Tagesausflug nach Granada, Masaya und Catarina von Managua
Obwohl die Stadt von Piraten überwältigt, während der Bürgerkriege zerstört und von US-Filibuster William Walker im Jahr 1856 in Brand gesetzt wurde, ist Granada noch heute eine der schönsten Städte in Nicaragua.
Sie können interessante Orte besuchen und genießen die wunderschöne Architektur der Stadt.
Genießen Sie ein traditionelles Mittagessen (enthalten) und beenden Sie die Tour mit einem Bootsausflug zu den schönsten Inseln des Nicaraguasees und am Ende geht es zurück nach Managua. Wir besuchen den Aussichtspunkt von Catarina mit einer beeindruckenden Aussicht auf die Apoyo Lagune und ihre Umgebung und ein Ort, um fantastische Fotos zu machen. Vergessen Sie nicht, dass Sie das beste Kunsthandwerk in der benachbarten Stadt San Juan de Oriente finden.
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel/Hafen
- Gebühren für Nationalpark
- Sämtliche Steuern, Gebühren und Bearbeitungsgebühren
- Eintrittspreise
- Fahrer/Reiseleiter
- Professioneller Reiseleiter
- Tour in kleiner Gruppe oder private Tour
- Gemeinsamer Hin- und Rücktransfer oder privater Transfer
- Trinkwasser in Flaschen
- Mittagessen (typisches Mittagessen Vigoron)
- Beförderung im klimatisierten Kleinbus
- Alkoholische Getränke
- Trinkgeld (empfohlen)
- Souvenirfotos (zum Kauf erhältlich)
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Kinder müssen von einem Erwachsenen begleitet werden
- Wenn Sie Kindersitze benötigen, geben Sie dies bitte bei der Buchung an
- Pro Buchung ist mindestens 1 Person erforderlich
- Mittlere Strecken werden zu Fuß zurückgelegt.
- Findet nur bei günstigen Wetterbedingungen statt. Sollte die Führung aufgrund schlechter Wetterbedingungen ausfallen, bieten wir Ihnen wahlweise einen anderen Termin oder die Erstattung des gezahlten Preises an
We booked this tour through Viator a few months in advance. The day we arrived in Managua, the political protests started to ramp up and we weren't sure if the tour guide would even show up. The wonderful owner of the Boutique Villa Maya stay there!! called up the number listed on the Viator reservation and confirmed that we could still go. Annel picked us up right at 9 from our hotel and we were off. Annel was wonderful and went above and beyond what we were expecting. We headed off to the volcano very cool! and then were supposed to go to Masaya, but because of the protests there were street closures and the market in Masaya was closed. Annel didn't skip a beat and improvised a new itinerary that was amazing! Instead of the Masaya market, we went to Abuela's on Laguna de Apoyo. The location was beautiful and we spent an hour or so just chatting, having some drinks and snacks and looking out at the lake. We had a wonderful time and are so glad to have been introduced to this gorgeous place! Then we headed to Grenada as planned. In Grenada, Annel showed us all the beautiful churches and other points of interest and took us on a boat ride to the Isletas. This was my favorite part! Do this! We floated through these tiny islands on a beautiful day - at one point a little monkey even hopped on our boat. I mentioned to Annel that I wanted to bring some rum and coffee back for gifts and he took us to a shop at the end of the day where I was able to get all of my souvenirs to take back! Oh, and this tour also includes lunch of vigoron - it was delicious! Annel also grabbed some quesillos for us to try. This tour was worth every cent. Annel took us all over for a full day and it felt like we were travelling with a friend. We enjoyed all of the outings and got to see, eat and experience SO much more than we would have on our own. Gracias, Annel!!
Paid USD170 for this tour but there was no English speaking professional guide--only a driver who could hardly speak in English. Instead of a minivan, it was just an old sedan. Pick up time in the ad is 8 am, but I was picked up at 9:30 am. The good thing though was that I was able to request the driver to stop at certain locations for picture taking. I love the boat ride at Lake Managua. It was relaxing! I was lucky to take this tour with another gracious guest who translated everything the driver was saying. He was so cool he even treated us to some refreshments in the afternoon! :-)
Great day trip and Warner, the guide, was excellent - very friendly and nice. I had booked a solo tour but they e mailed me the night before to say another person would be joining us and this worked out as we all got on really well. Everything is nicely timed - not too long or too short in any one place. To me the boat trip was the highlight, which wasn't what I expected!
Excellent overview of the area around the capital. Highly recommend the tour.
This tour covers a lot of ground and gives you an impressive experience into the country. The trip to the top of the volcano is fantastic. The visit to the towns of Masaya and Granada is essential when visiting this country. Our tour guide was pleasant and accommodating, but some of his English made it difficult to ask questions about history and culture. I would certainly recommend this trip.
The guide was really nice and attentive. There was a misinformation on the pick up time, I was told 8am but in reality was 9am. So I had to make international calls to follow up and spend extra money to confirm they were still coming. Other than that I was pretty pleased, there was a few extra long stops, but overall if you don't have much time this is a good tour to take.
was an ok tour. guide did not really explain a lot , probably because he didnt speak English well. overall, a good tour.
Very flexible and interesting tour!