Paris - Tagesausflug mit der Bahn von London aus
Reisen Sie von London St. Pancras nach Paris Gare du Nord per Eurostar, und verbringen Sie den ganzen Tag zur freien Verfügung. Verwenden Sie Ihr Ticket für eine Hop-on-Hop-off-Tour in Paris, um die Stadt und Sehenswürdigkeiten, wie den Louvre, Eiffelturm, Champs-Élysées und mehr zu besichtigen, für einen vollkommen stressfreien Besichtigungstag.
Geführter Tagesausflug:
Reiseplan bis zum 31. März 2018
Sie treffen unseren Mitarbeiter am Londoner Bahnhof St. Pancras und machen sich auf den Weg nach Paris. Nach der Ankunft in Paris werden Sie von unserem Reiseleiter empfangen, der Sie den ganzen Tag über begleitet.
Genießen Sie die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten, wie Champs Elysees, Triumphbogen, Notre Dame, Montmartre und viele mehr.
Halten Sie Ihre Kamera bereit für einen spektakulären Blick von der zweiten Etage des berühmten Eiffelturms.
Bitte beachten Sie: Die Warteschlangen am Eiffelturm sind oft sehr lang (bis zum 31. März 2018). Wenn die Warteschlangen am Tag Ihrer Führung zu lang sind, könnte Ihr Fremdenführer stattdessen einen Besuch des Louvre Museums oder Musee D'Orsay vorschlagen.
Bootsfahrt auf der Seine
Gleiten Sie auf einer einstündigen Bootsfahrt durch das Herz von Paris und begeben Sie sich dann in das Opernviertel, wo Sie die wunderschöne Architektur und die Geschäfte erkunden. Nach einem wunderschönen Tag in Paris verabschieden Sie sich von Ihrem Reiseleiter und begeben sich auf die Rückfahrt nach London.
Reiseplan ab 1. April 2018:
Sie treffen den Evan Evans-Mitarbeiter am Bahnhof St. Pancras und steigen dann in den Eurostar, wo Sie sich gemütlich zurücklehnen und entspannen können, bis Sie 2 Stunden und 15 Minuten später in Paris ankommen.
Bei der Ankunft am Bahnhof Gare du Nord steigen Sie gemeinsam mit Ihrem Reiseleiter an Bord des Luxusbusses und beginnen Ihre Reise durch Paris. Sehen Sie berühmte Sehenswürdigkeiten wie die Champs-Elysées, den Arc de Triomphe, die Kathedrale Notre Dame, das Musée d'Orsay und den Place de la Concorde.
Der erste Halt ist der Eiffelturm, den Sie sich aus nächster Nähe anschauen und jede Menge Fotos machen können. Sie haben Zeit zur freien Verfügung, um die Gegend zu erkunden und bei Bedarf ein Mittagessen zu genießen. Fragen Sie Ihren Reiseleiter nach Empfehlungen. (Eintritt in den Eiffelturm ist nicht im Preis inbegriffen)
Am Nachmittag machen Sie eineBesichtigungs-Bootsfahrt entlang der Seine. Sie gleiten auf dem Wasser durch das Herz von Paris und bewundern den atemberaubenden Panoramablick von dem Glasboot aus mit offener Aussichtsplattform, und lauschen den faszinierenden Audiokommentaren. Nach der Bootstour wartet Ihr Bus auf Sie, um sie in das Opernviertel zu bringen, das sich ausgezeichnet für einen Einkaufsbummel eignet. Sie haben Zeit zum Einkaufen oder um weiter zu erkunden. Ihr Reiseleiter begleitet Sie zurück zum Gare du Nord, pünktlich für Ihre Rückfahrt mit dem Zug nach London.
- Bergbahnticket für Hin- und Rückfahrt
- Paris Reisepaket (Informationen zu öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln und Stadtplan)
- Hop-on-Hop-off-Tour
- Besichtigungs-Bootsfahrt (falls diese Option gewählt wurde)
- Eintrittspreise
- Speisen und Getränke
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Die Bestätigung erfolgt zeitgleich mit der Buchung, wenn Sie mindestens 14 Tage vor der Veranstaltung buchen. Danach erhalten Sie, wenn das Angebot noch buchbar ist, innerhalb von 48 Stunden eine Bestätigung
- Sie benötigen für die Reise einen gültigen Reisepass
- BITTE informieren Sie sich über die Einreisebestimmungen und besorgen sich eventuell erforderliche Visa für den Grenzübertritt. Die Erfüllung entsprechender Visums Anforderungen obliegt einzig und allein den Reisenden
- Die Warteschlangen am Eiffelturm können bis zu drei Stunden sein. Ihr Reiseleiter kann einen Besuch des Louvre oder des Musee D'Orsay (dienstags) als Alternative vorschlagen – bis zum 31. März 2018 (geführte Tour)
- Zug-Zeiten können sich ändern

Most memorable trip celebrating my 70th and my daughters 50th birthdays! Fantastic day all around! Thank you Viator!
