Katakomben in Paris mit besonderem Zugang
Die Führung beginnt ohne Warteschlangen. Sie gehen direkt in die Katakomben. Dieser unterirdische Friedhof besteht aus kilometerlangen unterirdischen Tunneln, die mit den Schädeln und Knochen von etwa 6 Millionen Parisern ausgekleidet sind. In Begleitung eines fachkundigen Tourleiters erkunden Sie diese unglaubliche Stadt der Toten, in der jedes Zimmer aufwändige und makabre Knochenverzierungen enthält.
Auf dem Weg hören Sie die unglaubliche Geschichte, wie die Katakomben gebaut wurden, und der massive Aufwand, der unternommen wurde, um Knochen aus der ganzen Stadt zu diesem Ort zu bringen. Ihr Status für einen besonderen Zugang bedeutet, dass die Wache auch Tore nur für Ihre Gruppe öffnet, sodass Sie in Bereiche wie eine geheime Kapelle gelangen, die reich verziert ist mit Schädeln und Oberschenkelknochen.
Glauben Sie es oder nicht, die Pariser Katakomben sind ebenso ein Symbol der Stadt wie die Kathedrale Notre Dame oder der Eiffelturm. Sie enthalten Knochen, die rund 2.000 Jahre Geschichte darstellen. Die Konstruktion war ein einzigartiges Ingenieurbaukunst-Projekt, das bei der Entwicklung zu einer modernen Stadt hilfreich war. Wenn Sie möchten, sehen Sie eine andere und völlig überraschende Seite der Stadt der Lichter – dies ist der perfekte Ort, um zu beginnen.
- Keine-Warteschlange-Zugang zu Pariser Katakomben
- Zugang zu besonderen Bereichen der Pariser Katakomben
- Kleine Gruppen von 20 Personen oder weniger
- Fachkundiger englischsprachiger Tourleiter
- Trinkgelder
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Die Katakomben sind leider nicht für Rollstühle und Kinderwagen geeignet.
- Um die Sicherheit der Besucher zu gewährleisten, setzen die französischen Behörden Sicherheitsmaßnahmen beim Eingang in die Katakomben durch. Es werden nur Taschen akzeptiert, die kleiner als 55 cm x 35 cm x 20 cm sind. Der Veranstalter der Spaziergänge ist nicht verantwortlich, wenn der Zutritt verweigert wird wegen großer Gepäckstücke. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten und die Verzögerung, die durch die zusätzlichen Sicherheitskontrollen verursacht werden können.
- Bitte beachten Sie, es gibt 130 Stufen zu den Katakomben. Leider gibt es keinen Aufzug. Personen mit Herzbeschwerden, die unter Klaustrophobie oder anderen Erkrankungen leiden, sollten dies vor der Buchung dieser Tour berücksichtigen.
- Diese Führung findet nur auf Englisch statt

Tour guide was great! She was knowledgeable and had a good sense of humor. She answered all questions thoroughly.
Awesome tour. The history behind the catacombs was an eye opener, the display of bones made the tour not so grim, there was no issues with taking photos, guide allowed enough time for happy snaps. Our guide was a Canadian but knew the history of how the catacombs were established, was well informed, had a great sense of humour and the 2 hours flew. Highly recommend this tour.
A must do tour in Paris . The tour was both fascinating and macabre but our guide ,Lavanya, did a marvellous job in making the history of the ossuaries come alive ( no pun intended
The tour is interesting and our guide was very informative. The Catacombs are a fascinating attraction and defiantly worth a visit.
Michelle was a great guide, full of interesting information. The private access to rooms, a bonus. The group numbere 10 which was a good number and jumping the queue was beneficial.
Booked this tour on my first day in Paris and wasn't disappointed. The tour guide Leye was excellent, very informative, and friendly. By booking this tour I was able to skip an approximate 2 hour line in pouring rain and get right in. This tour was a very unique experience and the catacombs are a very important art of the history of Paris. The tour was @ 2 hours long and allowed access to areas not available to the general public. It was very informative and a little creepy at the same time. It is @ 130 steps down into the tunnels and another 130 back out. The tunnels are well lit and the path is easily walkable. There are some low ceilings you have to be careful of, some slippery areas, and areas where you must walk single file. Our guide provided a lot of information on when and why the cemeteries of Paris were emptied out and the bodies moved to these old quarries, and I found it very informative. I would definitely recommend this tour when in Paris.
This is a fascinating tour! Our guide was excellent and kept our teens engaged with the historical information. It is very literally the coolest place to be on a warm summer day. If you chill in 57 degree weather, bring a jacket.
I knew to expect rooms upon rooms of bones and skulls. What I did not expect was the excellent narrative by our tour guide who effortlessly spoke about the architecture, history, and politics of the times. He added personal anecdotes and stories that made the tour lively and not feel like a script. Excellent experience. I recommend it without hesitation. Wear comfortable shoes and a light sweater.
Awesome tour, guide really brought the history and stories to life. Get the kids engaged throughout.
Our guide, John, is exceptionally knowledgable about the layout, history and contents of the catacombs and his narration was well informed, interesting and entertaining. Beware, he knows where the local pet shop with cute puppies is and will gladly inform your teenager of the same.
This tour is a must if you are considering the Catacombs. Our Guide Katlin was fantastic, very knowledgeable, great fun with excellent stories. The line was considerable when we arrived at the Catacombs area and we were a bit apprehensive about the likelihood of skipping much of it. Anyway we meet with Katlin on time at the easy to find place and pretty much walked straight in and started the tour - brilliant. DO IT DO IT you will not be disappointed.
We had Tara as our tour guide and John as our driver. Both were wonderful. John did a great job driving and changing the music. Tara kept things interesting and fun. She always had a smile on her face and you could tell that she enjoyed her job. During the rope bridge we had a slight issue and we were late on the bus. She was super understanding and sweet. We went on the rope bridge. There is a line to initally cross, and then another line to cross back. We were able to cross quite quickly, but we were not able to cross back for about 30 minutes. We had to run to make it back to the bus on time. We got about 1.5 hrs in belfast because we were ahead of schedule. The rest stop had a Gregs and a Subway. They also had candy and other quick bites. You do not need a passport if you are from the U.S. Remember you need to pay by credit card or POUNDS in Northern Ireland. It rained for us so bring panchos! Be careful on Giants Causeway some of the rocks slide and you could fall. Don't take any risks just to get that perfect picture. We had lots of fun and it was a great tour overall.
This tour was so worth it and truly was skip the line there was a 3 hour line that we bypassed, plus we got access to some parts of the Catacombs that only guided groups can go to. We were part of a small group of just 9 people. Avi was our guide and was really exceptional. He was so professional and knowledgeable and gave a great tour - we learned so much. The Catacombs had been closed for several weeks before our visit we checked their website for updates on the strike and got lucky that we were able to get in. Highly recommended!
This was a very historical tour. Lots of information about Paris and why the catacombs exist.