Quilotoa – Tagesausflug von Quito aus
Beginnen Sie Ihre Tour mit einem Treffen der Gruppe an einem zentralen Treffpunkt in Quito. Abfahrt von La Mariscal um 7:00 Uhr oder in der Altstadt um 7:20 Uhr. Seien Sie bitte spätestens 10 Minuten vor der Abfahrt am Treffpunkt. Der Transfer nach Quilotoa dauert etwa 2 Stunden. Beginnen Sie mit der Erkundung eines Saquisili-Markts, wenn Ihre Tour an einem Donnerstag erfolgt. Wenn Sie an einem Sonntag unterwegs sind, besuchen Sie Pujili. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, eine einheimische Familie zu treffen.
Anschließend beginnen Sie die Wanderung zum Quilotoa-See. Sie haben etwas Zeit zur Erkundung der Laguna-Küste vor Beginn des Aufstiegs zum Laguna-Aussichtspunkt (optional können Sie ein Maultier für 10 US-Dollar mieten). Machen Sie eine Pause für ein lokales Mittagessen gegen 15:30 Uhr. Und zu guter Letzt, machen Sie einen Halt in einer Tigua-Gemeinde, bevor Sie zu Ihren gemeinsamen Treffpunkten in Quito am Ende der Tour um 19:00 Uhr zurückkehren.
- Professioneller, zweisprachiger Reiseleiter
- Mittagessen
- Transport von und nach Quito in einem privaten Kleinbus
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Quilotoa Eintrittsgeld ($2)
- Frühstück
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Bitte informieren Sie den Veranstalter vor Ort, welchen Treffpunkt Sie wählen, damit er diesen dem Reiseleiter mitteilen kann, und kommen Sie nicht zu spät, da der Bus nicht wartet auf Sie.
- Wenn Sie vegetarische Speisen wünschen, teilen Sie dies bitte bei der Buchung mit
- Mittlere Strecken werden zu Fuß zurückgelegt.
- Sie benötigen für die Reise einen gültigen Reisepass
- Bitte bringen Sie Folgendes mit: warme Kleidung, Handschuhe, Sonnencreme, Wanderschuhe, große Einkaufstasche, wasserdichte Jacke, Kamera und einen Hut
- Um Ihre Reservierung zu bearbeiten, helfen Sie uns mit all diesen Informationen:- Treffpunkt:Bitte bestätigen Sie mit den Veranstalter vor Ort, wo Sie an Bord des Busses gehen möchten;
- La Mariscal (neue Stadt): der Bus fährt um 7:00 Uhr los von der Ecke Juan Leon Mera und Mariscal Foch (vor dem Magic Bean-Restaurant). Bitte seien Sie um 6:50 Uhr dort.
- Historisches Stadtzentrum (Altstadt): der Bus fährt um 7:20 Uhr los vom Café Jumandi (Caldas-Straße E1-83 und Rios-Straße, Kreuzung der Kirche von San Blas). Bitte seien Sie um 7:10 Uhr dort.

The view was amazing! The guide and bus driver were terrific. I was very lucky to have a great group of people on board and we had a ball with plenty to talk about, which made a very long bus ride worthwhile. We stopped for breakfast at 9.30 and the lunch was delicious at 2.30pm. Great trip!
This tour was amazing. Our guide was very knowledgeable, the tour was very well organized and overall was a great experience. The only reason I gave it 4 stars was because the food was mediocre, however the service at the restaurant was very good. The waiter was very prompt and quickly brought out each course. It might be helpful to not that I'm also vegan no animal products and the cook was very accommodating. Would totally reccomend!
The Quilotoa daytrip was decent. Prepare yourself for a long day like 12 hours! The crater itself if gorgeous and it is a beautiful view. I just wish there was more to it. The hike down is nice. I decided to take the horse back up, which was 10. You could also kayak. I appreciated the other stops in the highlands with an Inca family and the market. Omar is a fantastic tour guide and shares so much great information about Ecuador. He is a fantastic guide.
This is an excellent tour, but, it is physically very demanding. The coach takes you to the rim of the crater and you have to make your way down to the lake, is quite a difficult journey, as it is long and quite slippery, so, you need to exercise caution. There are horses to take up and down, which is advisable, unless you are very well acclimatised to the altitude and very fit. None of the passengers could make the walk back up to the rim without hiring horses. But, aside from this, it is well worth a visit, as the scenery is beautiful. The price is quite reasonable, as well and the guide was very good and helpful.
Amazing tour filled with interesting experiences! Our guide, Omar, was extremely knowledgeable and friendly. He kept everyone engaged throughout the trip by explaining interesting facts about the volcanoes and towns we drove by. We first stopped in the small town of Saquisili to have breakfast. The food was amazing and cheap, and it was a great experience to walk through the market! After that, we headed to the Quilotoa crater lake. Once there we had the option of hiking down to the lake or stay at the top to see the view. My friends and I decided to hike down and it was extremely fun - you can enjoy awesome views of the lake as you hike! Omar had told us of a spot where we could swim, so we headed there. My friends took a dip and said that swimming in a crater lake was a unique experience. I rented a horse to go back up as the hike is very strenuous. Riding a horse as you enjoy views of the lake was great! We had lunch in a restaurant near the lake - the food was delicious and they provide vegetarian options. Our final stop was in an indigenous house in the mountain near the lake. Omar explained how they build their huts to keep warm and the different foods they grow. It was extremely interesting to see how this community lives. We headed back to Quito and as we drove we could see the amazing Cotopaxi volcano. Omar was nice enough to stop the bus for a few minutes so we could take pictures. Overall, it was an extremely fun tour with great food and unique experiences. I would definitely recommend it!