Iztaccihuatl Vulkanwanderung von Mexiko-Stadt
1 day
Über diese Aktivität
Erkunden Sie den Vulkan Iztaccihuatl mit Start früh am Morgen mit einem fach- und ortskundigen Reiseleiter. Sie treffen Ihre Gruppe und entspannen in Ihrem bequemen Fahrzeug, während Sie zwei Stunden lang in östlicher Richtung fahren, bis Sie einen Zwischenstopp für Snacks machen.
Sie haben die Chance, die beeindruckenden Landschaften zu sehen, die von der Natur geschaffen wurden, und sehen, wie sie sich ändern, während Sie auf den Berg-Wanderwegen laufen: es geht vom Saison-Schnee zur vielfältigen Flora und Fauna der Stätte; die Ruhe des Ortes leistet einen besonderen Beitrag zu den atemberaubenden Sehenswürdigkeiten von Valle de México. Genießen Sie die unvergesslichen Landschaften auf dieser Tour. Wenn Sie Panoramafotos mögen, wird dies ein großartiges Erlebnis.
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Sie haben die Chance, die beeindruckenden Landschaften zu sehen, die von der Natur geschaffen wurden, und sehen, wie sie sich ändern, während Sie auf den Berg-Wanderwegen laufen: es geht vom Saison-Schnee zur vielfältigen Flora und Fauna der Stätte; die Ruhe des Ortes leistet einen besonderen Beitrag zu den atemberaubenden Sehenswürdigkeiten von Valle de México. Genießen Sie die unvergesslichen Landschaften auf dieser Tour. Wenn Sie Panoramafotos mögen, wird dies ein großartiges Erlebnis.
Testen Sie Ihre Grenzen und gehen Sie auf den mittleren Wanderwegen, klettern Sie bis zu 4300 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel. Vergessen Sie nicht Ihre pulmonare Kapazität und folgen Sie den Anweisungen Ihres Reiseleiters, damit Sie diese Tour genießen können.
- Professioneller Reiseleiter
- Eintrittspreise
- Hin- und Rückfahrt im klimatisierten Kleinbus
Nicht inbegriffen
- Speisen und Getränke
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Berücksichtigen Sie, dass diese Tour einen großen Teil auf unebenem Boden läuft und abhängig von der körperlichen Kapazität der gesamten Gruppe ist
- Folgen Sie zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit den Empfehlungen zu jeder Zeit, trennen Sie sich nicht von der Gruppe und vergessen Sie nicht, Wasser und leichte Snacks (wie Schokolade, Müsliriegel, Samen, etc.) mitzubringen, um neue Energie zu tanken
- Tragen Sie angemessene Ausrüstung für den Berg (Turnschuhe und Sandalen, sowie flache Sohlenschuhe oder Pantoletten sind nicht geeignet für diese Aktivität)
- Lange Hosen (kurze Hosen sind nicht geeignet für diese Tour)
- Die Höhe stellt für viele Menschen ein Problem dar und eine gute Fitness ist erforderlich
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Yes we were collected on time at the appointed location and had a 2 hour drive to start. Bus had windows that one could open for air which was important to me as I suffer a little from Asthma.Had 2 stops en route which was also good. Then guide took us on hike up to 2nd Gate from 3,900m to 4,300m approx and about 3klm in distance. The Guide had good English and took off at a fast pace but at the 1st Gate I asked him to slow down as Poli/Poli is best i.e. Slowly, Slowly at altitude so he did and most people made it to the 2nd Gate. It was a little hazy but clear enough for photos and the views to the top of the mountain were good. Then after 3 and half hours we returned and had lunch at a roadside Cafe with home made Tortillas. We were dropped back to our Hotel which was good and we tipped the Guide after a lovely day. So go for it if you are in Mexico and have the time. You can go to hut at near the base of the start and it takes 15 hours to do the whole climb to the top, but the shorter day suited me. We could also see Popo the Volcano opposite that is active and it was steaming a little as both peaks are very distinctive and you can see them for miles whey flying into and driving around Mexico city. Yes would recommend if one has the time.Tip. Bring plenty of water and some snacks if you are the thirsty or hungry type!!
Great trip for young people! The hike will be a lot easier with boots, hiking poles, and pants! Need to be moderately fit to get all the way up!
