Stonehenge, Windsor Castle und Bath ab London
1 day
Über diese Aktivität
Dies ist ein typischer Reiseplan für dieses Produkt.
Kein Stopp (Durchfahrt): No. 1 Royal Crescent, 1 Royal Crescent, Bath BA1 2LR England
Der Royal Crescent ist eine Reihe von 30 Terrassenhäusern, die in einem geschwungenen Halbmond in Bath, England, angeordnet sind. Das vom Architekten John Wood, dem jüngeren, zwischen 1767 und 1774 erbaute Gebäude zählt zu den besten Beispielen georgianischer Architektur in Großbritannien und ist ein denkmalgeschütztes Gebäude. Obwohl im Laufe der Jahre einige Änderungen an den verschiedenen Innenbereichen vorgenommen wurden, bleibt die georgianische Steinfassade so, wie sie zum ersten Mal gebaut wurde.
Kein Stopp (Durchfahrt): Bath Abbey, Bath BA1 1LT England
Bath Abbey ist eine anglikanische Kirche und ein ehemaliges Benediktinerkloster in Bath, Somerset, England.[3] Die Kirche wurde im 7. Jahrhundert gegründet und im 12. und 16. Jahrhundert wieder aufgebaut. In den 1860er Jahren wurden große Sanierungsarbeiten von Sir George Gilbert Scott durchgeführt. Es ist eines der größten Beispiele für die perpendikuläre gotische Architektur im Westland. Die Kathedrale wurde 1539 in der Kathedrale von Wells konsolidiert, nachdem die Abtei in der Dissolution der Klöster aufgelöst wurde. Der Name der Diozese bleibt jedoch unverändert.
Kein Stopp (Durchfahrt): Pulteney Bridge, Bath BA1 1EE England
Puteney Bridge ist eines der meistfotografierten Beispiele der georgianischen Architektur in der Stadt und eine von nur vier Brücken der Welt, um Geschäfte auf beiden Seiten zu haben. Sie wurde 1769 von Robert Adam entworfen.
Stopp hier: Roman Baths Museum, Abbey Church Yard, Bath BA1 1LZ England
Die römischen Bäder im Herzen der Stadt Bath, die zum Weltkulturerbe gehört, bestehen aus den bemerkenswert erhaltenen Überreste eines der größten religiösen Spas der alten Welt. Die einzigartigen Thermalquellen der Stadt erheben sich an diesem Standort, und die Bäder fließen immer noch mit natürlichem heißem Wasser (wenn Sie den „Eintritt“ auswählen, erhalten Sie den Eintritt.)
Dauer: 40 Minuten
Stopp hier: Stonehenge, Amesbury SP4 7DE England
Begeben Sie sich 5.000 Jahre in die Vergangenheit Großbritanniens, während unser Reiseleiter Ihnen dabei hilft, die Geschichte dieses faszinierenden Denkmals zum Leben zu erwecken. Wer hat Stonehenge gebaut? Warum wurde es gebaut? Entdecken Sie die Antwort auf diese Fragen und die faszinierende Verbindung des Monuments zur Sommer- und Wintersonnenwende. Stehen Sie einem 5.500 Jahre alten Mann persönlich gegenüber und besuchen Sie das erstklassige Ausstellungszentrum mit 250 alten Objekten.
Dauer: 1 Stunde
Stopp hier: Windsor Castle (Schloss Windsor), Castle Hill, Windsor SL4 1PD England
Unser erster Halt ist Windsor Castle, das Geburtshaus der britischen Königsfamilie seit mehr als 900 Jahren und das größte, kontinuierlich besetzte Schloss in Europa. Bewundern Sie die Pracht der State Apartments, die größten Apartments in England, wo Gemälde von Van Dyck und Rubens an den Wänden hängen und die Decken mit kunstvollen, prächtigen Wandmalereien bemalt sind.
