E-Bike-Tour in kleiner Gruppe - Regina Viarum Via Appia
Erkunden Sie die antike Regina Viarum auf einer entspannten 3-stündigen Elektrofahrradtour und entdecken Sie alte Ruinen und die unberührte Schönheit des Via Appia-Regionalparks.
Entfliehen Sie dem geschäftigen Treiben im Zentrum von Rom auf einer halbtägigen Elektrofahrradtour, geführt von einem fachkundigen Reiseleiter. Beginnend am Kolosseum, dem berühmtesten Denkmal der Welt, fahren Sie an den Caracalla-Thermen, der zweitgrößten öffentlichen Badeanstalt des antiken Roms, vorbei und erreichen den spektakulären Appia Antica-Park.
Tauchen Sie ein in die ruhige Atmosphäre der römischen Landschaft und fahren Sie vorbei an der Calixtus-Katakombe und der Katakombe San Sebastian, an den Ruinen des Circo di Massenzio und am Grabmal der Caecilia Metella. Bevor Sie zurückfahren, bewundern Sie die Ruinen der archäologischen Ausgrabungsstätte Capo di Bove.
- E-Fahrradverleih
- Reiseleiter
- Helm und Kettenschloss
- Fahrradsitz für Kinder (max. 4 Jahre)
- Haftpflichtversicherung
- Speisen und Getränke, sofern nicht anders angegeben
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel
- Alles, was nicht unter „Im Preis enthalten“ aufgeführt ist
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Wenn Sie Kindersitze und Anhänger benötigen, geben Sie dies bitte bei der Buchung an
- Pro Buchung sind mindestens 2 Erwachsene erforderlich
- Seien Sie bitte spätestens 15 Minuten vor der Abfahrt am Treffpunkt.
- Vergessen Sie nicht, Personalausweise für alle Teilnehmer mitzubringen
- Fahrradsitze für Kleinkinder werden zur Verfügung gestellt
- Kindern im Alter zwischen 5 und 9 und unter 1,50 Meter wird ein Anhänger zur Verfügung gestellt. Aufgrund der begrenzten Verfügbarkeit muss im Voraus mitgeteilt werden, ob Kindern mitreisen; andernfalls kann kein Anhänger garantiert werden.
- Kinder im Alter ab 10 und über 1,50 Meter können ein eigenes Fahrrad fahren.
- Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Gesamtdauer der Tour flexibel ist und an die Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit der Gruppe angepasst werden kann. Auf keinen Fall kann sie kürzer als 30 Minuten sein.
- Personen bis zum Alter von 17 Jahren müssen von einem Erwachsenen oder Erziehungsberechtigten begleitet werden.

The route was incredibly scenic, and afforded a great insight into the history of Rome when coupled with the knowledge of the guide (Kaitlin; sorry, that is close but I know it is wrong!). Highlight of our trip. Only caveat: the bikes are older step through hub powered (versus crank powered), and Ned a bit of tuning. Squeaky brakes, and the rear derailleur needed tuning if you want to ride without power for a better workout. If you ride under power, all good. I would book our guide for any tour she offers.
Renting the E-assist bikes and riding the Appian Way Antica with our guide Stephano was one of the highlights of our week in Rome. He was full of knowledge as he shared history to us. The ride we took was through such a pastoral part of Rome; it was stunning. We never would have seen this beauty without this ride. And the electric assist made riding uphill a breeze! Loved this tour!
This tour was a highlight of our visit. Our guide Caterina was excellent, giving rich historical context to the whole journey. Her English was superb, and our questions were all answered. The route was long and very hilly, made effortless by the electric bikes - it was like using a boost in a racing game. I was very keen to see the sights of the Appian Way, and I am 100% satisfied! One of the bikes broke down, and a replacement arrived within 10 minutes. If you’re wondering whether or not to gamble on this, do it!
This was an excellent tour I would recommend both for the historical significance and the fun. Our guide, Stefan was informative and relaxed as was this entire adventure. The ebike were a blast!
Absolutely brilliant! our guide, Arturo was fun and full of information and quirky stories. He made the trip really special. Now I want an electric bike. So much fun and very easy to ride just zipping up the hills with ease!
Loved this tour! We had a small group, just my family of four and we enjoyed every minute it, and you will too!
We enjoyed this tour. Irene with Elebike Rome was our guide and was very helpful even before the tour answering questions I had during the booking process. Since we have young kids 5 and 8 we booked a private tour, which was a good decision so that we could move at our own pace. Both kids ended up using a fun seat, which I had some reservations about there are no restraints, they just held our waists as we rode -this made my husband nervous, but it worked out ok. Irene took us down less crowded streets and on bike paths when possible but we were on the edge of busier roads at times. The headsets were great to have so Irene could not only provide information about what we were seeing, but also to provide safety and traffic information. The sites were interesting, the Appian Way was quite memorable, and the catacombs were impressive we had a different guide there, a French man who was a real hoot. The catacombs also provided a cool respite from the summer heat. We were also able to arrange an extra hour to the tour for another stop I wanted to see. Also, we did stop at a little cafe on the Appian Way for gelato and coffee. Overall, a fun tour and a nice change of pace from the hustle and bustle of Rome. My kids enjoyed it and the electric bikes made the ride easier, although from a standstill uphill I still had a little difficulty pedaling to keep up before the electric assist engaged.
This was great and while at the cash machine across the road enlisted another customer for the tour
Fantastic experience enjoyed by the whole family. We all regard this as the highlight of our trip to Rome.
this was more amazing than we could have imagined. Rode our bikes right up to the colosseum! Irene was an amazing tour guide and we learned so much history about Rome! Definitely a MUST DO
Excellent! Especially our guide, Genni. My 9-year-old loved it, as he was in a tandem sort of attachment behind my husband. It was very safe, and great to use the electric bikes. Much easier than a regular bike! I wouldn't take a tour now without an electric bike!