Hollywood Tagestour ab Las Vegas
1 day
Kleine Gruppe
Über diese Aktivität
Ihr Tag beginnt mit einer malerischen Fahrt von Las Vegas durch die hohe Wüste, trockene Flüsse, Bergketten, das südliche Ende des Death Valley, Mohave Yucca und Joshua Tree Wälder auf dem Weg nach Los Angeles und dem legendären Hollywood, Kalifornien.
Unser erster Halt ist ein Rock‘n‘Roll-Hotspot, das „Gitarren-Center“ auf dem legendären Sunset Blvd., das Herz der Musikszene von Hollywood mit Handabdrücken in Beton und Bronzetafeln aller großen Musiker.
Als Nächstes geht es zum Walk of Fame des Hollywood Boulevards, wo Sie etwas Zeit am Kodak Theatre (Dolby Theatre) und Chinese Theater verbringen, wo jedes Jahr die Academy Awards verliehen werden. Sie erkunden die vielen Hand- und Fußabdrücke der größten Stars Hollywoods in Beton und sehen das atemberaubend verzierte Roosevelt Hotel, wo oft Stars zu Mittag essen.
Die Tour geht weiter durch Hollywood; Ihr Reiseleiter zeigt Ihnen viele berühmte Drehorte - Landmark Hotel, Magic Castle, Hollywood United Methodist Church, Warner Brothers Studios, Walt Disney Studios, Pixar Entertainment und ABC Studios.
Dies ist eine wunderbare Tour in das Zentrum der fantastischen amerikanischen Filmindustrie.
Sie kehren gegen 20 Uhr nach Las Vegas zurück.
Bitte geben Sie Ihr bevorzugtes Sandwich/Mittagessen im Feld für Sonderwünsche bei der Buchung an:
• Schinken
• Türkei
• Deluxe-Truthahn (Cranberrysauce, Füllung und Mayonnaise)
• Italienisch (Kombination aus Genua-Salami, Capacollo und Prosciutini)
• Vegetarisch
• Frischer Salat mit Vinaigrette-Dressing
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Unser erster Halt ist ein Rock‘n‘Roll-Hotspot, das „Gitarren-Center“ auf dem legendären Sunset Blvd., das Herz der Musikszene von Hollywood mit Handabdrücken in Beton und Bronzetafeln aller großen Musiker.
Als Nächstes geht es zum Walk of Fame des Hollywood Boulevards, wo Sie etwas Zeit am Kodak Theatre (Dolby Theatre) und Chinese Theater verbringen, wo jedes Jahr die Academy Awards verliehen werden. Sie erkunden die vielen Hand- und Fußabdrücke der größten Stars Hollywoods in Beton und sehen das atemberaubend verzierte Roosevelt Hotel, wo oft Stars zu Mittag essen.
Die Tour geht weiter durch Hollywood; Ihr Reiseleiter zeigt Ihnen viele berühmte Drehorte - Landmark Hotel, Magic Castle, Hollywood United Methodist Church, Warner Brothers Studios, Walt Disney Studios, Pixar Entertainment und ABC Studios.
Dies ist eine wunderbare Tour in das Zentrum der fantastischen amerikanischen Filmindustrie.
Sie kehren gegen 20 Uhr nach Las Vegas zurück.
Bitte geben Sie Ihr bevorzugtes Sandwich/Mittagessen im Feld für Sonderwünsche bei der Buchung an:
• Schinken
• Türkei
• Deluxe-Truthahn (Cranberrysauce, Füllung und Mayonnaise)
• Italienisch (Kombination aus Genua-Salami, Capacollo und Prosciutini)
• Vegetarisch
• Frischer Salat mit Vinaigrette-Dressing
- Abgefülltes Trinkwasser in Flaschen
- Frühstück - kontinentales Frühstück
- Mittagessen
- Snacks
- Professioneller Führer
- Abholung vom Hotel und Rückgabe
- Eintritt - Adventure Photo Tours
Nicht inbegriffen
- Trinkgeld
- Sie erhalten die Bestätigung zum Zeitpunkt der Buchung.
- Sitze für Kleinkinder verfügbar
- Durchschnittliche Fitness erforderlich
- Funktioniert bei allen Wetterbedingungen, bitte kleiden Sie sich entsprechend
- Bitte geben Sie bei der Buchung im Feld "Besondere Anforderungen" Ihre bevorzugte Sandwich- / Mittagspause an:
- Schinken
- Truthahn
- Deluxe Türkei (Preiselbeersauce, Füllung und Mayonnaise)
- Italienisch (Kombination aus Genua-Salami, Capacolla und Prosciutini)
- Vegetarisch
- Gartensalat mit Vinaigrette
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Our driver was super professional. Was always asking if we needed anything or needed to stop for anything. He was very informative. He kept a conversation going throughout the trip which was great because the drive seemed to go much quicker.
This was the perfect way to check out some LA highlights. Our tour guides were knowledgeable and friendly. The only downside is the drive, it’s a long day. But we understood that and came prepared, kids loved getting to see LA while on vacay in Vegas.
