Zip-N-Splash-Abenteuer plus Reiten
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Zip-N-Splash-Abenteuer plus Reiten
/ Dominican Republic / Puerto Plata Province / Puerto Plata / Touren & Aktivitäten /
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Zip-N-Splash-Abenteuer plus Reiten

Über diese Aktivität
Nach der Abholung von Ihrem Hotel fahren wir zu den Wasserfällen von Damajagua, einer der am höchsten bewerteten Sehenswürdigkeiten an der Nordküste der Dominikanischen Republik
Die Natur hat hier einige beeindruckende Becken aus dem Kalkstein gemeißelt, mit Stalaktiten und Stalagmiten in Tausenden von Farben. Um zu den Damajagua-Wasserfällen zu gelangen, müssen wir etwa 30 Minuten bergauf wandern. Treten Sie dann den Weg nach unten an: schwimmend, springend und durch das erfrischende, kristallklare Wasser gleitend. Für diejenigen, die den Sprung aus 8 Meter Höhe nicht wagen wollen, gibt es eine Leiter zur Umgehung.
Nach der Begrüßung in der Country House Bar ist es Zeit für ein köstliches, frisch zubereitetes dominikanisches Mittagessen, bestehend aus Reis, Bohnen, Hühnchen oder Rindfleisch, gebratenen Süßkartoffeln und Yucca, Gemüse, tropischen Früchten und mehr.
Jetzt geht unser Abenteuer weiter mit den Seilrutschen. An Ihrem Gurtzeug wird eine Flasche frisches Trinkwasser befestigt, damit Sie während der Aktivität gut mit Flüssigkeit versorgt werden. Nach der Sicherheitsunterweisung ist es an der Zeit, auf den 8 von der ACCT zertifizierten Seilrutschen mit insgesamt über 2400 Metern verzinkten Stahlseilen Adrenalin auszuschütten. Die längste Fahrt umfasst 750 Meter. Es ist keine Erfahrung erforderlich. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Seilrutschen-Parks müssen Sie nicht aktiv bremsen und brauchen keine Handschuhe, um anzuhalten.
Auf einem entspannten Ausritt in ländlicher Umgebung bieten sich Ihnen atemberaubende Aussichten. Der in diesem Paket inbegriffene Ausritt ist auch für Anfänger und Kinder geeignet. Wir nehmen uns die Zeit, unseren Kunden eine umfassende grundlegende Reiteinweisung zu geben. Wir finden für jeden das richtige Pferd, je nach Reitfähigkeit und Erfahrung.
Nach einem erfrischenden tropischen Getränk und einem Spaziergang durch unseren botanischen Garten bringen wir Sie zurück zu Ihrem Kreuzfahrtanleger.
Mehr lesen Weniger anzeigen
  • Nationalparkgebühren
  • Die ganze Ausrüstung
  • Professionelle Führer
  • 12 Damajagua-Wasserfälle
  • 8 Zip Lines
  • Reiten
  • Mittagessen (vegetarisch freundlich)
  • Abgefülltes Trinkwasser in Flaschen
  • Abholung vom Hotel und Rückgabe
  • Eintritt - 27 Charcos
Nicht inbegriffen
  • Alkoholische Getränke (erhältlich zum Kauf)
  • Trinkgeld
  • Schließfächer sind je nach Größe für $ 4 oder $ 5 erhältlich.
  • Sie erhalten die Bestätigung zum Zeitpunkt der Buchung.
  • Nicht empfohlen für Personen mit Rückenbeschwerden
  • Nicht empfohlen für Schwangere
  • Nicht geeignet für Personen mit Herzbeschwerden oder anderen schweren Krankheiten
  • Für diesen Ausflug sollten Sie sich in einem guten Gesundheitszustand befinden
  • Selbst wenn Sie eine Schwimmweste tragen und gut geführt werden, sollten Sie ein selbstbewusster Schwimmer sein und keine Angst haben, in fließendes Wasser zu fallen
  • Nur wasserdichte Kameras
  • Gummi- oder Sportschuhe können für 2 US-Dollar gemietet werden
  • Kinder müssen von einem Erwachsenen begleitet werden
  • Mäßige / stärkere Gehbewegungen
  • Aufgrund unebener Oberflächen wird diese Tour nicht für Personen mit Gehbehinderung empfohlen
  • Für das Reißverschlussfutter und für das Reiten: Bitte entsprechende Kleidung anziehen: Turnschuhe, Läufer oder geschlossene Schuhe, keine Flip-Flops (möglicherweise für die Aktivitäten nach dem Sport); Hosen oder längere Shorts; Keine Kleider oder Röcke; Shorts sollten auf die Mitte des Oberschenkels treffen, sodass der Gurt nicht auf nackter Haut liegt
  • Das maximale Gewicht für Reißverschlüsse beträgt 130 cm Taille, 31 Zoll / 80 cm Beine.
  • Empfehlung:
  • Bringen Sie Badebekleidung, alte Sportschuhe und ein T-Shirt mit, das nass werden kann. Weibliche Gäste tragen am besten kurze Hosen, um ihre Oberschenkel auf den Rutschen zu schützen
  • Handtuch, Tuch- und Schuhwechsel, Sonnenschutz & Insektenschutzmittel. Für die Reißverschlüsse geschlossene Zehenschuhe und Shorts oder Hosen tragen (Flip Flops oder Röcke nur nach Aktivität)
  • Die Sicherheit der Teilnehmer hat oberste Priorität. Die beschriebene Reiseroute spiegelt die geplante Route wider, jedoch können Umstände, die außerhalb der Kontrolle der Guides / Instruktoren liegen, einschließlich Wetter, Änderungen erforderlich machen. Obwohl die Entscheidungen des Führers / Ausbilders endgültig sind, werden Ihre Unterstützung und Ihr Verständnis sehr geschätzt.
James Peter S
5 | 2018-03-17

