Führung ab München zur KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau
Im März 1933 ordnete Heinrich Himmler den Bau eines der ersten deutschen Konzentrationslager an, gleich außerhalb von Dachau (einer Kleinstadt in der Nähe von München). Die ersten 5.000 Gefangenen waren politische Gegner des Nationalsozialismus. In den folgenden Jahren wurden hier auch sozial, ethnisch und rassistisch Verfolgte inhaftiert, während das Konzentrationslager Dachau wuchs und zum einzigen Konzentrationslager wurde, dass während der gesamten Zeit des Dritten Reiches aktiv war (1933–1945).
Zur Zeit der Befreiung waren mehr als 200.000 Gefangene aus mehr als 30 Ländern gefangen. Während der 1960er Jahre wurde die KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau gegründet wurde, um ihr Schicksal zu untersuchen. Auf dieser 5-stündigen Führung mit einem einheimischen englischsprachigen Gedenkstätten-Reiseleiter erkunden Sie, was sich zu einem der wichtigsten Zentren des Erinnerns, des Besinnens und des Lernens im heutigen Deutschland entwickelt hat.
Auf dieser 5-stündigen Führung erkunden Sie das ehemalige SS Schulungslager, den Appellplatz, das Verwaltungsgebäude, die typische Ankunft der Gefangenen im Lager, Gefangenenkategorien und -bestrafungen, das Internationale Mahnmal von Nandor Glid, die religiösen Denkmälern, das Denkmal des „unbekannten Gefangene“, die Befreiung des KZ im April 1945 und die Geschichte hinter der Gründung der Konzentrationslager.
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Scott was great well informed easy to listen to. Would recommend this tour especially if you want to learn more than what you already know.
My husband and I went. It was a very moving experience. The guide was very knowledgeable. We spent some good refection time and really taking in the history.
The location is extremely somber of course, but the tour guide was knowledgeable and friendly. We left the train station as a group and he was good at explaining the schedule and keeping everyone together. You then got on a short bus ride and once at the visitor center the tour began. He walked us through all the main areas and we had some free time at the end to pop back into the museum. I do believe this is a must do tour. It is extremely sad, but so important to be informed of what happened there. Learning in a classroom is one thing, but actually being at the location is very impactful.
Our guide was very knowledgeable and made sure everyone understood him. We took the train to Dachau which was a nice experience and our guide helped with any questions and was full of information during the whole tour. After we got off the train it was a short bus to the Memorial, where our guide made time for us to get a drink or pick up headphones for alternate languages. From there we headed through the Gate into the Camp and spent the afternoon visiting the memorial. I would suggest everyone, regardless of Race or Religion, visit this Memorial site and remember all the pain and suffering that went on here. It is a very sobering experience, one that I will not forget. Y This is a must see for all people regardless of race or religion. It was a very haunting experience to see how humans were treating other humans.
Dachau is a shame for humanity so it’s quite an upsetting experience. Our guide tried to explain everything with detail but we would have liked to experience the camp a bit more on our own speed, looked at the photos, read the info etc but there was no time. Nevertheless I’m glad we went there! Thx
Mark was one of the most knowledgeable guides we experienced in a 10 day trip with many good tours. Learning about Dachau was a profound experience for our whole family (ages 20-75)!