Halbprivater Tagesausflug von Florenz nach Cinque Terre
Nach einer Fahrt durch die Toskana nach Ligurien machen Sie im ersten Cinque Terre-Dorf Halt: Manarola. Genießen Sie den fantastischen Ausblick und machen Sie spektakuläre Fotos von Land und Küste. Manarola ist eines der ältesten Dörfer von Cinque Terre. Erkunden Sie die engen Gassen und hübschen, in Pastelltönen gehaltenen Plätze, die die Schönheit der Gegend verkörpern, und vielleicht wollen Sie sogar einen der bekannten lokalen Weine in einer gemütlichen Weinbar probieren (nicht im Preis inbegriffen).
Nach dem Besuch von Manarola treffen Sie zur vereinbarten Zeit Ihren Tourbegleiter für die gemeinsame Bootsfahrt nach Vernazza. Während Ihres Aufenthalts auf dem Boot sehen Sie die dramatische, von den Hügeln eingerahmte Küstelinie vom Meer aus.
Die zweite Halt ist das Dorf Vernazza, das wohl schönsten der fünf Dörfer mit einem großen, offenen Hafen, Schloss und Kirche. Hier haben Sie etwas Zeit für einen Spaziergang und ein entspannendes Mittagessen (auf eigene Kosten) in einem der Restaurants im Freien entlang der Küste; Sie können auch die höher gelegenen Straßen erkunden und beeindruckende Aussichten entlang der Küste erhaschen.
Nach dem Besuch von Vernazza treffen Sie Ihre Tourbegleitung und fahren nach Corniglia. Hier genießen Sie den fantastischen Ausblick und machen spektakuläre Fotos von Land und Küste
- Transport im klimatisierten Minibus (maximal 8 Personen)
- Fahrer/Reiseleiter
- Bootstrip
- Genießen Sie in Corniglia oder Vernazza im Frühling/Sommer ein Eis und im Winter einen Aperitif mit Wein und Bruschetta
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel
- Speisen und Getränke, sofern nicht anders angegeben
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich, wenn Sie spätestens einen Tag vor dem Ausflug buchen Danach erhalten Sie so schnell wie möglich eine Bestätigung, wenn das Angebot noch buchbar ist
- Für dieses Angebot ist eine Mindestteilnehmerzahl erforderlich. Wenn sich nicht genügend Teilnehmer anmelden, behalten wir uns vor, diese Veranstaltung auch nach erfolgter Bestätigung abzusagen. In diesem Fall bieten wir Ihnen entweder einen anderen Termin oder die Erstattung des vollen Betrages an.
- Die Preise gelten für alle Teilnehmer; keine Ermäßigungen für Kinder.
- Auf diesem Ausflug geht es auch über unebene Wege, weshalb er nicht für Gehbehinderte oder Rollstuhlfahrer zu empfehlen ist.
- Bequeme Schuhe sind empfehlenswert.

Leonardo was our guide. He was knowledgeable, kind and considerate. He called and made a reservation for our group of 8 for lunch at the perfect place - overlooking the sea.
The trip was paced perfectly for a one day excursion. Our diver/guide was very friendly and knowledgeable plus he was a skilled driver; however, returning home I was concerned about his texting while driving.
Our guide was excellent and the tour met my expectations. Due to rough seas we were unable to take the boat ride, but the train was quick. Was a great all day outing
We were lucky to visit Cinque Terre in a perfect weather even though the weather forecasted a high chance of rain. Our guide Jonathon was really informative and he shared alot during the journey. His driving skills was also praise worthy, given alot of sharp s course turns. If you want to see Cinque Terre in the best way, this is the tour you should definitely sign up for; for close up experience and a private van which you can enjoy the best routes, tour buses don't come by these places. Definitely recommending this!
Fantastic tour. We were met by our guide, Jonathan, at specified location and on time. We were 3 couples in our group. Jonathan pointed out sites along the way and was very informative on the villages we visited. He stopped at great locations for photos. We took a ferry that provided the most fabulous views of villages. This is one of our favorite tours!
We traveled in Italy for two weeks and all agree that this one-day tour was the highlight of our trip. Our guide, Jonathan, was cordial from the moment we met him in Florence. On the 2 hour drive to Cinque Terra he pointed out towns known for the Carrera marble or the building of luxury yachts, or fabrics or paper goods which gave us a sense of Italy outside of the major cities. He walked with us through Manarola where we visited a small church where a choir was singing - Beautiful! He led us on a hike up and down the town to the dock where we took a lovely boat trip to Vernazza. After lunch and time to stroll, he met us and we drove to Corniglia, a picture postcard village. Of all the spots we visited in Italy, we decided that Cinque Terra was a spot we would love to return to!
The scenery and history of these quaint fishing towns is beyond compare. Swimming in the sea is a terrific option, especially when it is hot, so bring a bathing suit and towel. Francesco was an excellent guide and helped us at every stage, including reservations for lunch. The locations are postcard perfect.
I've been wanting to see Cinque Terre for years. Friends and family members have stayed overnight and have enjoyed hiking between the towns. However, due to some orthopedic issues, my husband and I are no longer able to hike. We were very pleased to find this day tour, which enabled us to see the towns without the stress of hiking in the summer heat. The van arrived exactly on time and our driver was courteous. However, he wasn't entirely fluent in English to the point of sharing in-depth information about the sights. He drove safely and speedily, but shared minimal information along the way. The views of Cinque Terre from the cliffs were stunning and we appreciated the extra stops to take pictures. However, we were unable to take a boat between two towns, as hoped, due to choppy sea conditions. Having to take the train between the towns was a bit disappointing-- but couldn't be helped. We enjoyed walking through each town, but noted that the little shops carried mostly the same, tacky souvenirs. We were surprised that there weren't more original artists and more variety in the store offerings to make the feel of each village more unique. We'd heard there was a swimming opportunity in Vernazza, and it was a very hot day. However, the swimming area was small and the beach was crowded and dingy. We could wade a bit, but it certainly wasn't enticing to swim. We enjoyed a generous sample of gelato, included in our tour fee, while we stopped in Corniglia, which was a nice treat. Perhaps if one has the stamina to hike through the lovely olive groves and vineyards, it would add to the experience of Cinque Terre. However, it wasn't the kind of place to which I'd like to return. I think if we'd had a more animated tour guide it might have been a more memorable experience.