Tagestour in die Cinque Terre ab Florenz
Verwenden Sie einen unvergesslichen Tag auf die Erkundung der beeindruckenden ligurischen Landschaften. In dieser zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe erklärten Gegend verbinden sich Erde und Meer zu einer einzigartigen Landschaft. Die Gegend besteht aus kilometerlangen felsigen Küsten mit Höhlen, Stränden, Wanderwegen und einer atemberaubenden Aussicht.
Nach einem atemberaubenden Bootstrip erreichen Sie Portovenere, einen eleganten und beliebten Touristenort, wo Natur und vom Menschen erschaffene Architektur perfekt ausbalanciert sind. Danach geht es weiter nach Manarola; Sie genießen einen weiteren Bootstrip mit herrlichem Blick von Cinque Terre, perfekt, um einzigartige Fotos zu machen! Einmal in Manarola haben Sie Zeit zur freien Verfügung, um dieses winzige urbane Juwel zu erkunden, das durch genuesische „case-torri“ charakterisiert wird. Dann erreichen Sie Monterosso, auch bekannt als die „Perle von Cinque Terre“. Dieses alte Fischerdorf mit wunderschönen Stränden und üppiger Vegetation auf den Felsen wird Sie sicherlich verzaubern. Wenn Sie mit uns zu Mittag essen wollen, erleben Sie ein typisch ligurisches Essen in einem Restaurant vor Ort. Sie haben außerdem die Möglichkeit, den lokalen „Limoncino ligure“ zu probieren. Am Nachmittag haben Sie Zeit zur freien Verfügung zum Schwimmen oder für einen Spaziergang durch das Dorf. Von Monterosso erreichen Sie schließlich Vernazza, ein Dorf mit Blick auf die Überreste einer mittelalterlichen Burg mit einem zylindrischen Turm. Hier haben Sie etwas Zeit zur freien Verfügung, bevor es zurück zum Bus geht.
* Vom 2. November bis 31. März erfolgt der Transport mit Zügen und Bus, da das Boot nicht verfügbar ist.
- Fahren Sie mit dem Reisebus oder Minibus mit Klimaanlage
- Erfahrene mehrsprachige Begleitung
- Zug & Bootstickets*
- Atemberaubende Fährfahrt nach Portovenere mit einzigartigen Blicken
- Limoncello-Verkostung
- Hinweis:
- In der Wintersaison (vom 2. November bis 31. März) erfolgt der Transport mit Zügen und Bus, da das Boot nicht verfügbar ist.
- Mittagessen in einem typischen Restaurant in Monterosso: 20 EUR pro Person (Kinder von 3-12: 50 % Rabatt, von 0-2 kostenlos). Das Menü umfasst:
- Meeresfrüchte-Vorspeise
- Handgemachte Pasta „Trofie“ mit Pesto
- Backfisch mit Kartoffeln
- Tiramisu (Wasser und Weißwein inbegriffen).
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Teilnehmer müssen in der Lage sein, Treppen hinauf- und hinabzusteigen.
- Ein Vegetarisches Menü ist auf Anfrage erhältlich für das optionale Mittagessen.
- Bitte beachten Sie, dass bei schlechtem Wetter es möglicherweise nicht möglich ist, die Fähre zu nehmen. Das bedeutet möglicherweise eine Änderung der Reiseroute.
- Bitte beachten: Während der Wintersaison (2. November 2017 bis 31. März 2018) erfolgt der Transport mit Zügen und Bus, da das Boot nicht verfügbar ist.
- BITTE BEACHTEN: NUR während der Wintersaison (vom 16. November 2017 bis 14. März 2018): Touren auf Englisch und Spanisch finden auch ohne Mindestteilnehmerzahl statt. Touren auf Italienisch, Französisch, Portugiesisch, Deutsch und Russisch sind montags und samstags bei einer Mindestanzahl von 4 Personen verfügbar. Wird die Mindestanzahl für eine Sprache nicht erreicht, findet die Tour trotzdem auf Englisch statt.