Betreten Sie die St. George's Chapel, wo HRH Prince Harry Meghan Markle heiratete und die Gräber der bekannten Monarchen wie Henry VIII und Charles I sind. Verpassen Sie nicht die farbenfrohe Ausstellung des typisch britischen Umzugs, die jeden Morgen bei der Wachablösung stattfindet, wo die Übergabe der Aufgaben zwischen den Wachen an die Königin stattfindet. Wenn Ihre Majestät während Ihres Besuchs in Windsor ist, haben Sie vielleicht das Glück, den Royal Standard auf dem Fahnenmast des Round Tower zu sehen.
Dauer: 1 Stunde
Stopp hier: St. George's Chapel, Castle Hill, Windsor England
Die St. George's Chapel am Schloss Windsor in England ist eine Kapelle im mittelalterlichen gotischen Stil. Es handelt sich sowohl um einen Royal Peculiar, eine Kirche unter der direkten Zuständigkeit des Monarchen, als auch um die Kapelle des Order of the Garter. Es bietet Platz für ungefähr 800 Personen und befindet sich im Lower Ward of the Castle.
Dauer: 15 Minuten
Kein Stopp (Durchfahrt): Evan Evans Tours, Road Victoria 258 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1BS England
Evan Evans Tours ist das älteste und größte Unternehmen für Besichtigungstouren in London und begleitet Besucher seit 1930 auf Städtetouren und Ausflügen.
Evan Evans Tours ist Eigentümer von The Travel Corporation von 25 äußerst erfolgreichen Reise- und Tourismusunternehmen wie Trafalgar Tours, Insight Vacations, Contiki Holidays und Red Carnation Hotels. The Travel Corporation setzt sich dafür ein, höchste Standards in Sachen Qualität und Gästeservice zu erfüllen. Dies gilt für jede einzelne Marke.
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Dies ist ein typischer Reiseplan für dieses Produkt.
Kein Stopp (Durchfahrt): No. 1 Royal Crescent, 1 Royal Crescent, Bath BA1 2LR England
Der Royal Crescent ist eine Reihe von 30 Terrassenhäusern, die in einem geschwungenen Halbmond in Bath, England, angeordnet sind. Das vom Architekten John Wood, dem jüngeren, zwischen 1767 und 1774 erbaute Gebäude zählt zu den besten Beispielen georgianischer Architektur in Großbritannien und ist ein denkmalgeschütztes Gebäude. Obwohl im Laufe der Jahre einige Änderungen an den verschiedenen Innenbereichen vorgenommen wurden, bleibt die georgianische Steinfassade so, wie sie zum ersten Mal gebaut wurde.
Kein Stopp (Durchfahrt): Bath Abbey, Bath BA1 1LT England
Bath Abbey ist eine anglikanische Kirche und ein ehemaliges Benediktinerkloster in Bath, Somerset, England.[3] Die Kirche wurde im 7. Jahrhundert gegründet und im 12. und 16. Jahrhundert wieder aufgebaut. In den 1860er Jahren wurden große Sanierungsarbeiten von Sir George Gilbert Scott durchgeführt. Es ist eines der größten Beispiele für die perpendikuläre gotische Architektur im Westland. Die Kathedrale wurde 1539 in der Kathedrale von Wells konsolidiert, nachdem die Abtei in der Dissolution der Klöster aufgelöst wurde. Der Name der Diozese bleibt jedoch unverändert.
Kein Stopp (Durchfahrt): Pulteney Bridge, Bath BA1 1EE England
Puteney Bridge ist eines der meistfotografierten Beispiele der georgianischen Architektur in der Stadt und eine von nur vier Brücken der Welt, um Geschäfte auf beiden Seiten zu haben. Sie wurde 1769 von Robert Adam entworfen.
