Zipline, Affen & Papageienbeobachtung und Beach Resort Entspannung auf Roatan Island
Unsere Touren starten eine Stunde nach der Ankunft Ihres Schiffes im Hafen. Treffen Sie bitte 10 Minuten vor der geplanten Abfahrtszeit zum Check-In ein. Gäste, die nicht rechtzeitig ankommen, können die Tour nicht antreten und die Tourgebühren werden nicht zurückerstattet.
Mit Roatan‘s Original Zip-N-Dip beginnt die Tour, wenn Sie Ihren Zip-N-Dip Reiseleiter eine Stunde nach der Ankunft Ihres Schiffes am Dock treffen, fahren Sie zum Zipline Canopy Bereich. Als besonderen Bonus haben Sie die Möglichkeit, während Ihres Besuchs im Kronenbereich, Affen, Faultiere, Scharlachrote Aras und einheimische Inseltiere kostenlos zu sehen. Für diejenigen, die den Zipline-Teil überspringen möchten, wählen Sie bei der Buchung die Option „Skip-the-Zip“.
Nach Ihrem Zipline-Abenteuer und optionalem Tierbesuch werden Sie zum wunderschönen weißen Sandstrand West Bay Beach gebracht, wo Sie Schnorchelausrüstung, Kajaks, Kanus, Jet-Skier mieten können, sowie viele tolle Plätze zum Essen und Trinken finden oder sich einfach zurücklehnen und entspannen, schwimmen und genießen können. Geschützt durch das Offshore-Riff, ist dies ein wunderschöner Seegras- und felsenfreier Strand mit puderweichem Sand wie kein anderer Strand auf Roatan, und er wird täglich gepflegt und aufbereitet. Sie werden sich im Bananarama Beach Resort mit einer Strandliege (Zugang zu Schatten, je nach Bedarf), Toilette/Wickelraum und Frischwasserdusche zurücklehnen.
- Beförderung im klimatisierten Kleinbus
- Eintrittspreise
- Sämtliche Steuern, Gebühren und Bearbeitungsgebühren
- Eintritt
- Ortskundiger Reiseleiter
- Tourbegleitung
- Transfer vom und zum Hotel/Hafen
- Speisen und Getränke
- Trinkgeld (optional)
- DVD (zum Kauf erhältlich)
- Die Bestätigung erhalten Sie zeitgleich mit der Buchung
- Unsere Touren starten eine Stunde nach der Ankunft Ihres Schiffes im Hafen. Treffen Sie bitte 10 Minuten vor der geplanten Abfahrtszeit zum Check-In ein. Gäste, die nicht rechtzeitig ankommen, können die Tour nicht antreten und die Tourgebühren werden nicht zurückerstattet.
- Bei der Buchung müssen Kreuzfahrtpassagiere folgende Informationen angeben: Name des Schiffs, Landungszeit, Ausschiffungszeit und Wiedereinstiegszeit. Unsere Touren starten eine Stunde nach der Ankunft Ihres Schiffes im Hafen.
- Treffen Sie bitte 10 Minuten vor der geplanten Abfahrtszeit zum Check-In ein. Gäste, die nicht rechtzeitig ankommen, können die Tour nicht antreten und die Tourgebühren werden nicht zurückerstattet.
- Für Teilnehmer mit Rückenproblemen nicht empfohlen
- Für Schwangere nicht empfohlen
- Kürzere Strecken müssen zu Fuß zurückgelegt werden
- Auf diesem Ausflug geht es auch über unebene Wege, weshalb er nicht für Gehbehinderte oder Rollstuhlfahrer zu empfehlen ist
- 133 kg Höchstgewicht für Seilrutschen-tour Gäste
- Besuch von Victor's Monkey Business ist optional
- Für dieses Angebot ist eine Mindestteilnehmerzahl erforderlich. Es besteht die Möglichkeit einer Stornierung auch nach erfolgter Bestätigung, falls sich nicht genügend Teilnehmer finden. In diesem Fall bieten wir Ihnen entweder einen anderen Termin an oder erstatten den vollen Betrag zurück.
