San Blas Island-Hopping Tagesausflug ab Panama City
Bei dieser Tour erhalten Sie die Gelegenheit, die Strände der Region Guna Yala kennenzulernen. Nach dem Transfer mit dem Auto besuchen Sie die schönsten Inseln Panamas, die sich in der panamanischen Karibik in der Region Guna Yala befinden.
Der Zeitplan ist wie folgt:
5:00 Uhr–6:00 Uhr – Abfahrt von Panama-Stadt
6:00 Uhr–6:30 Uhr – Halt am Supermarkt (optional)
8:00 Uhr–8:30 Uhr – Ankunft am Niga Kantule Terminal
8:30 Uhr–9:00 Uhr – Abfahrt vom Niga Kantule Terminal zu den Inseln
10:00 Uhr–12:15 Uhr – Besuch der Big Dog-Insel
12:30 Uhr–13:00 Uhr – Mittagessen auf der Yansagladup-Insel
13:00 Uhr–13:30 Uhr – Besuch eines natürlichen Pools
13:30 Uhr–15:00 Uhr – Besuch der Fragata-Insel
15:00 Uhr–15:30 Uhr – Abfahrt von der Fragata-Insel
16:00 Uhr–16:30 Uhr – Abfahrt vom Niga Kantule Terminal nach PTY
18:00 Uhr–19:00 Uhr – Ankunft in Panama-Stadt
Dieser Zeitplan ist eine Schätzung. Die Vielfalt des Zeitplans ist abhängig vom Wetter des Tages.
Hinweis: Manchmal sind einige Inseln für Wartungsarbeiten oder ähnliches geschlossen, daher kann sich der vorgeschlagene Zeitplan ohne vorherige Ankündigung ändern
- Gemeinsamer Transfer mit dem Auto von Ihrem Hotel nach San Blas (maximal 6 Personen pro Fahrzeug)
- Bootstransfer von der San Blas-Anlegestelle zu den Inseln
- Verpflegung – Fang des Tages. Wenn Sie ein anderes Gericht essen möchten, fragen Sie bitte Ihren Reiseleiter (weitere Gerichte können auf Kosten des Kunden gehen)
- Inselsteuern
- Anlegestellensteuer
- Fahrer/Reiseleiter
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel/Hafen
- Nutzung der Schnorchelausrüstung
- Eine Flasche Wasser
- Eintrittsgelder: Panamaer und Einwohnern 5 USD, andere: 20 USD
- Andere Mahlzeiten als der Fang des Tages
- Getränke
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Es wird empfohlen, dass Sie ein Handtuch, Sonnenschutzmittel und zusätzliches Bargeld mitnehmen
- Bringen Sie bitte Ihren Reisepass mit
- Während der Führung stehen keine Geldautomaten zur Verfügung
- Das bereitgestellte Mittagessen ist der Fang des Tages (weitere Gerichte können auf eigene Kosten gehen)
- Bitte teilen Sie uns bei der Buchung jegliche Sonderanforderungen hinsichtlich Ihrer Ernährung mit
- Sehen Sie sich vor der Buchung bitte die Wettervorhersage an

definitely worth it! The journey and the area were so beautiful, staff was very friendly:) get a good night sleep before ;) The sun hits hard
There is not much more beautiful than a perfect sunny day on white sand next to very blue warm ocean water and palm trees all around to offer the perfect amount of shade and rustling of palm leaves in the air. This tour offered that but it was a looooong day and you are better off going the route of doing an overnight or two one any of the available secluded islands (especially if you are the campy/outdoors type). The day: up at 430am to be in the lobby by 5am to be picked up closer to 6am, followed by a 2hr Drive (half of which is extremey bumpy over potholes... but on the way you are distracted by scenery and happy you are in A/C), followed by a 35min boat ride to your first island. There is not much “guiding” or “touring” (which is fine, just a little different than advertised) but you are told when to be where (which is important)... otherwise you get to do what you want for the time on the island, or in the natural pool, or on another island. See, my fiancé and I aren’t big on spending too much time in the sun or on a beach, we burn easily and get bored... we love a good beach day, but more of the resort type with cocktails... if we had known to pack rum and coke, we would have (thank god I grabbed hotel towels on the way out!)... by the time we got to the 3rd island, get just more of the same and we were ready to head back, but in the mean time soaked up the relaxing, people-watching aspect of the day and feeling the beauty of the surroundings while there. The way home was just as long and exhausting... but I give props to the driver we had... handled the roads and the traffic like a champ and got us back at a decent hour. I recommend the excursion, but be ready for what it really means is all.
We basically had a private island to ourselves which was nice and relaxing. The water was beautiful. However there was trash on the island that should be cleaned up. It wouldnt take a lot to do so. The dinner could have been better. Im vegetarian and was provided a simple salad and fries. The staff was friendly and packed water and snacks for us. Overall it was a nice and relaxing day on a private island in beautiful Panama.
Best day during our stay in Panama. Aside from the extremely long drive it was great. The water was very warm and crystal clear. The surprise stops are also very breathe taking. I must admit two downfalls and if they fix this it will make the trip splendid......1 the boat ride is rough and gets you completely soaked! Even on the ride back, its relentless and very uncomfortable. 2 Stop trying to monopolize on every little thing! Some things are understandable like paying for the trip, entrance fee, and for drinks. But pay to use the nasty stinky bathroom? Since when is using the bathroom a privilege? It wasn't even clean!!! That's why I give this 3 stars.
I usually love viators however this one was a miss. They give very little information regarding what to expect. First there is a 2 1/2 hr ride over winding steep narrow roads. Then the boat ride is 1 hour to the first island. The boat is small and tossed around like canoe in the high waves and you are soaked before getting to you first island. We were not told to bring a towel or to wear a bathing suit so everything was wet within 10 minutes. There was no dock on the island so you have to get out in 2 feet of water...again good to have been wearing a bathing suit. The islands were so windy that we were pelted with sand the entire time. No place to escape this wind. Getting back on the boat meant getting back in the water and jumping into the boat. Totally not recommended for anyone over 35 or in not great physical condition. Not really safe! We were happy when it was over. Not fun!
This tour is an adventure. We went Tues Jan 16, 2018 with Elvis who was very informative about "the people of the islands". The trip to the port was very bumpy with many potholes along the way. We swam with the starfish, snorkeled the pirate ship, and enjoyed paradise for the day. U'll want 2 stay.