Keine-Warteschlangen-Ticket für die Vatikanischen Museen
Buchen Sie Ihre Tickets und wir geben Ihnen alle Informationen, damit Ihr Vatikanbesuch so einfach wie möglich wird. Beginnen Sie Ihr Erlebnis mit dem privilegierten Zugang durch einen privaten Eingang. Dann gibt Ihnen ein engagierter Koordinator eine kurze Einführung und eine Karte der Museen, bevor Sie dann auf eigene Faust erkunden.
Mit der ganztägigen Eintrittskarte, Karte und Einführungsinformation können Sie Ihren eigenen Reiseplan erstellen und die Höhepunkte der berühmten Sammlungen der Museen in Ihrem eigenen Tempo genießen. Stellen Sie gerne vor Ihrer Erkundung dem Koordinator alle offenen Fragen. Sehen Sie Bereiche, die die meisten Gruppentouren nie besuchen, wie die Gemälde in der Pinacoteca-Galerie und das etruskische Museum oder verbringen Sie mehr Zeit damit, berühmte Bereiche wie den Hof des Pinienzapfens und die Galerie der Karten zu bewundern.
Keine Reise in den Vatikan ist komplett ohne den Besuch des glänzenden Stars: die Sixtinische Kapelle. Ihr Ticket beinhaltet den Eintritt in die Kapelle und ihre Einführung gibt Ihnen Informationen über die Dinge, auf die Sie beim Besuch dieses unglaublichen Schatzes achten sollten.
Ticket und Tour:Möchten Sie die Sehenswürdigkeiten der Vatikanischen Museen sehen, aber auch ihre Geschichte hören? Dann können Sie ein Upgrade auf eine 5-Sterne-Führung bekommen und die Höhepunkte des Museumskomplexes, der Sixtinischen Kapelle und den Petersdom – der heiligste Ort in Christenheit – bewundern. Mit einem fachkundigen Tourleiter an ihrer Seite erfahren Sie mehr über Macht, Kunst und Verrat im Vatikan und sehen all die Attraktionen in einer kleinen Gruppe von nicht mehr als 20 Personen.
- Eintrittskarte für den Zugang ohne Warteschlangen
- Tour in kleiner Gruppe (wenn diese Option ausgewählt)
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Transfer von und zu den Hotels
- Speisen und Getränke
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Wenn Sie die Tour für einen Mittwoch buchen, kann es vorkommen, dass der Petersdom und der Petersplatz nicht besucht werden können. Dies ist immer dann der Fall, wenn der Zugang zum Petersdom für die wöchentliche päpstliche Generalaudienz gesperrt wird. Zum Ausgleich können Sie dann mehr Zeit in den Vatikanischen Museen verbringen. Hier besichtigen Sie auch die Sixtinische Kapelle und die Räume von Rafael. Wir bedauern, wenn dies zu Unannehmlichkeiten führt. Wenn Sie Wert auf eine Eintrittskarte mit Besichtigung des Petersdoms und Petersplatzes legen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, NICHT die Mittwochsführung zu buchen.
- Leider können wir keine anderen Eintrittszeiten anbieten. Der Eintritt ist strikt beschränkt, deshalb empfehlen wir, frühzeitig zu kommen. Bei Zuspätkommen wird der Eintritt verweigert.
- Leider lässt sich nicht vorhersagen, wann die einzelnen Museen besonders stark besucht sind. An den besonders beliebten Sehenswürdigkeiten ist im Sommer, an Wochenenden und zu Hauptreisezeiten (Weihnachten, Ostern, örtliche Feiertage) mit längeren Schlangen zu rechnen. Mit unseren Tickets ohne Warteschlangen können Sie etwaige Warteschlangen jedoch umgehen. Leider lässt nicht vorhersagen, an welchen Tagen oder zu welchen Uhrzeiten mit Warteschlangen zu rechnen ist.