Stopp hier: Roman Baths Museum, Abbey Church Yard, Bath BA1 1LZ England
Die römischen Bäder im Herzen der Stadt Bath, die zum Weltkulturerbe gehört, bestehen aus den bemerkenswert erhaltenen Überreste eines der größten religiösen Spas der alten Welt. Die einzigartigen Thermalquellen der Stadt erheben sich an diesem Standort, und die Bäder fließen immer noch mit natürlichem heißem Wasser (wenn Sie den „Eintritt“ auswählen, erhalten Sie den Eintritt.)
Dauer: 40 Minuten
Stopp hier: Stonehenge, Amesbury SP4 7DE England
Begeben Sie sich 5.000 Jahre in die Vergangenheit Großbritanniens, während unser Reiseleiter Ihnen dabei hilft, die Geschichte dieses faszinierenden Denkmals zum Leben zu erwecken. Wer hat Stonehenge gebaut? Warum wurde es gebaut? Entdecken Sie die Antwort auf diese Fragen und die faszinierende Verbindung des Monuments zur Sommer- und Wintersonnenwende. Stehen Sie einem 5.500 Jahre alten Mann persönlich gegenüber und besuchen Sie das erstklassige Ausstellungszentrum mit 250 alten Objekten.
Dauer: 1 Stunde
Stopp hier: Windsor Castle (Schloss Windsor), Castle Hill, Windsor SL4 1PD England
Unser erster Halt ist Windsor Castle, das Geburtshaus der britischen Königsfamilie seit mehr als 900 Jahren und das größte, kontinuierlich besetzte Schloss in Europa. Bewundern Sie die Pracht der State Apartments, die größten Apartments in England, wo Gemälde von Van Dyck und Rubens an den Wänden hängen und die Decken mit kunstvollen, prächtigen Wandmalereien bemalt sind.
Betreten Sie die St. George's Chapel, wo HRH Prince Harry Meghan Markle heiratete und die Gräber der bekannten Monarchen wie Henry VIII und Charles I sind. Verpassen Sie nicht die farbenfrohe Ausstellung des typisch britischen Umzugs, die jeden Morgen bei der Wachablösung stattfindet, wo die Übergabe der Aufgaben zwischen den Wachen an die Königin stattfindet. Wenn Ihre Majestät während Ihres Besuchs in Windsor ist, haben Sie vielleicht das Glück, den Royal Standard auf dem Fahnenmast des Round Tower zu sehen.
Dauer: 1 Stunde
Stopp hier: St. George's Chapel, Castle Hill, Windsor England
Die St. George's Chapel am Schloss Windsor in England ist eine Kapelle im mittelalterlichen gotischen Stil. Es handelt sich sowohl um einen Royal Peculiar, eine Kirche unter der direkten Zuständigkeit des Monarchen, als auch um die Kapelle des Order of the Garter. Es bietet Platz für ungefähr 800 Personen und befindet sich im Lower Ward of the Castle.
Dauer: 15 Minuten
Kein Stopp (Durchfahrt): Evan Evans Tours, Road Victoria 258 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1BS England
Evan Evans Tours ist das älteste und größte Unternehmen für Besichtigungstouren in London und begleitet Besucher seit 1930 auf Städtetouren und Ausflügen.
Evan Evans Tours ist Eigentümer von The Travel Corporation von 25 äußerst erfolgreichen Reise- und Tourismusunternehmen wie Trafalgar Tours, Insight Vacations, Contiki Holidays und Red Carnation Hotels. The Travel Corporation setzt sich dafür ein, höchste Standards in Sachen Qualität und Gästeservice zu erfüllen. Dies gilt für jede einzelne Marke.
