Tour zur Freiheitsstatue und Ellis Island
Dieser informative und unterhaltsame Ausflug zur Freiheitsstatue und Ellis Island beginnt am Battery Park am südlichen Rand von Manhattan, wo Sie über den Eingang für reservierte Tickets an Bord der Fähre für einen angenehmen Trip nach Liberty Island gehen.
Nach der Ankunft an der Freiheitsstatue machen Sie einen kurzen Besuch im Statue of Liberty Museum, wo Sie mehr über die unterhaltsame Geschichten von Lady Liberty erfahren, während Sie den Live-Kommentar des Fremdenführers durch Ihre persönlichen Kopfhörer hören. Dann steigen Sie auf die Aussichtsplattform hinsuf, 10 Stockwerke hoch, und haben eine fantastische Aussicht auf die Skyline von New York und einen atemberaubenden 360-Grad-Blick auf den New Yorker Hafen. Ihr Fremdenführer kommentiert dabei alles ausführlich. Nach einer kurzen Fährfahrt erreichen Sie Ellis Island, wo Sie in den Fußspuren von Millionen von verzweifelten Immigranten gehen, die ein neues Zuhause in Amerika gefunden haben.
Folgen Sie ihrem Weg von der Anlegestelle der Fähre zum Baggage Room, durch die Great Hall und die Stairs of Separation, während Sie die Erfahrung der Einwanderer durch die vom Fremdenführer erzählten Geschichten nachleben. Sie erhalten einen großartigen Überblick und ein Verständnis für die Insel, bevor Sie wieder mit der Fähre zum Battery Park in Manhattan zurückkehren.
Die Führung endet auf Ellis Island, aber Sie sind herzlich willkommen auf der Insel zu bleiben, um nach Familienangehörigen zu forschen, die auf Ellis Island ankamen, um mehr vom Immigration Museum oder einen Kurzfilm über die Insel zu sehen.
- Kopfhörer zum klaren Verständnis des Fremdenführers
- Fährenrundfahrt
- Professioneller Reiseleiter
- Rundgang
- Alle Eintrittsgelder
- Speisen und Getränke
- Eintritt in die Krone der Freiheitsstatue
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Es gibt zwei Sicherheitskontrollen wie an Flughäfen, Gäste sollten dies also mit einplanen. Sie dürfen keine Waffen, Messer, Scheren usw. durch die erste Sicherheitskontrolle nehmen. Vor der ersten Überprüfung gibt es keine Möglichkeit, verbotene Gegenstände abzugeben.
- Rucksäcke und Speisen oder Getränke jeglicher Art (außer Wasser) sind im Sockel nicht erlaubt, aber Sie können diese Gegenstände vor der zweiten Sicherheitsüberprüfung in einem Schließfach verstauen. Schließfächer können auf Liberty Island gemietet werden (nur Barzahlung, 2 US-Dollar)

Wow - our guide Debbie was amazing from start to Finish. The trip was all I wished for and more. Debbie was informative, funny, entertaining and gave us so much information not only about the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island but also the sky line and history of the city. She is a true professional and her love for the city shines through. We were so lucky to have her on our tour. The city is not only the star of the show. Debbie and guides like her make all the difference. A true star. Thanks Debbi
I and two friends very much enjoyed our tour of the Statue of Liberty with James. (I've booked several previous tours with Viator, and have never been disappointed.) James was welcoming as we gathered near Battery Park, made clear what the rules and procedures were, provided ample time for us to walk to points on the tour (but also did not permit folks to lag), and was always where he said he would be for us to meet him. Most importantly, he provided a rich account of the planning and construction of the Statue of Liberty, with attention to the roles of several women. (One small detail: US suffragists used that word to distinguish themselves from British suffragettes, who were more militant than the Americans.) James even positioned himself outside the Statue of Liberty so that each of us could ask him to take the perfect photo of us standing in front of Lady Liberty. I highly recommend Viator in general for informative tours, and James in particular for a tour of the Statue of Liberty.
My tour was excellent. Our guide Jim was an amazing person who made our tour exceptional. He was so knowledgeable about all the things. It was so easy to understand him. Jim was very funny what made our tour even more pleasant. Thank you Jim!!!
From beginning to end we were captivated by Matt’s flare of imparting detail in a variety of ways- he dramatized, quoted poetry, made us stop and think about different conditions and situations leading up to this time in their lives, bringing out the personal choices that had to be made by the immigrants going through Ellis Island.He was personable and professional and really wanted us to take away good memories of our day. A wonderful tour!
We spent some very enjoyable hours to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Our tour guide was fabulous, very friendly and funny, but also giving us useful informations about the island, the statue and the history of those places. Also our kids loved her! We absolutely recomend this tour!
Our tour guide, Loretta, was very knowledgeable, professional and engaging. She took the time to ensure her group of 20 people were always assembled at each stage of the Statue and Ellis Island ferry excursions. Visiting the 911 Sites, literally, brought tears to my eyes but it was encouraging to see the rebuilding process progressing. For the reasonable cost of the tour I would, unequivocally, recommend the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island tour and having Loretta as a tour guide.
Our guide, Kevin, was very knowledgeable on the history of the Statue and Ellis Island. Worth going with a guide.
Our tour guide Matt was funny and informative. We had priority boarding on the ferry so bypassed some of the crowds.
We booked this at the last minute as a way to get access to the Statue of Liberty pedastal, because all the pedastal access tickets were already sold out for the day. It was an easy way to see the Statue of Liberty, because having the guide took the guess work out of where to go and what to do, but a lot of time was spent navigating the group of 15-20 people through the long security lines, so I am not sure whether all that time spent trying to keep the group together was worth the tour? It worked out great for us because we wanted the pedastal access tickets, and Joe our tour guide was great, but if I could have gotten the tickets directly for the day we probably would have skipped the tour. Worth the money though, particularly if you feel you need help navigating how to get out to the island.
We had a great tour with Lindsay!! She was extremely knowledgeable and had lots of great stories!! Definitely recommend this tour!!
Jim was very informative and we learned a lot. Overall experience was good. Only negative would be we felt rushed at times when wanted to see more at Statue of Liberty. Was also told we would be going to another level in pedestal to be able to take photos but didn’t.
The tour was pretty good. The guide, Kevin Fitzpatrick, was very knowledgeable and proficient at leading us around. He did very nicely relaying historical details to the group. And he was quite accommodating in getting the group in just the right spot for photos - both at the sites and on the ferries. It was a bit crowded at each location, but Kevin new the best method to get to where we needed to be. And he was pretty much all business - not really personable. He received a generous tip from us - which he earned. But perhaps some slight of hand ws involved. All in all very good.