Key West lebendes Korallenriff – Schnorchel-Abenteuer
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Key West lebendes Korallenriff – Schnorchel-Abenteuer
/ United States / Florida / Monroe County / Key West / Touren & Aktivitäten /
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Key West lebendes Korallenriff – Schnorchel-Abenteuer

3 h
Über diese Aktivität

Schnorcheln Sie in einer von Key Wests beliebtesten Attraktionen: dem Riff und dem kristallklaren blauen Wasser rund um dieses Inselparadies. Seit fast drei Jahrzehnten entscheiden sich Besucher und Einheimische gleichermaßen für das Schnorcheln in Key Wests nahegelegenem Riff.

Ihr Segel- und Schnorchelabenteuer in Key West beginnt an Bord eines hochmodernen Katamarans, Teil der größten und luxuriösesten Katamaran-Flotte in den Florida Keys. Spüren Sie die Spannung, während Sie zu Nordamerikas einzigem lebenden Korallenriff segeln, wo die Wunder von Mutter Natur auf Sie warten. Während Ihrer Reise werden unbegrenzt Softdrinks und Wasser serviert.

An Bord haben Sie den ultimativen Segel- und Schnorchel-Komfort mit:

  • Treppe zum Meer
  • Große Sonnenterrasse
  • Schattige Lounge
  • Frisches Wasser zum Abspülen
  • Toiletten
  • Top-of-the-Line-Schnorchelausrüstung
  • Professioneller Unterricht von Fury's freundlicher Crew

Bevor Sie ins Wasser gehen, steht Ihnen die freundliche und professionelle Crew für Unterstützung und Anweisungen zur Seite. Sobald Sie die „Treppe zum Meer“ hinabgehen, entdecken Sie die Wunder der Unterwasserwelt mit unberührten Korallenriffen und einer Vielzahl von Unterwasserwelt mit tropischen Arten, die nirgendwo anders auf der Erde zu finden sind. Nach Abschluss Ihres Schnorchel-Abenteuers wird kostenloses kühles Bier und Wein serviert. Auf dem Nachmittagsausflug sind frostige Margaritas verfügbar auf dem Rückweg.

Verpassen Sie nicht dieses fantastische Key West-Schnorchelerlebnis.

Mehr lesen Weniger anzeigen
  • Top-of-the-Line-Schnorchelausrüstung
  • Professionelle Anweisungen
  • Kostenlose Limonade und Wasser
  • Kostenloses Bier, Wein und Margaritas nach dem Schnorcheln (Margaritas zu Nachmittagstour)
Nicht inbegriffen
  • Trinkgeld (optional)
  • Speisen und Getränke, sofern nicht anders angegeben
  • Mittagessen
  • Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
  • Gäste müssen sich mindestens 30 Minuten vor der Abfahrt einfinden
Theresa C
5 | 2019-07-30

Had a great time, the water was clear and warm, we got to see black tip reef shark, nurse shark, parrot fish, yellow tails, very large angel fish, beautiful and colorful reefs. Tiger fish and trunk fish. Enjoyed margaritas,wine, beer, and soda on the way back to shore.

Ronald M
5 | 2019-07-03

My son and I went on our first snorkel trip in Key West. God was good to us, the weather was great. And the catamaran we went on was awesome. Captain Steve and his crew were so good to all of us! God bless all of you! Respectfully Submitted

david b
4 | 2019-01-02

Apparently waters were rough at the reef so Fury took us to another location. Very busy time of year so the boat had a full load. Ie quite crowded. Very professional staff. Did a great job getting people into the water and out again safely. Saw lots of neat fish so the venture was not a complete loss. Seems to be a crap shoot as to whether or not they go to the reef. Last minute booking may be your best bet if u only want to snorkel on the reef.

Thomas L
3 | 2017-08-13

The reef area was way overcrowded. There were four boats in the area, parked side by side, so it was tough to do any serious snorkeling. The trips in and out were pretty smooth and the crew was attentive and friendly.

Cynthia T
5 | 2017-08-11

Awesome trip with a great crew! Saw tons of fish.

Steve I
2 | 2017-08-09

The captain and crew were friendly and nice. Otherwise, the snorkeling trip was bad. 118 passengers crammed onto the 65 ft. pontoon boat. Only those boarding first could sit in shade, the rest baked on the front and side decks or in parameter bench seats in the back. They couldn't take us to the barrier reef due to choppy seas, told us we could get off the boat and get a refund, then cast off before we could discuss that option. We sailed about an hour to sponge area, the chop was still pretty bad so after 20 minutes I got out of the water. While waiting to get back on board, wading in the 2 ft swells I witnessed several mothers with younger children get iinto the water from the central steps and immediately turn around and get back on board. It was too rough for them and no one could really enjoy the snorkeling much due to the waves which made the top layer of water a bit foggy. My nephew tried to take some pictures, but the water wasn't clear enough for good pictures. The boat deck had a dark blue beaded texture which hurt to walk on when barefoot and became very hot in the sun. Really too bad. I snorkeled near Cozumel once and had a fantastic time. In my opinion they should have cancelled the trip, the 15 knot winds were just too much for a good snorkeling experience.

Nancy W
4 | 2017-03-19

Gorgeous clear water, comfortable catamaran cruise to coral reef. Knowledge friendly customer-focused crew. 1-hour trip each direction with approx 45-min snorkeling. Due to large-sized craft and the large number is passengers accommodated, a longer snorkeling period would make this perfect! Reasonable pricing and availability. Would recommend checking cruise-line scheduled stops to avoid extra crowds.


Key West

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