- Panoramatour durch Bath
- Professioneller Reiseleiter
- Transport im klimatisierten Bus (max. 53 Personen)
- Luxuriöser Mercedes-Bus mit kostenlosem WLAN-Zugang und verstellbaren Sitzen
- Eintritt zum Windsor Castle
- Eintritt für Stonehenge
- Eintritt in die römischen Bäder (falls diese Option gewählt wurde)
- Eintritt - The Roman Baths
- Eintritt - Stonehenge
- Eintritt - Windsor Castle
- Eintritt - St. George's Chapel
Nicht inbegriffen
- Transfer zum Hotel
- Abholung vom Hotel
- Trinkgeld
- Speisen und Getränke, sofern nicht anders angegeben
- Eintritt in die Römischen Bäder (falls die Option ohne Eintrittsgeld gewählt wurde)
- Sie erhalten die Bestätigung zum Zeitpunkt der Buchung.
- Abfahrt um 08:45 Uhr (Boarding um 7:30 Uhr) vom Busbahnhof Victoria Coach Station, 164 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 9TP
- Der Wachwechsel findet nur an bestimmten Tagen statt
- Die St. George's Chapel ist sonntags, 17., 19., 20. April, 2. Mai, 14. und 15. Juni geschlossen. Das Puppenhaus von Queen Mary ist derzeit geschlossen.
- Schloss Windsor ist am 22. März, 18., 19., 21. April, 2., 3., 18. Mai, 14., 16. und 17. Juni (ganz oder teilweise) geschlossen.
- Die State Apartments sind am 16. Mai und 18. Juni geschlossen.
- Stonehenge wird für Besucher am 20. und 21. Juni aufgrund der Sommersonnenwende geschlossen. Stattdessen besuchen Sie Avebury.
- Bitte beachten Sie: Der Reiseplan der Führung und die Reihenfolge können sich ändern
- Nicht barrierefrei
- Gute Anbindung an den öffentlichen Nahverkehr
- Kleinkinder müssen auf dem Schoß sitzen.
- Durchschnittliche Fitness erforderlich
- Diese Tour/Aktivität ist für höchstens 50 Reisende geeignet.
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This tour is absolutely worth the money! Great value! Our tour guide, Simon was amazing, super knowledgeable and very personable! Vin our driver was very skilled. They kept us on schedule and safe! You could easily spend an entire day at each location but if you don’t have that kind of time this tour would be right up your alley!
Wish we could have spent longer at each venue but I know there were three sites to see and miles apart to cover. Loved our guide, Mel and driver, Laury (I know I misspelt his name) they were the best.
Claudia and Bosco were fabulous. We were able to leave early and beat the lines.....Claudia was very helpful and informative:)
The trip was amazing. Our guid Alexandria (alex) was awesome she provided us with information during the drive to each location and had us first in line for our attractions. We would step off the bus wait in line for maybe 5mins then go to security and then we were in. Please note this is a sampler of each location. You get only 1hr to 1.5hrs at each stop. You could easily spend one day at Windsor, Bath, and Stonehenge. But being able to see this much in one day would be hard with out a guide company. I strongly recommend this tour.
Although the three sites were not close together, our driver and guide made the most of the time and we found the bus to be quite pleasurable. Bath was very interesting, I had no idea of the history and it was explained quite nicely. Give the water a try. Windsor was quite nice and clean easy to move around. Stonehenge was interesting. It's a bucket list thing, but not much to do there.
Taking the 1st tour from London was skeptical. However, Richard made the life so easy and convenient. Demonstrated the knowledge, power and wit about the attractions. Also provided side commentary. Provided guidelines for keeping the tour on time and making sure that all members of the tour are encouraged to be on time. Excellent leadership. Quality of the Bus was great as well. Enjoyed the day tour to Windsor Castle, Bath and Stonehenge. Would recommend to go on any tour with Richard. Unfortunately, he works 3 days only and with Evan Evans tour. Good luck.
Bath is a must see. Robert our tour guide was awesome. This tour is worth taking. Because the Tour covers 3 places in ~12 hours, it seemed a little rushed especially Bath. Would love to spend more time here if we visit in future.
Our guide Peter was fantastic. He was very knowledgeable with a great sense of humor and gave us tons of interesting information. My husband and I had a great time on this tour.