For us, this trip was the best way to see Paris in one day since our time was limited. The train ride started at 6:18am. Our tour guide (Nigel) met us at 5:30am and provided us with our train tickets as well as all needed information to start the trip. The train ride from London was comfortable and Nigel and Ahmad, the bus driver at Paris made this trip unforgettable experience. We visited the Eiffel Tower, made the river cruise tour, visited the Louvre Museum, and visited all prominent landmarks in Paris. Nigel was very knowledgeable about all the areas we visited and provided us with all needed information. Free time was the right amount, thanks to the experience of Nigel. Keep in mind that this trip would provide you with the main highlights of Paris in one day, but if you need to spend more time at the attractions, you need to consider a trip that lasts for few days.
Nigel and Ahmad were a very good pair as guide and driver. Nigel was personable, knowledgeable and well organized. He related well to all on board. We will recommend this trip to friends!
This was the perfect way to see Paris in a day. Train ride from London was great. We did the river cruise tour, without lunch, saw so much from the relaxing boat ride. The bus took us to see all the "must see" places in Paris. Free time was the right amount. And our tour guide Angela was the best!
Confirmed trip by calling tour center the day before trip. The Evans worker was on time with the tickets and gave clear instructions similar to what's found online. After that you are on your own if it's the hip on hop off trip. The bus stop is close to train station in Paris. The weather was lovely and traffic was a bit bad, however there were still enough time to make stops, take pictures, and enjoy the sights. It was a lovely time. If you want to do museums and other attractions you would need more than one day trip to get into those attractions.
We wanted to go to Paris for a few days, but I waited to buy Euro Star tickets, and they went way up, so then choose this tour instead. It was a great way to see Paris for the first time. Very well organized and you get to see a lot. The only thing I wish I would've bought prepaid tickets to go up into the Eiffel Tower. You get about 2 hours to view and eat around the Eiffel Tower. We waited in line through the security lines to go inside the grounds,but then you have to wait in line to buy tickets to go up, which the lines we felt were too long the day we went. But, if you buy your tickets ahead of time, you'd have time, not a ton of time to be up there, but some especially if it's not a busy time of the year. If you want to go up into the tower, I'd ask the tour company if you should buy tickets ahead of time. Just walking around and taking pictures and then finding a spot to eat was great as well.
We did the hop on hop off options, as the guided tour was booked. The bus guide was not very informative, and often spoke as if we knew what the buildings were, which we didn’t. We also ended up taking an Uber back to the train station because a demonstration delayed the buses so much. The only pluses to the non guided option was having a set bus route and driver to navigate the crazy traffic, and being able to go into the Louvre for a short time. Overall an okay option, but the key to having a good time is staying flexible and not expecting a lot from the bus.
Paris was on our bucket list and this day trip from London was a good fit! Loved that train tickets and hop on tickets were taken care of by tour! Paris was busy but we did a quick look at the major sites and was a great experience!
Alexandra was a phenomenal tour guide!! We had a wonderful experience and we will utilize/recommend this service again!!!
The trip was a good one, expecially due to the exceptionally capable tour guild Alexandria. She went above and beyond to make sure we were well taken care of. I would definitely go on more tours if she is the guild.
This is the best way to see Paris in one day,great tour guide from start to finish,we were met at the rail station taken to our train,once in Paris the bus was waiting for us,did the city tour,after that we did the river cruise,after that back on the bus for more sightseeing,then we had free time to ourselves.All in all a great day out with a great tour guide named Angela.
Carol is AWESOME!I booked this trip for my birthday. I was one of two people who were scheduled on this date so I had a personal tour guide - Carol - and she was mindful of every detail! From our initial meeting, she was charming, witty, smart, knowledgeable, and catering to me. The train ride was wonderful and the tour around the city was really enjoyable. I ate lunch at 58 Eiffel Tour Restaurant because Carol called ahead and got a table for me to celebrate. She informed them that it was my birthday and they gave me a dessert and sang happy birthday to me! The cruise on the Seine River was really nice and the afternoon was pleasurable. The return trip to London with Carol was also enjoyable and I will forever be grateful for the special care she showed me on my birthday!
I was worried a bit after some of the reviews saying it was a exhausting day. But I must say it was perfection!! Richard was a delightful ambassador for Paris and our day was a perfect combination of history and exploration. My husband and I were traveling with my 75 year old parents and each of us loved it equally. And the tops was meeting our fellow trip mates who quickly became friends!
Fantastic guide Richard so knowledgeable he explained each site so well and exposed us to so much charm and wonder of the city. Had we gone on our own we would not have been exposed to so much. I would highly recommend this tour and this fantastic guide.
Very easy to book and delivered as promised. The representative met us in the exact location provided an on time. The train is great. The only difficulty came when attempting to locate our hop on / hop off bus once we arrived in Paris. But, we were ultimately successful! Great day in Paris exploring on our own.