- Dieses Ticket ermöglicht einen Keine-Warteschlange-Eintritt. Es gibt eine Sicherheitskontrolle, die jeder Passagier durchlaufen muss. Wir können die mögliche Verzögerung, die dies beim Betreten des Museums bewirken kann, nicht kontrollieren.
- Es kann gelegentlich geschehen, dass der Petersdom ohne Vorankündigung geschlossen wird. In diesem Fall erhalten Sie eine dreistündige Führung durch die Vatikanischen Museen und die Sixtinische Kapelle. Weitere Daten werden wir hier einstellen, sobald sie uns bekannt sind. Die Reiseleiter sind bestrebt, Besucher vor Beginn der Führung zu informieren, wenn der Petersdom unerwartet geschlossen wird. Da die Schließung außerhalb unseres Einflussbereichs liegt, können wir keine Erstattung oder Ermäßigung gewähren.
- Sind diese Besichtigungen rollstuhlgerecht? Stellen Sie oder der Vatikan Rollstühle zur Verfügung? In den Vatikanischen Museen können in der Haupteingangshalle kostenlos Rollstühle ausgeliehen werden. Wenn Sie das Museum selbst besichtigen möchten, erhalten Sie problemlos einen Rollstuhl im Eingangsbereich des Museums. Wenn Sie eine geführte, rollstuhlgerechte Besichtigung machen möchten, empfehlen wir Ihnen unsere privaten Führungen, auf denen Sie von einem Reiseleiter auf geeigneten Wegen geleitet werden.
- Rucksäcke, Stative und große Regenschirme müssen vor dem Betreten der Vatikanischen Museen an der Garderobe abgegeben werden. Wir empfehlen Ihrer Gruppe, auf dieser Tour keine Rucksäcke mitzuführen

Absolutely amazing place of history! Despite the line, be sure to see St.Peter's Basilica as well. There is nothing like this anywhere else in Italy! Ladies, be sure your shoulders and knees are covered - the employees take respect of this holy place very seriously.
As the name suggests these are no wait tickets, they meet you at the bottom of some stairs nearby (remember to check the instructions they provide on where to meet and how to get these) then once in you can explore at your own pace. They don't provide much else in terms of informative talks or anything. ALSO REMEMBER TO DRESS APPROPRIATELY COVERING SHOULDERS AND KNEES FOR THE HOLY ROOMS - although men are able to get away with shorts just at the knee so don't panic if it is really hot!
Our family of 5, including my 11 year old grandson, took this tour on a Monday in August during the high season. It's worth paying extra as the tour guide bypassed the LONG line and we entered quickly. We wore headsets as Martina gave us history and things to look for before we started our tour. We were even given a bathroom and water break at an area with the least amount of people as she kept all 16 of us in a group. Martina was so patient and kind to everyone's needs. I highly recommend this tour. Thank you for a great job Martina!
Bit more pricey than the normal tickets, but definitely worth it to beat the queue! Our only problem was that the meeting point was tricky to find (there are separate points for with/without tour) so it would have been useful to receive a map on the ticket or a contact number for on the day!
Definitely need skip the line tickets to visit the Vatican, Sistine chapel and the basilica. The guide was very good but for the difference in price, it was not worth it in my opinion. A guidebook is just as good and you can move at your own speed. We ended up listening to the guide for long periods of time in the hot sun.
We got to Vatican City and saw a person with City Tours in front of St. Peter's who took a look at our paperwork and said that we needed to "go right over there" to redeem our tickets. It was 1:00, and our tickets were for 2:00. Thinking we had plenty of time, we had lunch right near "right over there" and went to the area where we were told at 1:45. Well, the person with City Tours who told us where to go was WRONG, and we needed to walk another 15-20 minutes farther to get to the place where we were actually supposed to go! So needless to say, we were unable to make our appointment time. ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS that someone with the same company as our tour could not help us.
