Wailua Fluss und geheime Wasserfälle Kajak- und Wandertour
5 h
Über diese Aktivität
Sie treffen Ihren Reiseleiter entweder um 7:00 Uhr oder um 12:15 Uhr am vorgesehenen Treffpunkt. Danach fahren Sie eine kurze Fahrt zur Wailua Marina Bootsrampe.
Am Marinahafen wird Ihr Reiseleiter eine kurze Einführung in das Kajakfahren und die Regeln des Flusses geben. Dann wird Ihr Reiseleiter alle in die Kajaks laden und Ihre Reise beginnt 1,5 Meilen den Fluss hinauf bis zur Nordspitze.
Dort angekommen, parken Sie Ihre Kajaks. Danach beginnt die Wanderung für ca. 45 Minuten mit einer mäßigen Steigung zu geheimen Wasserfällen. Unterwegs wird Ihr Reiseleiter Mythen und Legenden über das wunderschöne Wailua-Flusstal erzählen.
An geheimen Wasserfällen haben Sie Zeit, das Wasser und die schöne Landschaft zu genießen. Dann, auf dem Rückweg, haben Sie 45 Minuten Wanderung zurück und 1,5 Meilen Kajak, um zurück zum Hafen von Wailua zu gelangen.
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Am Marinahafen wird Ihr Reiseleiter eine kurze Einführung in das Kajakfahren und die Regeln des Flusses geben. Dann wird Ihr Reiseleiter alle in die Kajaks laden und Ihre Reise beginnt 1,5 Meilen den Fluss hinauf bis zur Nordspitze.
Dort angekommen, parken Sie Ihre Kajaks. Danach beginnt die Wanderung für ca. 45 Minuten mit einer mäßigen Steigung zu geheimen Wasserfällen. Unterwegs wird Ihr Reiseleiter Mythen und Legenden über das wunderschöne Wailua-Flusstal erzählen.
An geheimen Wasserfällen haben Sie Zeit, das Wasser und die schöne Landschaft zu genießen. Dann, auf dem Rückweg, haben Sie 45 Minuten Wanderung zurück und 1,5 Meilen Kajak, um zurück zum Hafen von Wailua zu gelangen.
- Professioneller Führer
- Alle Aktivitäten
- Alle Steuern, Gebühren und Bearbeitungsgebühren
- Verwendung eines Rucksackrucksacks
Nicht inbegriffen
- Mittagessen
- Abholung vom Hotel und Rückgabe
- Trinkgeld
- Wasser trinken
- Sie erhalten die Bestätigung innerhalb von 48 Stunden nach der Buchung, abhängig von der Verfügbarkeit.
- Nicht geeignet für Personen mit Herzbeschwerden oder anderen schweren Krankheiten
- Nicht empfohlen für Schwangere
- Wir fahren sofort nach dem Check-in ab, so dass keine späten Ankünfte erlaubt sind
- Nicht für Teilnehmer mit kürzlich erlittenen Rücken-, Knie- oder Knöchelverletzungen empfohlen
- Keine offenen Wunden
- Die Teilnehmer müssen etwa drei Kilometer durch felsiges, schlammiges und rutschiges Gelände wandern können
- Muss Schuhe tragen, die fest an den Füßen sind. Keine Flipflops.
- Bitte viel Wasser mitbringen.
- Andere empfohlene Gegenstände mitzubringen: Badeanzüge, Mütze, Sonnenbrillen, Sonnencreme, Mückenschutz, Snacks und ein Handtuch.
- Ziploc-Taschen sollten für Handys oder Kameras verwendet werden, die nicht wasserdicht sind
- Kein Alkohol
- Für dieses Erlebnis ist gutes Wetter erforderlich. Sollte es aufgrund schlechter Wetterverhältnisse abgesagt werden, wird Ihnen ein anderes Datum oder eine vollständige Rückerstattung angeboten.
- Für dieses Erlebnis ist eine Mindestanzahl an Reisenden erforderlich. Sollte es storniert werden, da die Mindestanzahl nicht erreicht wurde, wird Ihnen ein anderes Datum/Erlebnis oder eine vollständige Rückerstattung angeboten.
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Makayla did a great job as the guide. She is patient, helpful and quite funny. The trip is a blast. If you are under experienced at kayaking it will be challenging as the kayak part takes some work.
Was a little hesitant to book this tour at first due to the no refunds policy. But it ended up being an amazing way to start our trip. The tour starts off with a 30/40 minute kayak up up the river, then about a 50 minute to 1 hour hike to the waterfall. Swimming in the lagoon and going into the waterfall are a blast and our guide Brian was very knowledgeable about Hawaiian history and the local animals, flora, and fauna. The guy also very funny and has dad jokes for days so be prepared for that. I only wouldn't recomend this tour for the very elderly or very young. The jungle trail is fairly untamed and includes crossing a river with a slightly strong current. Be prepared to get very muddy as well.
We had a great afternoon kayaking on the Waimea River, a strenuous hike through the mud to the falls and had a great dip in the falls.
