Ausflug von Kuching zum Orang-Utan Rehabilitationszentrum Semenggok
Der beste Ort in Sarawak um einen Blick auf halbwilde Orang-Utans zu erhaschen die aus der Gefangenschaft gerettet und auf das Überleben in einem der umliegenden Waldreservate vorbereitet wurden.
Die rehabilitierten Tiere bewegen sich frei im Regenwald, und kehren zum Zeitpunkt der Fütterung häufig wieder zurück in das Center. Dank des erfolgreichen Zuchtprogramms um Semonggok gibt es eine gute Chance, eine der rührendsten Begebenheiten in Borneo zu erleben – eine Orang-Utan-Mutter mit einem jungen Baby.
Das Centre ist durch eine 30-minütige Fahrt von Kuching und weitere 20 min zu Fuß durch den Dschungel zu erreichen. Auf dem Weg passieren Besucher die ethno-botanischen Gärten, bekannt durch ihre einzigartige Sammlung von Regenwald Pflanzen.
Semengok hat außerdem eine Reihe von kurzen Dschungelpfaden und optionale Waldwanderungen, die in den Ausflug aufgenommen werden können.
- Professioneller Reiseleiter
- Eintrittspreise
- Transfer von und zu den Hotels
- Speisen und Getränke
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Pro Buchung sind mindestens zwei Personen erforderlich.
From the getgo our bus driver was extremely knowledgeable and gave us plenty of information on the Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre. As we visited outside the "fruiting season" the Orangutans came in to partake of the fruit offered, giving us a full display on how they would eat in the wild. The Centre's staff showed us where to look and answered any questions; plenty of opportunity to take photos. Well worth the trip.
LOVED IT! Exactly what we hoped, and our incredible tour guide personalized it and made the opportunity to see these wonderful animals in their natural habitat an unforgettable one. The orangutans are such lovable guys and SO MUCH FUN to WATCH!
All very simple, our guide was lovely and we were lucky enough to see a few Orangutans. I would highly recommend this trip!
The tour was great, we were fortunate enough to see all the animals that were listed in the description.
The rehabilitation centre is brilliant and the orangutans fascinating. But this tour in my opinion is overpriced and the timings are not correct. There is no way this tour can be four hours long as the park is only open about an hour for feeding time and the drive is half hour each way. You may as well get a taxi. It will be much cheaper. But definitely worth visiting.
The disappointment with this tour is that orang utans did not appear. However, this was stressed to everyone before going to the observation platform. We were not too disappointed, as we have done this tour twice before and were lucky enough to them them on the 2 previous occasions. We were picked up and taken back to the hotel and it was a pleasant morning. The driver and guide, whose name I cannot recall (sorry) was very good. Recommend doing this, but don't be too disappointed if the orang utans don't appear - after all, it is up to them whether they come in or not.
Was wonderful. It was fruiting season in the Forest. But we were so very lucky to see two. A mother and daughter. They were fed along the track and they are such wonderful creatures. The ranger who spoke to us when we went back to the shop was so very informative.