Great tour. Guide James was exceptional. Only complaint not enough time at each location, but that's to be expected. Baths were the highlight for me, but Windsor and Stonehenge were great too. Next time I think I will visit each individually and probably will not return to Stonehenge. This is one of those things that once you have seen it, it is unnecessary to return. Bath was a lively city and the Baths were really interesting. Could and should have spent a full day there. Great introductory tour. allows one to see all three, but not delve deeply into any one.
The itinerary for the trip was great. Would have liked to spend a little more time in Bath but schedule must be kept. The hostess was fantastic in keeping the group moving along and provided great narration throughout the trip. The bus was very comfortable. Overall, it was great but because it is only a one day trip, only highlights of the attractions were presented. If want to spend more time at each location, need to go as an individual trip or spend more days.
Phil did a wonderful job of keeping us entertained with interesting facts and history while we traveled. The rides didn't seem to take very long because we weren't sitting bored. He was an incredible guide.
The attractions were very interesting but the tour was planned to run like clockwork which it never did. We visited three different attractions but due to unforeseen delays averaged an hour or less for each spot. That includes bathroom and lunch. Very unsatisfied due to the fact that we were not able to enjoy any of the stops because it literally felt like a race. Never was I able to use any of the audio tour because it would have been impossible to go through the tour given the abbreviated time allotted. A friend also took the same tour using a different tour company and they averaged 2-2 1/2 hours for each attraction to enjoy. They even stopped for a sit down lunch. The tour guide was very knowledgeable but I really can’t see how anyone could recommend this tour given that we paid to get in yet always had less than an hour to visit.
Jennifer was a great tour guide with extensive knowledge and humour. She kept our group entertained whilst travelling from one site to another and was easy to chat to. The tour is a long one so be prepared to sit on the bus for a while. Time at each location was adequate but there were long delays and queues for the shuttle to Stonehenge but Jennifer adjusted time allowance to ensure everyone had the chance to take in the mystic that is Stonehenge!!
Our guide Phil was excellent. He has a wealth of knowledge about these locations and was very pleasant and professional. He got us to these locations early to minimize wait time. At end of day he made it a priority to drop people off as close to their overnight location as possible
It was a long day since several stops were involved. I was disappointed when I got to Stonehenge to find my audio device did not work.
Outstandingly done. Omar is a knowledgeable and very involved guide, eloquent in his commentary and a gentleman in his mannerisms. Lester did an excellent job weaving in and out of the busy traffic and narrow country roads.
Wonderful trip! Our tour guide Mel was excellent! He was knowledgeable, friendly, and witty. We had enough time at all places and the bus was comfortable.
The tour was great and the tour guide Mel was very kind helpful and informative I would recommend him and the driver Tom.
The tour guide Nicholas and bus driver Mike were fantastic. Nicholas narrated from start to finish, highlighting landmarks and points of interest. We learnt so much about London and got historical facts of the Castle, Bath, and Stonehenge. The communication was clear and the drive although long, was comfortable.
This tour is jam packed! It’s a great way to see all three sites and was made even better by our guide, Frank, and Coach Driver, Dave. These guys teamed up and made sure our day was enjoyable! I could’ve done without the Roman baths and had more time at Windsor, but interesting place to visit none the less. I recommend The Huntsman in Bath for lunch if time permits.
We did this tour with Evan Evans (booked it through Viator). The places itself were great, but our tour guide, Norma I think, was awful. She kept arguing with the coach driver about which way to go, when the guy was using GPS to get to our locations. He was super polite and was respectful to our tour guide (can't remember his name). Norma was also not very accommodating to some of the other people in our coach when they had a question or had a concern (like the temperature in the coach). She was blunt and came across rude pretty much throughout the day. We took a different tour company (premium tours I believe) to go to Hilclaire Castle and Oxford the day before and that tour guide was amazing. Don't think we would be interested in another London tour by Evan Evans, can't risk getting Norma or someone awful like her. Ruined what would have otherwise been a pleasant tour.
