. It was so chaotic as some sites you came to required you to show your ticket from the bus company AND exchange for a ticket to the site. Not sure why the hop on hop off pass was universal and got you into everything with a bar code. Required extra time waiting in line for ANOTHER ticket which we didn't expect. At one point the woman on the bus told me she would email me the tickets to the advanced booked time at the coliseum, it never got emailed to me. Only to find out I was supposed to check in at ANOTHER check point to GET THE EMAIL with the tickets for the entrance. It just felt like tons and tons of checkpoints and waiting and no clarity on where to go and what to do next. We would only find out when we got to the site that we had followed the process incorrectly. A process that wasn't fully explained at all.
Only used the bus to get to the Colosseum and the Vatican but they were excellent and very organized l. Best way to see Rome
I have done “Hop on Bus” in other cities, it gives you an idea of the city layout. Not so much with this tour. The bus didnt get close to a few of the important sites. The audio was not insync with the sites. Many important sites were not pointed out. Happy we only bought one day. There are a few different “Hop on and Off” buses. Not sure if any of them could get closer to the same sites.
The hop on hop off bus was easy to use and very convenient for when your feet started to hurt. The stops were well placed and signposted and the guys on the street selling tickets were happy to show us where to go at first.
We booked a bus tour and tickets for St Peter’s - obtaining the bus ticket was simple but then we were given a hand written note and pointed in the general direction of the office for the rest. After eventually finding the office we were given another hand written note and pointed to the bascillica. No one there had a clue so we just gave up on it - lesson learned.
We arrived to find that this company had much shorter hours than the other tour bus companies from 9:30am -5:30pm. Also the weekend that we were booked an event had them closing at 2pm on Saturday and we had 48 hour tickets from Friday at 4pm to Sunday at 9am, when we were flying home. Since they were going to be closed down, we were given tickets that proved to be utterly useless. There was no skipping the line and the attractions closed when our tickets were timed for?!!! Useless compensation and no notice given of the "special hours" even though we booked well in advance and their closing was annual. We also noted that 2 other bus companies continued running until much later and did not close, but accommodated the routes. Waste of money!!! If you do book a tour, go with someone else for the bus tour. The green bus looked great and ran well into the evening!
All the stops are at least 3 - 4 blocks from sightseeing. Not for people who have trouble walking. Just ride for the overview experience.
Great service...................................................................................................