Florenz: Galleria dell'Accademia und Uffizien mit Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt
Die Führung beginnt in der Galleria dell'Accademia mit einem Blick auf Michelangelos David aus nächster Nähe. Nach dem Besuch haben Sie etwas Zeit zur freien Verfügung – ca. 1,5 Stunde – für ein Mittagessen (auf eigene Kosten) und um sich für den zweiten Teil des Tages zu erholen.
Nachdem Sie sich wieder mit dem Reiseleiter getroffen haben, beginnen Sie einen Spaziergang mit Piazza della Repubblica, Kathedrale Santa Maria del Fiore, Piazza della Signoria und einen Blick auf die Ponte Vecchio vom Fluss aus. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt betreten Sie die Uffizien und konzentrieren sich auf die Entwicklung der Kunst in Italien von der Renaissance bis zum Ende des Manierismus (Spätrenaissance). Sie werden weltberühmte Gemälde von berühmten Künstlern wie Giotto, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raffael und vieles mehr bewundern.
- Kopfhörer zum klaren Verständnis des Reiseleiters (bei Gruppen ab 15 Personen)
- Professioneller Reiseleiter
- Trinkgelder
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Kinder unter 6 Jahren sind kostenlos dabei, unter 14-Jährige müssen von einem Erwachsenen begleitet werden

Both our guides for our combined tour on Friday, September 14th! Very passionate about their topics and would recommend them both for future tours.
This is a great day but really long! Skipping the line and seeing David is the highlight as well as the walking tour of Florence. Was really glad to have a personal interpreter for the art.
Neither one of our guides was particularly good. For the Uffizzi tour the guide didn't explain that we were only going to see David. Please know that this is not a museum highlights tour... it is a David tour. Now he did a great job talking about David but nothing else. Also there were no ear pieces so at times it was hard to hear him and understand him. The guide for the afternoon portion was very hard to understand so unfortunately we didn't get a lot out of it and finally just gave her the ear pieces back and headed through the museum on our own.
What Viator doesn't tell their travelers is just how much walking is involved in these tours. We did not do this tour simply because we were exhausted and disappointed from previous tours.
We had an amazing time touring the museums and city of Florence! Very beautiful with lots of interesting information provided by the tour guides, which enriched the experience. Be prepared for lots of walking/time spent on your feet.
The first tour is a bit monotone, but after you switch guides and the rest wakes you right up as you walk through Florence and end up at the uffizi. She guides you through the highlights as there are many rooms and makes sure to tell stories about the important pieces of work.