Considering a full schedule of attractions to visit, Karen made sure we had a well organized, timely tour and that our group was ahead in the line. We've experienced these tour buses before in Italy so we were prepared. This time we booked on our own and glad we did with Evan Evans Tours(we've seen the service difference with other bus tours). Don't expect a small group and be prepared for moderate walking. Eat breakfast ahead before the tour begins(7:30-8AM start time is actually more manageable than London to Paris tours which begin earlier) and bring your own snacks/drinks inside the bus(EXCEPT hot foods/drinks and ice cream). Most importantly, BE ON TIME and it will work out best for everyone in the end(gotta think about traffic, long lines at attractions, etc.) U have to understand that u are not the only ones being waited on and want to see the sights otherwise do a private car booking if u want it on ur own time/custom trips. But we love the bus tours as we get input from other passengers as well. Karen had a soothing voice which my daughter liked, entertained us with facts and stories of British history, royalty, and politics. Though some of her comments are opinionated, don't get me wrong-we appreciate having an idea of how people think of all that's going on in the UK(people watching and listening/we even ask about these from cabbies on our cab rides in the city). Karen gave us suggestions on how to maximize our short time(dining, shopping, bathroom breaks) at the different attractions so that was helpful with time management. U can get quiet time/breaks in between with WiFi while traveling comfortably in the air conditioned coach bus(absolute relief in the summertime). Overall a splendidly smooth tour! From Mary D. and Family of AZ
The time frame of the tour should be extended so you don't have to rush through the actual sites. Our bus guide was definitely fun and enjoyable.
The trip was nice , on time, the tour guide Mel was very funny, acknowledgeable , we went these 3 places and we love them. I bring with me to the states god memories and a pleasant time
Nicholas (the host) made the experience very fun and he knew his history very well. Plus, on our way back, he came over each person/ groups to provide suggestions in how to make our experience in London and other places in Europe fun. The driver of the bus, Lester, was great. He drove us safely and smoothly to our destinations. Thank you so much for the experience!
Three great places to visit, but not enough time to enjoy them. Next time, only two or one place will be better.
Get the tour combined with Windsor Castle and the Roman Bath one amazing site after an other . We did it you have enough time to visit these three places
The Evans Tour company really impressed. This was a jammed packed day and our guide Deborah was really great. Very entertaining... she runs a tight ship but kept us on schedule and entertained throughout the day. These are 3 "must sees" in England and this was the best Viator tour we've ever had.
James was a great guide - very knowledgeable and funny - well worth it and would highly recommend it
We enjoyed seeing Windsor Castle. The tour guides really don't give you a tour of anything. You are pretty much on your own at each location. However, it is an easy way to see a lot in one day without having to drive. Stonehenge wasn't that great other than to say you have seen it. Bath was also not that great.
Windsor Castle and bath are worth it and really give you a good taste of castles and towns of England. Stone Henge is over rated... Really nothing much to see... The tour guide was really good, overall happy with the organization.
Great day visiting these sites. Mel, our guide, and Evan Evans did a great job. Only complaint was that WiFi was very spotty on the bus for such a long (12 hour) trip.
I suggest that it should promote only two places to visit... we had a very short time to visit the castle and the Roman Baths and couldnt wander around the cities that are beautiful... and in Stonehenge we made a queue of more than 25 min to get on a bus that took us to the stones and we couldnt go all the way round of the stones because we had to queue again to go back under the threaten to be left there.... Andy Jackson was nice and very kind and gave us great info in the tour.... but I rather listened to the audio guide IN stonehenge than IN the bus because what I think is that this is something that you'd already known (QUEUEING) So I DONT recommend to take a 3 attraction tour in the same tour.