I've been on 3 family trips to LA, but this one was most enjoyable! Our tour guides/drivers, Tom and Paul, were the best! One of the gents spoke fluent German with one of the guest! The ride was long but we had enuff breaks/stops, that eased the ride. Traffic in LA is always horrendous, not Tom nor Paul's fault. Our stops were at spots that my family wouldn't have wanted to visit. the family i was with on this trip was all in. Loved Santa Monica Pier, would have liked to stay , 1/2 hour longer, loved the sight-seeing thru Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive, loved the break at the Roosevelt Hotel, Sunset Blvd./Strip was a "hoot"! Wanted 2 be a bit closer to the HOLLYWOOD sign, but have great photos. On the return to Las Vegas, the mountains were beautiful and we stopped in Victorville, Calif. for a break and by then my battery, was exhausted, I could not call my cousin who lives there. My only complaint, there were no outlets near our seats on the van, and we didn't stay long enuff at one place 2 charge our iphones. All and all, this trip was a big "THUMBS UP"! 3 family members were celebrating birthdays and this trip will be one to remember! (family, no teens or children)The trip was worth the $$$. Cookie C.
This was one of the trips we were most looking forward to, but were left highly disappointed. The tour guide was a pleasant gentleman, but did not furnish us with much information about the locations we drove through or Hollywood itself. We expected to drive through the Hills to see the sign, but had to make do with squinting at it from miles away. We also expected entry into places since entrance fees was listed on the inclusions, but there was nothing we could gain entry into. The time needed to take photos was only about half an hour, yet we had two and a half hours to spend in a rather rundown area. We believed the guide would accompany us to various places and tell us stories, as other reviewers mentioned, but we had the whole time to ourselves. Many of the places named on the description were not made available, such as the Roosevelt Hotel and film locations. We paid a lot of money for what was basically a taxi ride.
A good trip just to see the stars and hand prints . comfy drive and 21/2 hours in Hollywood around the paved streets .
In brief: Picked up at 5.40am, 4-5 hour drive to LA, 2hrs 15 mins at kodak theatre, followed by a trip up to the holywood sign, then 2-3 movie locations and a long journey back in a very bumpy minibus. Hugely Disappointed. In detail: I dont normally do reviews but I feel this one deserves it as was really disappointed in the whole day. I looked between this trip and another one advertised but after reading positive reviews i decided to book this one with adventure tours. I knew that it was going to be an early morning followed by a long day but we planned it in so it did not bother us. Bus arrived on time and we were given a receipt after handing over the voucher, we were given a mini print out of some do's and donts while in the mini bus and included a tipping guide lines in thick bold black writing. Just about to climb on the mini bus and we were told where to sit - i originally thought this was worse than being back at school, there was a nice breakfast bag sitting on the seats ready for us which was a pastry, water and few nibbles inside. After collecting all the guests in total 12 including us we headed out towards LA. We stopped about 60-90 minutes in as we needed to change driver due to new laws over there where a driver can only drive for 12 hours max again this did not bother us then we continued onto LA. The new driver was polite and had good commentary - only problems here was that his mic kept breaking up and after he mentioned something interesting while travelling, virtually every sentence after that was a summary of what he just said. This got really annoying and we just turned off to everything, he did mention that it would be best for people to refrain from using their mobile phones as it spoils the trip for other guests this was due to someone who was continually on his mobile - this lasted about 8-9 miles until he was back on it and another guest said a few polite words!!. We were in a twin seat on the van, these seats were comfortable until you hit a bump in the road then it was like someone knocking the wind out of you. I dont know what the front of the bus was like but at the rear it was bad - even the couple behind us over some of the bumps you could tell that they were uncomfortable by the sounds they were making, its was like the minibus has no suspension to soften the blows over the rough road. Few hours later and after plenty of toilet breaks we arrived at LA, the driver pointed out the Guiness Book of Records and Ripleys Believe It or Not stores while travelling to the Kodak Theatre, we parked up and had 2hrs 15 minutes there. We decided not to do the Guiness Book or Ripleys as after 45-60 mins looking around the area and shops, we did not want to waste the money and rush any of them, so we sat in McDonalds for an hour until it was time to go as we has looked in all the local shops several times. Once we left we travelled up to the Holywood sign for a few pictures and we were taken to a few film locations before we left for Vegas. On the return we had the rollercoaster of bumps in a van with possibly no suspension and a driver repeating what he had just said again. We felt it was not value for money, very disappointed and wasted a day of our holiday, it would have been nice for them to give some indication on how long things take to do while there eg Guiness book of records and Riplys so you can plan the day better. Overall i should have drove it myself like i did the Grand Canyon but thought it was going to be a lot better than it was. We were collected at 5.40am and dropped off at 1930ish
This tour is a winner! Our tour guide was an Australian fellow by the name of Phillip. This bloke couldn't have been nicer. He knew his material well and enjoyed sharing it he was pleasant and worked hard to make sure that we were having a good time. On the way back Phillip made a couple of unscheduled stops at some really neat scenic areas. Once in Hollywood he took us all around and also Burbank whilst pointing out all the cool stuff and places of interest. We were lucky to have been there whilst crews were setting up for the Oscars the following day. That was a bonus! Once we got to Hollywood we had more than enough time to walk around and shop the interesting stores on Hollywood Blvd. Lunch was a sub-type sandwich with chips, cookies, juice etc. Very nice lunch. There was also plenty of cold water just for the asking throughout the trip. The only thing I would change is the type of tour bus. The Mercedes van was rather tight. Other than this minor kvetch this tour is an Oscar! If you seat behind the driver's seat you will that it is rather uncomfortable due to lack of leg room.