Tagesausflug nach Sintra und Cascais ab Lissabon in kleiner Gruppe
Beginnen Sie diese Tour um 9:30 Uhr mit Ihrem Fahrer/Reiseleiter und dem Besuch von Sintra, einem Dorf in der Nähe von Lissabon, das auch als Kulisse für ein Märchen dienen könnte und sich in der mystischen Bergregion namens Sintra befindet. Dieses magische Dorf zeichnet sich durch seine Paläste, Gärten, und Burgen aus. Es gleicht einem Filmset voller Mystik, Magie und Romantik. In Sintra besichtigen Sie auch den berühmten Pena-Palast. Die Burg hat eine Fülle an Stilen - von Exotik bis Romantik. Den dürfen Sie sich nicht entgehen lassen. Sie essen in Sintra zu Mittag und haben außerdem etwas Zeit zur freien Verfügung!
Nach dem Besuch Sintras können Sie den atemberaubenden Blick auf das Meer an zwei verschiedenen Orten genießen: im majestätischen Cabo da Roca, dem westlichsten Punkt Europas, und im eindrucksvollen Boca do Inferno, einer natürlichen Felsformation namens Höllenschlund! An beiden Orten haben Sie Zeit zur freien Verfügung!
Schließlich besuchen Sie Cascais, ein nahe gelegenes Dorf, das für seine Klippen und natürlichen Höhlen sowie vielfältige Architektur berühmt ist: strategische Verteidigungsstrukturen, darunter Festungen und Militärgebäude, Küstenbauten und Paläste. In Cascais haben Sie genug Zeit, um das Dorf und etwas Eiscreme zu genießen!
Sie kehren im komfortablen Minibus zwischen 16:30 Uhr und 17:30 Uhr nach Lissabon zurück.
- Fahrer/Reiseleiter
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel
- Mittagessen
- Ticket zum Nationalpalast Pena
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Wenn Sie Kindersitze benötigen, geben Sie dies bitte bei der Buchung an
- Kinder müssen von einem Erwachsenen begleitet werden
- Sonderpreise für Kinder nur in Begleitung zweier voll zahlender Erwachsener
- Für dieses Angebot ist eine Mindestteilnehmerzahl erforderlich. Es besteht die Möglichkeit einer Stornierung auch nach erfolgter Bestätigung, falls sich nicht genügend Teilnehmer finden. In diesem Fall bieten wir Ihnen entweder einen anderen Termin an oder erstatten den vollen Betrag zurück

We had an amazing tour director, Paulo. My one advice is if you are not on the road by 9 am you will not get to have an amazing tour like I did. We even had more free time in Cascais!
Pablo our tour guide was excellent, had lots of fun visiting Sintra and Cascais. He was very punctual and gave us good time to visit as this was private tour 5 star to his service.
The attraction is amazing and i highly recommend people go see this when in Lisbon. However, this is described as a full day tour and this is by no means a tour. Vasco is simply a driver. You get no history or knowledge of the places your going to see. Your paying for someone to drive you to these two towns! Hire a real guide. Don't spend the money on this!
I had very positive expectations based on the reviews. However, a few issues were not according to the description. Thankfully, the sites were beautiful and made up for it. My main issue was our guide, Vasco, who never really explained anything during the trip. Yes, he was polite and patient, but basically a taxi driver, not a guide in any way. He had the music on and was making some private arrangements the whole time. If he said something, only the 2 people right behind him could hear what he said and even they told us, they couldn't understand everything. We never stopped in Cascais, just passed by and he didn't even tell us what this is - luckily, we figured it out. We had to pay for our tickets in the Pena Palace and the Park and I thought this was included in the price Pena Park tickets were mentioned as included on the Tripadvisor website from where we booked the trip - later I learned it will be executed by Viator. Another thing according to the website was the entrance fee to the Quinta da Regaleira - we never went there, I have no idea what this is. There was no bottled water or wifi in the car, either, as stated on Tripadvisor. We stopped at some small lake, called the Blue lake, and the guy didn't even know why it is called like this. Just a random stop to look at a pond! He then stopped at one point before Cascais and told us we had 20 min. We had no idea what this place was - he told us later in the car that it was some place called Death beach or something like this and that was it. We had lunch in Sintra where he took us to the restaurant of his friends the food was really good but he didn't explain anything about the town. I am deeply disappointed and don't believe we received what we paid for. I usually book such trips when we travel, mainly for the fun atmosphere and explanations the guides provide. This was unfortunately not the case here. This was in addition to the fact that we had to reschedule our Sunday trip because it was overbooked and agreed to go on Saturday. I am not sure why we could book online if it was already sold out! I think were just a bit unlucky but overall, I enjoyed the various sights and the fact that we didn't have to deal with trains and buses to visit these places.
Very enjoyable day with site seeing in Sintra highlighted with Pena Palace. Cascais get sea view and unforgettable seafood lunch. Our guide Miguiel engaging and informative. He lighted our small group with some unforgettable sites. Would highly recommend this tour.