The only thing hard in this tour for us was finding where the coaches are parked, after you find them, it’s all fun from there. Our tour guide, Chris was excellent. Very informative. He keeps giving information throughout the bus ride and I have to mention, his jokes were really funny!!! Driver Tom kept us on time for the whole tour. Tip: Go early especially if you’re not familiar with Victoria station. Eat breakfast or bring something to eat on the bus. It’s a few hours before you get to eat lunch
We did the Windsor Castle and Bath tour, but when we came out of the Bath tour we lost our way and couldn't get back to bus on time. We had no idea where the bus was, we walked every way, all streets looked the same ( from tourist viewpoint). The tour guide should have reminded us to flag the map before leaving us but that could easily be blamed on us. We had to pay to get back to London on our own and didn't get to see the Stonehenge which was the sole purpose of this trip. Very disappointed!
A tour like this shouldn’t be sold. The atractions are excellent but they aren’t so close from London and one from another. The result is that you have almost no time to see the atractions. Only waiting to enter Windsor it takes about 1 hour. In time, no problems with the guide, that did what she could.
Mark our driver and Chris our guide were fantastic. Chris was incredibly knowledgeable on so many aspects of the tour as well as during the drive time. He was very entertaining and a highlight of the trip. With pace you can literally see everything and more
Rowan was a terrific guide (as was Kevin the bus driver). Beautiful scenery - really enjoyed Bath and surrounding area.
The entire trip was rushed. You have a max of 40 minutes to see each place. The 40 minutes includes seeing the attraction, purchasing lunch, standing in line for the bathroom, and running to catch the bus so it doesn’t leave you behind. There was no time to visit the gift shop. I’ve previously done the Warwick/Oxford/Stratford trip and Leeds/Canterbury/Dover trip. They were enjoyable, however they were also more than 13 years ago. Traffic and hordes of tourists that were not as overwhelming in the past made viewing these attractions very rushed.
Not a lot of time at each site, but still a great day. Alex was wonderful and she made the day flow seemlessly. She was a wealth of historical information and made the day both fun and interesting
Our boys trip with three generations of men to Stonehenge, Bath, and Windsor Castle was fantastic! Our tour guide, James, and driver, Valentin took us on an amazing adventure to these sites. James was very informative and funny and was incredibly kind to my 4-years old boy who worked as his “assistant” for the day. Be prepared for a long day and lots of driving. However buses were comfortable and clean. Free WiFi on bus so bring a device or bring a book to read or a light pillow to rest between sites. Overall, a great tour where you get the highlights of each site!
Booked this tour for my parents. Thought it may be a bit too much to cover all three attractions in one day but it sounds like the tour was broken down nicely. The parents did say that they felt the Windsor visit was a bit rushed but everything else was good. The tour guide (Mel) apparently made an effort to check up on everyone at the end of the tour to make sure they got to their accommodations OK and provided tips on where to go for food etc - my parents appreciated this.
Boarding was easy, comfortable seats-plenty of room. The guide was friendly and informative, great explanation of European history.
This was a comprehensive tour of the the three sites and was made even better by our tour guide James. Windsor Castle: Time was limited but James got us in early enough that we were able to see everything and get pictures with few people around. He also told us where to stand to see the changing of the guard and get great pictures! Stonehenge: we had plenty of time to wander around the site for great pictures. Bath: such a nice city and great tour of the Roman baths. Also, plenty of time to walk around and explore. James was funny, informative, thorough and overall did a phenomenal job. Thank you!
Our guide Nicholas and driver Nikki were absolutely amazing! So knowledgeable and shared great information and tips about the sites! Wish there was more time to spend at each attraction, but the tour was absolutely amazing otherwise!
Our tour guide, Mel, was very knowledgeable and passionate about sharing the history of the places we visited. He made us feel like we were reliving the past.
