Keine Warteschlangen private Tour für Kinder und Familien durch den Louvre in Paris
Ihre Familientour beginnt vor dem Louvre, wo Sie Ihren privaten Reiseleiter treffen und das Museum per Schnellzugang betreten.
Der Louvre bietet für die ganze Familie etwas, und Ihr Reiseleiter unterhält die Kinder mit interessanten Fakten über die Geschichte des Museums und seine Werke der Kunst, darunter die Tatsache, dass der Louvre im 12. Jahrhundert errichtet wurde und ursprünglich ein Festungspalast war. Ihre Tour konzentriert sich auf bestimmte Themen, z. B. Da Vinci Code, ägyptische Götter, oder die Legende der Mona Lisa.
Mit Ihrem Reiseleiter erleben Sie Werke von großen Künstlern wie Géricaults, Canova, Delacroix, Bernini, Michelangelo, Ingres und Ghirlandaio. Vielleicht sehen Sie auch die Kronjuwelen oder die Räume Napoleon III, je nach Ihren Interessen. Aber wahrscheinlich werden Sie Leonardo da Vincis Mona Lisa sowie andere berühmte Meisterwerke wie die geflügelte Nike von Samothrake und die Venus von Milo nicht verpassen wollen.
Sie können sich für eine 2- oder 3-stündige Tour entscheiden, je nach den Bedürfnissen Ihrer Kinder, und was Sie sehen kann an Ihre Präferenzen und das Alter Ihrer Kinder angepasst werden.
- Eintrittspreise
- Professioneller und kinderfreundlicher Reiseleiter
- Sachkundiger Fremdenführer
- Professioneller Kunsthistoriker als Fremdenführer
- Private Tour
- Informative und unterhaltsame Tour für die ganze Familie
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel
- Speisen und Getränke
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Kinder müssen von einem Erwachsenen begleitet werden
- Pro Buchung sind mindestens ein Erwachsener und ein Kind erforderlich
- Maximal 6 Personen pro Buchung

The tour company changed our guide to Valeria and we're so glad they did. She was energetic, knowledgeable, and connected with the kids, ages 8 and 10 immediately. The 2 hours flew by, with all of us learning, and appreciating the fine works of art at the Louvre, Thanks Valeria, you educated the whole family and made it fun.
Andrea Rodrigues was our tour guide and did a fantastic job. You can tell she works with kids quite a bit. Our children were engaged in the information and worksheets she gave them. Her information she gave them was interesting for kids and for me and my husband. Thank you for providing this wonderful service! Also thankful the phone number provided was functioning! I was in constant contact with the office and was able to tell them we would be a few minutes late meeting Andrea.
Our tour guide, Annabelle, was fantastic, showing us the highlights of the museum, and telling us many stories and facts behind the artifacts and paintings. It was wonderful to have the guided tour, as one can easily get off the time track in the Louvre. Kids eves went wider, and wider, and wider - as we passed the regular line for museum entrance on our way out. Highly recommend this tour for families with young children! Ours are 9 and 6, and they had a great time, and so did we!
Fantastic! Our family truly enjoyed the Louvre Tour with Tatiana! Skipping the line was great. We met with Tatiana outside, and walked right in to the Louvre Museum using the group security screening entrance, bypassing the long lines of people at the main entrance. Tatiana kept our 6 year old engaged throughout the tour. Tatiana had several stories and activities that were created for her age group, and even taught her how to write her name in hieroglyphics! What a perfect way to experience the Louvre Museum with a family and kids!
Our son is 6 and he's shy with new people. Our guide Tatiana was wonderful with he quickly felt at ease with her. We had a great time learning new things and making fond memories. This was our sons first visit to a museum and we didn't want it to be boring for him. With Tatiana as his own personal guide it was a fun and magical experience for him. We all learned a great deal our son loved it and he can't wait to go back again. We will definitely book this tour again.
Outstanding! Christiana was our guide and she was fantastic. It was unreal how much she knew and was able to cater the information to our two kids ages 12 and 10 without dumbing down the experience. We visited all the must-see items then she took us to the areas we were interested in for an overview of the main installations. Very engaging, personable and fun. A definite 5 star recommendation.