I highly recommend the Zip N Splash Adventure! Great value for your money. It is about an 11-12 hour day so be prepared to know that. I would recommend not taking any valuables on this trip. They do have lockers at the waterfalls location for 4 US. You can pay for a photo and video package but it is 50 US which I felt was a bit expensive. It would be nice to have known of the 50 package ahead of time. If you want to take pictures and videos yourself, I recommend bringing a waterproof pouch or waterproof bag to put your camera or phone in, but of course at your own risk as you will be jumping and sliding down waterfalls. The highest water fall is like a 20 feet jump. It was really FUN! There is quite a bit of walking maybe 30 minutes of walking for the water falls and also for the ziplining. If you have any current injury such as a leg, ankle or bad hip, etc..., I would not recommend you doing this adventure. The guides are all great and nice, and the tour is well organized. OVERALL, GREAT BANG FOR YOUR BUCK!

Lilly R
5 | 2018-02-23

This tour is a must. Between everything if offers, it is super fun but keep in mind it is a long day and you will be exhausted once its done. The ride from our hotel we stayed in the Playa Dorada complex was about an hour to the waterfalls. It was amazing to take in all the sights along the way like the wild cows, horses, and chickens, businesses and houses, and the ocean and mountain scenery. Once at the waterfalls, our guides, Chichi and Jhonny, were incredibly helpful and personable. They kept the group entertained and informed during the 30 minute hike to the waterfalls. Although the hike was a bit tiring lots of uphill climbing, including stairs, the waterfalls were worth it. They were thrilling to slide down and jump off of and the sights were spectacular. Follow everything the guides tell you and you will walk away with no abrasions the rocks can be slippery and tricky to navigate. After the waterfalls, we returned to Country World for lunch which was delicious. It tasted like an authentic Dominican meal and was leaps and bounds better than the hotel food. Following this we did the zip lines, which were fun and nothing to be afraid of if its your first time zip lining. Horse back riding was next, which was a little tricky because some horses have personalities, like the one horse who farted in all the other horses faces while riding, and another that kept nipping at the other horses tails. This wasnt bad though and as someone who has little knowledge on horses, it was cool to interact with them and learn more about them. Multiple guides even came riding along to make sure that no one got nervous during the ride. Finally, we walked into the petting zoo which was fairly brief but it was awesome to interact with the birds and monkeys. After that, we made the trek back to the hotel. Up until this point, I hadnt made mention of any of the employees at Country World. That is because ALL of them were super welcoming and professional and it would take awhile to name each one individually. They all enjoyed being there as much as we did. Seriously, if you have the chance to do this excursion, go for it.