- BITTE BEACHTEN: Ab 16. November ist der kostenlose Abholservice nicht mehr verfügbar.

Received only very basic need to know information during the 12-13 hour trip. With some pre-planning could have done the trip by train on our own at 1/3-1/2 of the cost. Our main reason for taking the trip was that it was a guided tour, but we did not get value for our money. Very disappointed although Cinque Terre was beautiful.
The Tour was wonderful travel by bus train and boat plenty of time to go on your own to, even took a dip in the sea. Had a great lunch on our own. Anastasia was a very nice tour guide.
This company is so organized. Bring your walking shoes some water b/c your going to have a long beautiful day.
Wonderful places visited, plenty of time to enjoy, delicious meal and our tour guide, Anastacia was the best.
Beautiful part of Italy was seen with a beautiful one hour long ferry ride along the NW coast of Italy.The tour guides seemed to be poorly organized and confused re train schedules etc .They did not give you the feeling they were in control .Many people on this tour were upset..Tour group seemed too large to handle If I recall there were 68 people .The bus driver was not pleasant.
This was absolutely the worse tour that I have taken through Viator. First it was subcontracted to an outfit named MYTOUR, and there was 70 people on the tour! We were herded like a group of cattleand there was absolutey no orientation or comments about any of the towns we visited! They basically just drop us off a a meeting point and told us when to return. Then when we returned to La Spezia on the train, they had no idea where the bus was and we had to walk 2 miles from the train station to reach it. Finally, when we got back to Florence, we had to wait forever for a taxi in the middle of the nightand they seemed to be clueless on how to even contact one! I would not recommend this tour to anyone.
Out of all ours tours this was one of the most disorganized tour we have ever been on. They tell you to go with one person and then we all somehow ended up with another cause they went off way ahead and did not wait for everyone in their group to disembark the train or boat. Then to spend about 40-50 mins per towns and then one guide could barely understand English, but she was very patient and sweet to no fault of hers as where our tour guide went. I would definitely do this tour on our own, no information on each island. Then after the tour we had to walk about 10-15 mins to our bus. Would not being doing this tour again. A lot of the the people in and around our group was disappointed on how this tour was organized.
Not guided whatsoever, out "guide" Giuseppe did not communicate well at all - could speak english but did not understand basic questions such as "When are we leaving?" Very unorganized. They lost people on the tour - literally left them behind and our bus went back to florence. No info given at all on what towns we would visit, or why certain ones were selected. Did not get an itinerary or any info at all. Seemed very chaotic and planned on the fly. When we finally did get on a boat to travel, it was absolutely packed (300+) people and no seats - however, of course, all of the "guides" on our tour sat. Very rude when asked as to why they did not have things planned out in advance. Also we spent more time waiting on the bus and at trainstations than we did in some of the towns. Cinque Terre is absolutely beautiful, but this is awful, so avoid spending the money and have a nice seaside lunch instead! Easy to get there with the train to la spezia from florence and take local trains from there. Avoid if possible, and just take the train yourself. I would say this tour was a waste of our money and others agreed, everyone on our bus was frustrated with the lack of communication from our "guide" and the amount of time we spent waiting on trains from town to town.
Love the area, but not enough time to enjoy the beach. Guide was knowledgeable. Family friendly area.
This was a terrible experience. Highly recommend that you pick something else. The tour guides were awful. The bus we took there was terrible. We were not taken to the places we were supposed to go within Cinque Terre and were told that it was a train issue when it was really the tour guide trying to make us go to his brother's gelato shop. We saw almost nothing in Cinque Terre as we missed 2 of the 4 places we were supposed to go. We waited 45 minutes for the bus at the end of the day to get back to the meeting spot. They also lost several people on the tour. We felt as though we had been conned out of our money. Thankfully, Viator was very responsive and helpful after the tour, but I would recommend not putting yourself through this horrible experience. It is a waste of your money and time.