The Iztaccihuatl Volcano hiking tour was well organized and was about a 2 hour drive each way. The hike itself was intermediate, and very doable by people of different fitness levels as the pace was set by the group. Except for one short steep section, the hike was a medium gradient climb 3km up. The scenery on the hike was not what I expected - it was very green and pretty, no volcanic rocks. I would not have known this was a dormant volcano if not told so. Our tour guide was good with limited English.
Challenging hike up if not reasonably fit- but rewarded with great view of the volcano when you reach the top. All arrangements for pick up and transportation were easy and comfortable. Interesting lunch stop at a roadside stand on our return. Would recommend.
The main attraction itself is great: a hike of roughly four hours on the inactive Iztaccihuatl volcano, with spectacular views of the neighboring active Popocatepetl volcan. Unfortunately, many things went wrong during our trip, and suggest that Amigo Tours, the operator, are not very competent. Although our voucher promised transport in an air-conditioned minivan which suggested a group size of around 10, or multiple minivans if the group was larger in fact we were picked up by bus, and the group was 30 people. The actual hike starts at a parking lot at the point known as La Joyita. However, a tour bus cannot reach this spot, since the road is so bad. As a result, we were taken to El Paso de Cortés, roughly 8 kilometers away. We would have had to hike the 8 kilometers to get to the trailhead, so our tour guide proposed for us to pay 50 pesos each to be transported there on the metal floor of a cargo van. A majority of the group was in favor of this idea, so we piled into the back of the van. Imagine 15 adults crammed together, sitting on the metal floor of a cargo van. It was by far the worst transportation I have experienced in twenty years of backpacker travel in Mexico, extremely uncomfortable and extremely unsafe. My companion and I chose to hike the 8 km back rather than repeat the experience. In addition to the discomfort and inconvenience in the organization, Amigo Tours provides no information about the rigors of hiking at high altitudes. This was not a problem for us, since we are relatively experienced hikers and mountaineers, and took normal precautions carb loading, drinking lots of water, bringing appropriate shoes and clothing, prophylactic doses of aspirin, etc. However, some travelers showed up in shorts and Birkenstock sandals for a hike that started at 3990 meters. Depending on the time of year, it can be very cold on the mountain, and hikers would need layers that shield them from wind. Bringing hiking poles would be a good idea, because the descents at between 4500 and 4200 meters are on paths of loose volcanic dirt with lots of loose rock that is quite slippery. Despite the fact that Amigo Tours apparently operates this tour year round and multiple times per week, they do nothing to prepare their customers for the actual rigors of the hike. I would guess that at least 30 of the participants suffered from altitude sickness during or after the trip. This is something that can hardly be avoided, since no one can really know what effect high altitude will have on them in advance. However, our guide had an extremely laissez-faire attitude toward the effects of altitude sickness, simply repeating at various points that, If you don't feel like going any further, just stay here. Although he did repeatedly insist that hikers let him know immediately if they felt bad, he should also have been able to explain the symptoms of high altitude and to explain the importance of not exerting yourself more or going any higher if you experience any of those symptoms. I live in Mexico City at 2440 meters. Despite the precautions that I took, I experienced relatively bad altitude sickness during the bus ride home. I definitely do not blame the tour operator for this, I knew it was a risk, since I had previously hiked the Iztaccihuatl. I would guess that the risk of altitude sickness would be greater for people who have just flown to Mexico City from sea level. I have to admit that despite the negative sides of this tour, I am still glad I went. The landscape is spectacular. I took a friend who was visiting from Germany who had long dreamed of getting close to Mexico's volcanoes. Once you know where it is, it would not be hard to drive to La Joyita, you could probably arrange a taxi ride there from Amecameca, the nearest town. The taxi driver could certainly be paid to wait for you while you hiked up the mountain there is only one path, and maps are posted at the trailhead. It is very important to listen to your body while doing this. One family brought a child along, and I would have liked to bring my 9-year old son, but in the end I am glad I didn't. Altitude sickness was miserable for me, and it would have been awful for a kid and perhaps soured him on the mountains for a long time. To sum up: go hiking on Iztaccihuatl if that is something that you want to do, and if you are well-prepared. Consider a different tour than the one offered by Viator through Amigo Tours.
The climb was enjoyable. The tour was a large group and not well managed to do the trip at a reasonable pace. Several people had to wait an inordinate time for others to finish.
Every thing was good. Amazing views, good service from local tour operator.