Sie treffen Ihren freundlichen Reiseleiter auf der Keahole Street in Honolulu zur gewählten Abfahrtszeit. Dann genießen Sie an Bord eines 12-Meter-Power-Katamaran die Aussicht auf den Diamond Head-Krater, die Koolau-Berge und den Koko-Krater auf einer Fahrt durch die hübschen Gewässer der Maunalua Bay.
Sobald Sie Ihren Tauchort erreichen erläutert Ihr Fremdenführer Ihnen, was Sie während des Unterwasserabenteuers erwartet und erläutert die Nutzung Ihres elektrischen U-Boot-Scooters mit Eigenantrieb - eine unterhaltsame, einzigartige und umweltfreundliche Methode, die Gewässer Hawaiis zu erkunden.
Dann folgen Sie Ihrem Fremdenführer unter Wasser, gleiten vorbei an tropischen Riffs und bestaunen bunte Fische, grüne Meeresschildkröten und andere Meeresbewohner.
Nach der Scootertour können Sie schnorcheln, schwimmen oder sich auf dem schattigen Bootsdeck entspannen. Sie werden außerdem die Häuser von Promis passieren und die Drehorte des TV-Hits Hawaii Five-O sehen. Zudem erfahren Sie von Ihrem Fremdenführer mehr über die Geschichte der Gegend und genießen Snacks und Getränke an Bord.
Am Ende der 2-stündigen Tour haben Sie die Möglichkeit, professionelle Fotos oder ein Video Ihrer Aktivität zu erwerben, damit Sie diese Oahu-Erlebnis nie vergessen!
- Die gesamte Ausrüstung
- Taucheranzug-Oberteil und Schnorchelausrüstung
- Snacks und Getränke
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich, wenn Sie spätestens fünf Tage vor dem Ausflug buchen Andernfalls senden wir Ihnen, je nach Verfügbarkeit, innerhalb von 48 Stunden eine Bestätigung.
- Mindestalter ist 10 Jahre, Mindestgröße ist 1,2 m
- Bitte bringen Sie Badeanzug, Handtücher und Sonnenschutz mit
- Für dieses Angebot ist eine Mindestteilnehmerzahl erforderlich. Wenn sich nicht genügend Teilnehmer anmelden, behalten wir uns vor, diese Veranstaltung auch nach erfolgter Bestätigung abzusagen. In solchen Fällen bieten wir Ihnen entweder einen anderen Termin an oder erstatten den vollen Betrag zurück.
- Das Höchstgewicht beträgt 150 kg Vor der Teilnahme muss ein Haftungsausschluss unterzeichnet werden, und Teilnehmer müssen sich bei sehr guter Gesundheit befinden; bei Minderjährigen muss der Haftungsausschluss von einem Elternteil oder Erziehungsberechtigten unterschrieben werden.

The most amazing time ever. The crew was professional, informative and very patient. They made sure we had the best experience. A must, while in Oahu.
If you go to Hawaii and don't do this you are really cheating yourself out of an amazing experience. This was by far the most fun we had. The crew is great, they make you feel very safe and take great care of you. Definitely opt for the video and photo package because they do a great job of capturing the unique moments and have a very high def camera. Seriously...check this out!
My adult son and I did this experience together. It was so much fun. The one thing I would advise would be to schedule the early session. It was windy and the wind was whipping up the waves. It was kind of rough while snorkeling, but so worth it. The crew was very professional and knowledgable. Chips and water were provided I recommend this adventure!
We came to visit our daughter in college and thought we would try this adventure with her. We had so much fun! I would recommend this to everyone! If we return, we will be doing this again. They take a family picture, a video and individual shots. We bought the entire packet. They take you to a spot where the turtles are! I was probably 2 feet away from one of the turtles.
This was awesome fun - highly recommend doing this tour - a must do. The tour crew were fantastic, guiding us to see the fish and some turtles. We also got plenty of time to snorkel and see many turtles as they were being cleaned and coming up for air right in front of us. An amazing adventure.
I visited Hawaii with my siblings to celebrate my birthday. We enjoyed our experience, especially the quality of the photos and pics we purchased of our experience. We didn't get to see any turtles while we were underwater, but we did see them while we were on the boat. Also, one of the guides bought an octopus on board for us to see and touch. That was the coolest thing.
This excursion has a neat premise -- you get in these little submersible and can see under the water. But, a couple of problems. First, you only go about 4 feet under the water. Second, you don't control your machine -- one of the workers pushes you around for about 15 minutes (it's not a 2-hour adventure -- total time in the suit is about 20 minutes). Third, whether you see anything worthwhile at that depth depends on the clarity of the water, and the water was not super clear the day we went. On the plus side, the guides did come up with a way for you to be surrounded by fish. They take a piece of bread and put it in this little mesh bag you hold onto, and the fish literally swarm you and take nibbles of the bread. That was pretty cool. But for the cost, I'd suggest you go to the place next door (in the same plaza) and do the scuba adventure (no certification needed). It was way more fun. So, kind of fun, but not worth a four-hour venture for a 20 minute ride.
Captain and crew were well engaged with the passengers and made the experience a lasting impression.
What a blast!!! The adventure started with a pod of 20 or so dolphins running next to the boat, entertaining us for a good 15 minutes, The helmet scooter dive was spectacular. We had done a helmet dive in Bermuda, this was 100 times better. The crew was engaging and informative. I’d recommend this to all of my friends and family.
Can not swim and afraid of water. Terrible combination of fears for this activity but staff was wonderful and got me through it. All worth it in the end. They provide water and snack sized bags of chips. Great experience overall.
I cant swim and panic when water gets close to my ears. The instructor and the divers really made me comfortable. They explained everything that was going to happen to make our adventure awesome. The divers stayed with us the whole time. We saw amazing fish, touch one, saw turtles swimming on the bottom. If you have the chance do it. You won't regret it.
A great day and a wonderful experience. I highly recommend this.
other then the fact I think it was to rough to go out it was nice. The crew on the boat were great. I would recommend.
This was an amazing experience I would recommend it to all my friends and family members. We had lots of fun
This tour was amazing. The Crew was great and explained everything. You were able to snorkel while other people were doing the scooters. You have someone with you at all times and do not need to know how to swim. They take pictures and videos separately and together you can purchase later. They have food so the fish come right up to you. We also had a sea turtle swimming right next to us. The only thing was they only had chips and water from a container for you to eat and drink. I think they could have offered at least soft drinks. They had beer out but only people drinking it was the crew which I thought was unusual. It was a great experience and glad I did it, but probably would not pay that much again to do it a 2nd time.