Erleben Sie Marrakesch: Speisen- und Markttour durch Djemaa el Fna mit traditionellem Abendessen
Über diese Aktivität
Sie beginnen Ihre Odyssee durch die Gerichte Marokkos am Djemaa el Fna um 18.00 Uhr, während unzählige Essensanbieter auf den wichtigsten Platz von Marrakesch drängen. Genießen Sie die Atmosphäre dieses zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe zählenden Orts, ehe Sie Ihrem Fremdenführer in die kleinen Seitenstraßen um den Platz folgen und Läden und Buden entdecken, von denen die meisten Touristen nichts ahnen.
Versuchen Sie verschiedene Oliven, Nüsse und andere beliebte marokkanische Snacks und begeben Sie sich dann in einen Geflügel- und Rindfleischmarkt und erleben Sie, wie die Einheimischen um Fleisch feilschen. Das Verhandeln ist hier ein Lebensstil; durch die Beobachtung dieser Tradition erhalten Sie einen tieferen Einblick in die lokale Kultur.
Als Nächstes besuchen Sie einen Gewürzmarkt und erfahren, wie Marokko zu einem wichtigen Handelszentrum für Gewürze wurde. Staunen Sie über die unzähligen Farben und Düfte der Gewürze, wie Safran, Kardamom, Anis, Kümmel, Paprika und Kurkuma, und erfahren Sie, wie diese in marokkanischem Tagine und anderen Gerichten eingesetzt werden.
Reisen Sie sich von der wunderschöne Auswahl an Gewürzen los und begeben Sie sich in die Souks, oder offenen Märkte, um die vielen traditionellen Brotsorten Marokkos zu entdecken, darunter gebratenes Msemen und an Crêpe erinnerndes Beghrir. Testen Sie marokkanische Köstlichkeiten wie Kuhhufe, Schafskopf oder Ghoulal, eine Schneckensuppe.
Nach der Erkundung der Fülle faszinierender Lebensmitteln in Marrakeschs Souks und Märkten ist es natürlich Zeit zu Essen! Genießen Sie mit Ihrem kleinen Gruppen an Feinschmeckern ein traditionelles marokkanisches Abendessen in einem Restaurant im Herzen des Djemma El-Fna, während dieser den Zenit seiner täglichen Geschäftigkeit erreicht. Genießen Sie mit das Beste People-Watching Ihres Lebens, während Sie die komplexen Aromen Ihrer Mahlzeit unter Hausierern, Affen und Schlangenbeschwörern genießen.
Die 3,5-stündige Speisentour durch Marokko endet hier, wenn auch die einzigartige Sehenswürdigkeiten, Gerüche und Aromen von Marrakesch sicher lange in Ihrem Gedächtnis bleiben.
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Versuchen Sie verschiedene Oliven, Nüsse und andere beliebte marokkanische Snacks und begeben Sie sich dann in einen Geflügel- und Rindfleischmarkt und erleben Sie, wie die Einheimischen um Fleisch feilschen. Das Verhandeln ist hier ein Lebensstil; durch die Beobachtung dieser Tradition erhalten Sie einen tieferen Einblick in die lokale Kultur.
Als Nächstes besuchen Sie einen Gewürzmarkt und erfahren, wie Marokko zu einem wichtigen Handelszentrum für Gewürze wurde. Staunen Sie über die unzähligen Farben und Düfte der Gewürze, wie Safran, Kardamom, Anis, Kümmel, Paprika und Kurkuma, und erfahren Sie, wie diese in marokkanischem Tagine und anderen Gerichten eingesetzt werden.
Reisen Sie sich von der wunderschöne Auswahl an Gewürzen los und begeben Sie sich in die Souks, oder offenen Märkte, um die vielen traditionellen Brotsorten Marokkos zu entdecken, darunter gebratenes Msemen und an Crêpe erinnerndes Beghrir. Testen Sie marokkanische Köstlichkeiten wie Kuhhufe, Schafskopf oder Ghoulal, eine Schneckensuppe.
Nach der Erkundung der Fülle faszinierender Lebensmitteln in Marrakeschs Souks und Märkten ist es natürlich Zeit zu Essen! Genießen Sie mit Ihrem kleinen Gruppen an Feinschmeckern ein traditionelles marokkanisches Abendessen in einem Restaurant im Herzen des Djemma El-Fna, während dieser den Zenit seiner täglichen Geschäftigkeit erreicht. Genießen Sie mit das Beste People-Watching Ihres Lebens, während Sie die komplexen Aromen Ihrer Mahlzeit unter Hausierern, Affen und Schlangenbeschwörern genießen.
Die 3,5-stündige Speisentour durch Marokko endet hier, wenn auch die einzigartige Sehenswürdigkeiten, Gerüche und Aromen von Marrakesch sicher lange in Ihrem Gedächtnis bleiben.
- Lokaler Führer
- Verkostungen in Märkten und Souks
- Authentisches lokales Abendessen
Nicht inbegriffen
- Trinkgeld
- Abholung vom Hotel und Rückgabe
- Sie erhalten die Bestätigung zum Zeitpunkt der Buchung.
- Dies ist eine kinderfreundliche Tour. Kinder zwischen 6 und 11 Jahren sind auf dieser Tour zu dem oben angegebenen Preis gestattet. Bitte wählen Sie oben bei der Buchung "Kind" aus. Kinder unter 6 Jahren dürfen an dieser Tour kostenlos teilnehmen. Bitte informieren Sie uns bei der Buchung, wenn Sie ein Kind unter 6 Jahren mitbringen. Sie können dies im Feld für besondere Anfragen auf der Checkout-Seite tun.