Mitchell D
5 | 2017-06-22

This was a great experience! The shuttle picked us up just outside the lobby of our resort, and immediately the fun began, starting with a 20-30 minute drive through the country side to the 27 falls trail head. Hiking up to the falls was not bad at all, and you can take your time, you are hiking through a jungle so you'll want to take your time to look at the vegetation, listen to the sounds, and soak it all in... there is really only about 1/4 mile up hill where you may need to stop every so often, but it really wasn't too bad at all! The trail splits and you will go left to the 12 of the 27 falls, or right to the other 15 falls, we went to the 12. I was really looking forward to doing all 27, but we still had a great time. Once to the top you will hike down the river, jumping off the falls, and sliding down the natural slides. My wife and I jumped every waterfall, but if you need to you can walk around them, but just jump, its way more fun! The highest jump was only 9 meters. Our guides were super funny and friendly, and all parts of the excursion were very enjoyable! After hiking and jumping the falls, we rode the shuttle to the ranch for a Dominican styled lunch, which was very good. After lunch we went through the zip line course, which was very fun and exciting, but not scary at all. Just go for it! The zip line course was followed by about a 45 minute horse back ride. These horses are extremely mellow and very well trained, anyone can ride them without any problem. Our horses obeyed our commands so it felt like more than just sitting on a horse that follows the horse in front of it. After riding the horses we went through the petting zoo and garden, which was fun and interesting to learn about the animals, and fruit/vegetable bearing trees/plants on the island. My wife especially loved the monkey, and the iguana. The guides were all outstanding, everyone was friendly, and wanted to help us enjoy the day. If we visit the Dominican Republic again we will definitely do this excursion again! I used a GoPro to record all parts of this experience, and then my GoPro camera was stolen from my suitcase after checking it into security at the airport while flying home from the Domincan Republic, otherwise I would have some great photos to upload. Once again, this was a great experience, we highly recommend it! The price was great too!

Colleen C
5 | 2017-06-22

This tour was one of the highlights of our trip. The staff was incredibly friendly. We were a family of 5 that ranged in age from 42, 41, 20, 17 and 5 and we all loved it. My daughter had an allergic reaction while we were there and was covered in hives not from eating the food, but she has a lot of allergies. A staff member personally drove us back to our resort while the rest of my family continued with the excursion. That is true customer service! The lunch was great and the experience in general was outstanding. I would highly recommend.

Christine H
4 | 2017-02-22

This was a great tour, I would really recommend it. Jumping the waterfalls was the most scary and exhilarating experience I have ever had. I am in my 50's and went with my daughter in her 20's. It was a long hike up to the start of the waterfall jumping, with a stop or two to catch our breath. But once we started jumping into the falls, it was a blast. The guides gave us time to get our courage up and if you didn't want to jump a specific fall, you could walk around it. I did all the jumps, even though my daughter and one other girl opted out of the highest one. I didn't like doing the slides as well as the jumps. It is a good thing that you have on a life jacket and a helmet, as on one of the slides I hit my head and arm on the rock wall when I landed in the water and then hit the other side. It would have hurt without the helmet. I would recommend wearing shorts and a t-shirt along with a pair of walking shoes that you don't care if they get wet. Some people just wore bathing suits, but with the sliding you have to do on rocks, I wouldn't do it. There were two guides with our group and a photographer. We didn't purchase the CD at the end with photos and videos as it was 45 US. Then we were taken by open air bus to Country World, where we ate a typical Dominican lunch of rice, meat sauce, beans and fried vegetables eggplant, plantain and a salad. It was very good. After lunch we went ziplining. There were 8 or 9 different ziplines of different lengths. It was raining, but we were given plastic rain ponchos. There was a lot of walking involved to get to each zipline. It was a very safe activity. We wore helmets and safety harnesses. We had beautiful views of the surrounding countryside - very lush and green. Then we went horseback riding. The horses were placid enough for first time riders. The final activity was going through their small petting zoo. My daughter and I loved holding Jack, the spider monkey. He was soooo cute. We also got to hold large parrots. They also had flamingos, chickens, turkeys, ducks and rabbits. It was a full day of activities, well worth the price.

Kathy P
5 | 2017-02-08

We had an absolutely brilliant day! All the Staff members were so friendly and helpful. Waterfalls were great fun, we started at no.12 and slid, jumped, swam and walked our way down. Zip lines were awesome! Horse riding was very picturesque and felt very safe. All in all a highlight of our holiday!

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