Bierverkostung und kulinarische Tour in Reykjavík
Sie treffen Ihren Gastgeber um 18:00 Uhr an der Bryggjan-Brauerei im Herzen des Alten Hafens von Reykjavik. Die Verkostung ist ungezwungen, aber Ihr Gastgeber wird Sie durch die einzelnen Gänge begleiten und Fragen zum Essen, Trinken und Reisen in Island beantworten.
Während der Verkostung testen Sie mindestens sechs verschiedene in Island gebraute Biere und Ales. Jedes Bier wird in Kombination mit einem regionalen isländischen Menü im Tapas-Stil serviert. Probieren Sie Fisch, der am selben Tag am Pier vor dem Fenster gefangen wurde und im Freiland aufgewachsenes Lamm.
Genießen Sie jeden Happen und Schluck der Kombination aus Tradition und Moderne. Nach dem Essen erkunden Sie den Alten Hafen auf eigene Faust oder mit Ihren neuen Freunden von der Tour.
- Gastgeber vor Ort/Reiseleiter
- Bierverkostung von sechs verschiedenen isländischen Bieren
- Sechs isländische Hauptgerichte im Tapas-Stil
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Das Mindestalter für den Konsum alkoholischer Getränke ist 20 Jahre
- Die Kleiderordnung sieht elegante Freizeitkleidung vor.
- Rollstuhlgerecht

Excellent beers paired with great dishes. I was misguided in thinking it was a tour when in fact it was just one location for the event. I enjoyed our host and even got a tour of the brewing process! As a tour operator, I would change the name of this experience.
Very fun night in the city. It was my husband's birthday so we got to enjoy dinner and drinks with a lovely group of travelers and share stories on the sights so far.
the best part about this tour was that i met some amazing people!! the food and beer were great but the woman running the event was i believe filling in for someone else and didn't really have time to explain the beers and pairings to us. all in all, great time however she did not check out vouchers so we kept joking we would come back another time! -
This was great! We had quite a lot of beer and the sizes of the glasses surprised me. The lady who lead it made everyone socialise with each other and me as my partner actually ended up going out with another couple the night after.
We arrived at meeting place Mar Bar to be told that we had to go to the Bryggian Brewery which was about a 10 minute walk. This tour takes place in the Brewery so it is rather misleading. However we had a good time along with about 14 others and our hostess was very good. Overall we had a fun couple of hours but the meeting place instructions need to be amended and Tour removed from description.
Not a brilliant start - the address for the venue wasn't clear on the booking. We ended up quite lost and arrived late. The bar / brewery weren't expecting us, as they hadn't been informed of the booking - slightly awkward. We were sat in the restaurant area, which was a bit odd, but the atmosphere of the restaurant is lovely. There were only two of us on the 'tour' but the guide was friendly and informative. Generous samples of beer, and really nice tapas-style food. We stayed afterwards for dinner because we loved the atmosphere of the restaurant. Good value considering the cost of alcohol / food in Iceland, but the organisation / communication let it down somewhat.
There were far too many people for one event - about 28. It wasn't a tour at all. We stayed in one bar the entire time. The beer tasting was fine, but the tapas were minimal. We stopped for a decent meal on the way home. The event was way overpriced for the experience.