Did this excursion with my 70 year old husband, son, daughter in law, and her fiancée. We all thought it was a major highlight of our trip to Kauai. Brian our guide was very entertaining and very informative. The kayaking and hiking were pretty strenuous but also a ton of fun. Very happy we decided to do this outing. Highly recommend!
Wonderful experience. Our guide was great and made the day fun and interesting. I recommend this to families. Perfect summer event.
Morning tour afforded cool am temperatures and beautiful views. Waterfall was beyond amazing. Rob had tons of information about local ecology and history of island.
This tour is the way to experience this unique and gorgeous island if you're not afraid of getting tired, wet and dirty! lol, for real. Seriously, Brian was probably one of the best tour guides EVER, and I've attended a few tours on our travels. He was friendly, thorough but mostly filled with joy and love of Kauai and its natural beauty and he shared that with us, with so much enthusiasm. He really is probably the best guide I've ever come across. The tour itself takes you through the luscious rain forest of Wailea park, along the beautiful Wailea river, for about 2 miles each way by kayak. You stop at a point where you're now hiking about 1.5 miles through tall grasses then trees and gorgeous vegetation (that Brian tells you all about laced with plenty of funny Kauaian 'tall tales' ;-)) following the river, wading through rivers (remember I said you were going to get wet) before reaching breathtaking Uluwehi falls, where you 'camp out' for about an hour or so, where everyone was invited to swim, take photos, drink water and snack (you bring your own provisions, but Duke's provided everyone with 'dry bags' to hold things during the trip) before returning back the same way you came. It was the perfect way to experience the island. It's fine for anyone of normal condition and fitness. You don't have to be an athlete, but if you have mobility issues, or health related problems that prevent you from exerting yourself too much, or moving through uneven terrain, then you should probably avoid this hike. Although, I'd have to say, that would be a sad loss. Highly recommend this tour.
Had a blast doing the kayak and hiking tour in April!!!!! The most important tip is to wear good hiking shoes that can handle mud and water for the hike (the trail was a little rough and muddy) and when you get to the falls because the water is hard to see into. Wear sunscreen and enjoy, totally worth it !!!!!!
This was one of the most fun excursions we did on Kauai. Our guide, Brian, was fantastic. The kayaking part was wonderful! Be prepared for an occasionally challenging hike. There are lots of tree roots to navigate and, unless it has been really dry, you will be sloshing through some mud puddles. You also have to cross the river a few times. The waterfall is beautiful! FYI - We wore trail shoes and seemed to have less issues than those who wore water shoes.
My family had a fantastic time on this kayaking and hiking tour to the falls. Brian, our tour guide did a fabulous job, and he made it very entertaining, as well as, informative. Our family is very active so this was a perfect tour for us. We were lucky because the hike was not muddy like it usually is. We all definitely had a wonderful time.
Kayaking to secret falls was awesome! Our 7 year old loved every minute of it too! Rob, our guide, was great!
The falls were fantastic , the hike was so scenic so much to see. The kayaking was a good workout. Once we got it to go straight, it was very fun. It was a terrific day. Enjoyed it very much.
We took this tour in January 2019, the weather was perfect the day we went. James, our guide was very nice and helpful. We had a lovely day and slept well that night! It's 4 miles of kayaking and almost 4 miles of hiking, but not too strenuous.
Great tour and easy kayak and hike for those of moderate fitness level. Have to consistently paddle and walk can be muddy and slippy, so not suitable for anyone with leg/back problems. Had fun with my family on this trip, and enjoyed the waterfall, although very busy with groups. Guide was fun, informative with a few cheesy jokes along the way.
Brian our guide was an absolute pleasure to hang out for a half a day. We were able to get up the river and hike to the waterfall before the masses came which enabled us to get some great pictures of us alone without anybody else in the clip. Brian was really good at giving us a good history of the area and island in general and pointed out great places to take pictures. He also was very knowledgeable with the iPhone which enable him to take pictures on another level… He was better than me with the camera although my skills are pretty basic. It wasn’t long after we got there that the masses arrived which made the 10 or 15 minute jump that we got on everybody that much more valuable. The value for this tour was great as it is one of the less expensive tours you’re going to find on any of the islands. Although I could probably make it up by myself by just renting a kayak the next time I find myself in Kauai as long as I could have Brian be my guide I would probably opt to join this tour again just to give the people I might be traveling with next time the same experience I had. Great value great time great tour absolutely recommend it!
We had a great time, reviews say the hike was bad I don’t think so, I’m over 50+ years and not active and it was easy. Our guide was James very helpfull and will do it again.
Brian was an excellent guide through a beautiful adventure. Weather was definitely on our side. Although there was still mud, it had dried up for a few days. Brian had walking sticks for everyone in the group. Boy, did that help! The rivers and falls were flowing enough to make the adventure awesome! I had never kayaked before and enjoyed it immensely. Brian kept us all together throughout the trip. Each muddy challenge he talked us through, section by section and entertained us with his stories. I would recommend this trip for anyone with a sense of adventure. Certainly one of the highlights of my trip!