The tour was great and eddy (with a y) made it that way! Amazing tour, with an amazing tour guide!!!
Very pleased with these no wait tickets, City Wonders rep was on time and got us through to the museum very quickly. My family and I had a lovely day at the Vatican.
We had a really good experience with your company your workers were very good and accommodating! Would definitely use Viator again !
Very informative and interesting. Although crowded, it afforded time to peruse the areas that called my attention.
Excellent way to slowly see the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel without being rushed thru. It was very worthwhile to get the no wait tickets. We breezed in. We even backtracked and saw the Sistine Chapel twice.
We were very frustrated with this tour! Instead of waiting on the line outside the Vatican, we waited for ever "No-Wait Tickets" inside the Vatican just past the security check point! There was no clear communication as to why we were waiting, and when one of the guides came by they asked for the kids in the group. Unless you are religious, save your money and go see something else... If you want to go to the Vatican, save your money and wait on the main line!
We did skip the lines so it was as described, but it took ages to find the tour operator at the site. Directions for someone who’s never been before weren’t great. We asked and were directed to staff doing tours, where tickets only were at a site further away. Not sure why that’s necessary?
Our guide was outstanding! He was very informative and did his best to help the group stay together and move at a good pace. He was very conscientious about pointing out all the most important rooms and artwork. He took special care of an elderly lady that needed help keeping up with the rest of the group. There were certain aspects of the tour that was out of the guides control, such as the temperature (no AC inside the museums) and crowded rooms, that took away from the experience. If I were to go back I would splurge and book the private tour before the museums open to the public for a more peaceful and comfortable experience.
Excellent tour! Alexandra is very knowledgeable and has a great sense of humour and really gave us a great tour. The 3 hours were over in a flash! The place is super busy but actually totally fine, just go along and enjoy the ride and absolutely do not forget your camera! We managed to pack in the amazing tapestry and map corridors and other beautiful areas on the way to the sistine chapel. You get 15 minutes in the sistine which doesnt sound like much but was actually perfect. Then a bit more in st Peters basilica, it ended dead on time. You can get an extended tour which is 1.5 hours longer but I didnt have time, would have jumped at the chance otherwise. Plenty more to go back and see and will book city wonders again. Thank you
Worked out perfectly. Very knowledgeable guide brought us right in. No waiting. Id definitely recommend.
We had no trouble finding the meeting point, where the City of Wonders representative was already waiting. We were given tickets and a map of the Vatican, which also had information about the Sistine Chapel paintings. We were expedited past the waiting crowds and promptly entered the Vatican where we could explore at our own pace.
Excellent tour. Eddy was very knowledgeable and fun. The only thing I would have changed was to make this a whole day tour with so much to see. Missed the staircase. All said I learnt and saw so much. Would do it again.
We had to que , the tour guard didn't seem to know what she was doing. Said it was her first doing the Vatican, I had a small baby in a push chair she didn't tell us where to keep it. The whole thing was very disappointing, I wouldn't book with you again or recommend to my friends and family.
This was not the best experience. Out reservation had not been recorded despite having to emails proving we had paid. Staff sorted this out quickly as thankfully I had copied of the voucher with me. However communication from the team was poor. It took over an hour to enter the Vatican Museums and little was said to us as we waited - it felt like being corralled by cattle. Of particular concern was the children in our party were taken away to get their tickets separately from the adults. There was no warning of this and caused understandable concern amongst the parents present. Better communication would have made this a much better experience.
I showed up on time and was directed to the wrong area. By the time I figured it out I was two minutes late and they wouldn’t let me in. I had to buy a new ticket. I couldn’t call Viator as I’m in a foreign country so I’m hoping I can resolve this when I get back. My advice: buy your ticket through the official vatican site and show up as early in the day as possible.
The lines for the Vatican were horrific. Our tour company was great.....we quickly entered the Vatican and and received our tickets. We then were on our own to Tour. Highly recommend this tour!!!