- In Marokko wird eine konservative Kleiderordnung empfohlen. Männer und Frauen sollten ihren Oberkörper (insbesondere Schultern, Brust und Zwerchfell) sowie die Knie zu jeder Zeit bedeckt halten, um die lokale Kultur zu respektieren. Das Tragen von kurzen Hosen wird nicht empfohlen. Nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit kann es cool werden, also zieh dich bitte für diese Tour an.
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Omar showed us some if the traditional food and the stories behind making them and how it relates to the life if the people in the Medina. From Moroccan donuts to snails to tajines and olives. Omar is knowledgeable and very friendly.
Our guide could not have been nicer. He took us all over and all the things we tried were delicious. My five year old was on the tour with us and he even got her to try things! Overall, a must-do tour!
This was an amazing foodie tour! Each food stop was amazing. Our tour guide also gave us a lot of insight into the Moroccan culture. He navigated us through the souks so that it was not too crowded and overwhelming. Highly recommend!
If it wasn't the perfect food tour.. Urban Adventure's Abdessalam made it fun, tastier than expected and culturally interesting. His knowledge of history and food is amazing and he's very encouraging in trying various delicacies that can be found in the Medina! We had an amazing time and it was totally worth it. We joined the tour with an empty belly, with no less expectations and we went home really full and happy. :)
not worth it!!!
Wow! This tour was fantastic, what a great introduction to Marrakech food and culture. Our guide Youssef was friendly, knowledgeable and lots of fun. Do NOT eat before going on this tour - so much beautiful food to try. By the end of the evening we felt like locals! There was plenty of time afterwards to explore the markets and shops.
The Tour Guide SALEM was very unprofessional and it was very bad value for money. I was the only person on this tour from the beginning. I will start from the beginning. From the first moments we started the tour late 15 minutes. Then when we started he kept on bumping into friends and having a chat. Then his friends called him on his phone and he kept on taking calls for 5 minutes while we were walking to the first place. The first place we went to this donut placed Morrocan pizza making which was interesting. He started asking me here how old I am and what I do for work and whether I was married. He told me I should have kids and asked me when do I want to have kids. this made me feel very uncomfortable.We then went to a spice place where he told I would receive some free Safron then when we got their the sales assistant said I would pay 500 derum for a gram. I did get to taste some nice tea. When I arrived inside they locked me In and my guide disappeared for a few minutes which I thought was unusual as I was locked into the shop. They did let me try some argon hand cream and different teas which was nice but then they did a hard sell. I think the guide is good friends with them. They were trying to get a good deal for both of them. They wanted me to try natural morroccan viagra. Actually insisted I try it. Thinking that I need it. I am early 30's and was quite offended. After declining making the saffron purchase they gave me a small gift of Argon Oil soap but kept wanting me to buy products. it was very hard to leave. I said I wanted to go now. we left quickly they were talking arrabic and laughing. Thinking it was hilarious. We then went to a sweet store which was interesting and then olive place. Didn't get to try much just a small handful. The olives were delicious thought the sweets not so much. Then we went to have Chicken Tangine which was delicious and a beef dish was at a tiny street kitchen I was expecting a restaraunt. A little disappointed by this. This filled me up though which improved my mood and I had a water too. All cost 50 deeruum which is about 4 pounds. He then continued to ask me about my personal life. We went to then a bread making place of traditional morocan bread where I was given hot bread to take with me. The guide then said Can't u hold the bread. You have woman hands. U need man hands that can handle bread. I put the bread in my bag it was straight out of the oven, Of course it was going to be hot. I was offended and found that very unprofessional which ruined that whole experience. Our last stop was a soup stop which the soup wasn't my cup of tea. So I just had a taste. We finished the tour here. 2 hours earlier. The tour was supposed to go from 6-10pm it finished at 8 pm. Each little visit to each stop apart from the main meal. The guide gave the shop 10 deerum which is about 80p British or 1.30 Australian dollars. So all up the tour cost the tour guide for what we did about 7 pounds, 12 Aud, or 10 American dollars. I paid 85 Australian Dollars for the tour . I would highly advise anyone to not to do this tour. I was really looking forward to this tour to finish off my holiday. He said If I liked I could give him a tip. and gave me his number and said if I come back to Marrakech to call me and wanted to have lunch with me the next day. I asked him why are we finishing 2 hours early. He said because I have worked all day and I am tired. I ended up giving him a tip because I felt sorry for him. Even though I was extremely disappointed. he escorted me to a taxi. But then here. I was shocked he got into my taxi and asked me to call him so he would have my number. I politely made an excuse saying I couldn't which I couldn't because I didn't have a morrocan SIM card. So he ended up getting a free taxi ride to the carpark from the souks. Overall I won't be coming back to Marrakech after this experience. Horrible customer service and not genuine. One good thing he did do was have some knowledge about what he was talking about each small talk went for 1 minute. I felt insecure. The Morrocan scenery, architecture, beautiful colours and souks have some beautiful items and delicious food. But I recommend looking the places urself and going to them urself. He walked very fast the whole time apart from when he bumped into his friends to chat. I then had to ask him what are you doing your working. If they fitted more souks to look at that would have been better too. I would advise not do book a tour like this if they don't give a detailed description of what type of souks and places you would visit and how many. Sorry to say all this I just think its important to know so you don't make the same mistake as me.
Our guide was friendly and knowledgeable, and this was a great way to orient yourself in Djemaa El Fna. Learned about the history of Moroccan food, with sweet and savory bites, some fresh fruit, roasted lamb and of course, a delicious dinner. Highly recommend, especially if you plan to spend a few days in Marrakech.
Good tour, insightful and fun. Great exposure for my and my mother's first day in Marrakech.