Claudia and James did an awesome job following their schedule, explaining everything. great history in this part of the world? Claudia is very knowledgeable and fun to listen to. Made this trip worth it. But not impressed with the booking system. When I asked to book the castle for a visit, it should have warned me that it was not opened for visitors and should have recommended another date if that is what I wanted to do. Instead they let me book and put notes on the ticket about the closure. I didn't read it till the day before when it was to late to cancel. Sure the company reimbursed the entrance fee for the Castle but for me, that was the main event. Spent 11 hrs on a bus to miss the part that was the most important to me.. System should not let you book something that is not opened.
The tour was great! It felt a bit rushed but there's quite the distance between all of these places so it's understandable, our guide gave us a lot of information about the sites themselves when she could but most of the tour is spent on your own at these locations. It worked great for us though.
This was a ver interesting day. Our guide was Mel and he did a fantastic job. Ad lots of info for us
Doing this one day trip visiting these 3 sites was an incredible way to see them! Our tour guide, Anthony Matthews, was extremely knowledgeable and made the day go so much better by being able to get us to the sites ahead of other groups due to his diligence! This was a must see and Anthony made the day even so much better!
Tour was great! Our driver did a fantastic job of gaining time by navigating traffic because we were rushed at ties because of other tours. Phil our guide was fantastic! Full of info to help appreciate what we were seeing even more!
My daughter and I went on the Windsor, Stonehenge and Bath tour. We thoroughly enjoyed being able to visit multiple places, without the stress and fatigue. Rob was our tour guide and was incredibly informative, funny and very organized. Valentine was our driver and an absolutely perfect driver. He and Rob worked together as a team. This was a perfect experience, which I highly recommend and would do again.
First off our tour guide Alex was amazing! Her knowledge of all the sites was much better then many tours I’ve Ben on where they just hit the talking points. I’d recommend her and this tour to anyone! Only downer is just 1.5 hours in Bath, but you can only fit so much in day!
Excellent bus ride through the countryside. Great taste of the three sites, all glorious individually. Guide and bus driver were fabulous!
We loved seeing Windsor Palace, Stonehenge, and Bath. Although a long trip on the coach, it was well paced and everything we did was special. Our guide, Mel, and driver, Tom, were outstanding.
The places are beautiful but this tour has some problems and I will explain them in details. 1) When we arrive the station is a bit chaotic with many buses leaving at the same time with poor signalization. 2) Our guide kept changing languages so he would explain something and then continue after 10 min of another language. 3) We had a guide in the bus but then we were drop off in the attraction and we had to find our way by ourselves as we were suppose to be back in the bus at a certain time or find our way back to London if we get lost. Which was very stressful and therefore we did not enjoy as we could. What is the use of a guide if it is not to guide us through the attractions? Very misleading.
The guide was very knowledgeable, and spoke concisely. It included a fair bit of history but she was engaging so it didn’t feel boring or dry. The sites themselves were wonderful and I am definitely considering spending longer at bath to really take everything in.
David our guide and Mark our driver were fantastic! We had such a great day! Winsor Castle was closed so we got to see a bit of the town and the outside of the castle. Stonehenge and Bath tours were great!
This tour is for those who just want to see and look at Windsor, Stonehenge and Bath. There is no time to savor the visits if you are one who wants to really experience each area. You literally have to walk fast, for example at Windsor, we only had 40 mins to “enjoy” and there are no picture taking allowed inside the premises. Imagine if picture taking is allowed, you wouldn’t really have time.You have to move fast or else your bus will leave you behind. You need to obey the time set by the guide. I think we had 2 people who didnt show up at the set time so they were left behind.Also, they advertise that there is free wifi on the bus, but there is none. This made it difficult for us to communicate to others while travelling.Otherwise, it was an okay trip to see those 3 sights.You need to come back again to savor those areas.
Loved all the places on this trip but if you want to linger at any of them this trip is not for you. Was very fast paced and made for an extremely long day. If I had it to do over again I would have made the trip to Windsor on my own via the train from London and then went on a tour to Stonehenge and Bath as they are much further away and too difficult to do on your own. Also would be nice not to feel so rushed.