Guides were very knowledgeable and went the extra mile to make sure we were safe and had a great time. the main guide even walked over a block one way just to get more batteries for my camera so i could continue having fun. great people!
Family trip with only one of us that has ever zip-lined before and let me tell you, this was so much fun for all six of us. Exhilarating and scary but safe and fun...and wow, so may zip lines...was not expecting so many. Preston and his team were fantastic...they made it fun and exciting the entire time but always made sure we were safe and secure. Definitely purchase the emailed photos after....great value and so many pictures. We received 3 emails of the photos just a few days later. Wow..fantastic purchase. After zip-lining our group really enjoyed the Sloths...so cute and friendly. This was a wonderful excursion and would highly recommend. Thank you Preston and crew for a great time.
We loved the zipline experience. The young men that worked with our group of about 15 that traversed the course with us could not have been better. They were very fun and safety conscious. They really made it work for everyone from old to young and from bold to timid. Everyone walked away very happy. The women at the front desk there were also very helpful. That said, we found Roatan a semi-difficult place to navigate. When we arrived at our meeting place, the manager wouldn't talk to us, made us wait without explanation while they sold other tours to people so our van would be full. It was very uncomfortable. When we returned later that day, we went to see the manager, because our day was simply not what it should have been. He was willing to talk and asked for our honest feedback - this was a different attitude from the morning. We told him we felt like our day was less than ideal. We learned that the manager had been angry with us that morning, as we suspected. He'd sent our group on without us before we arrived. Our documents said to arrive 1 hour after the SCHEDULED arrival time. We had checked when we docked early. Our ship had docked at 7:30 instead of 8, so our group had left at 8:30 instead of 9. We arrived at 8:35.He said we'd been late and caused the problem. We told him our perspective - that we'd checked the paperwork and arrived with ample time to spare. One of the other workers reminded him that they had this problem before and needed to change what was written OR how about honor what is written?. What ended up happening was that we were put in a van ful of people going to a beach resort for the day, rode to that resort, turned around and finally arrived our our zipline course. We were introduced to two women who had arrived in a Toyota Yaris and told we would go from there to the beach with them. We did the zipline course with them and others - very great people - and for the sake of lost time skipped the animal part. Drove with 5 people in an old Yaris to a beach for less than 2 hours. Met the driver and returned. The beach is a good beach with white sand and you have a clean bathroom and place to change. You can buy food and water and drinks - at an outdoor grill that was expensive. Our driver had stopped at a convenience store for us because one woman needed feminine products. There we picked up soft drinks and water. The roads in Roatan are falling apart, so our two drivers mostly spent their time navigating through or around huge craters of potholes. There was no narration of the island, culture or people. The various car drives took from 30-45 minutes EACH, as we crossed the hills and jungles of the island. On our return trip, we were halfway back across the island when all the traffic came to a stop and cars started turning around and heading back. They were re-paving the road up ahead and had closed it with no notice. It was a good thing we had decided to return an hour earlier than necessary or we would have cut it really close. Having chosen a cruise that goes to Roatan, the white sand beaches in the wesern Carribean are unsurpassed and the zipline was a treat. The infrastructure there is very poor and cannot really support the numbers of tourists when 3 ships are there at the same time. The traffic was terrible, the roads were worse. The island is poor. These are not reasons to stay away, they are just the truth. Everyone who worked with us asked for extra tips on the side, and I could not blame them. This is not Mexico. Adjust your expectations. They are still learning how to be a tourist destination.
Wow!!!! How much fun was this! I have never seen my husband smile in all the time I have known him. We were in a group of 8. We loved the zip line so much we want to do it again. The Monkeys and Parrots were fantastic. The beach was over cast so we didn't do much there. No fault of the tour I would VERY MUCH recommend this tour. It was fantastic!!!!!
Zip-lining was good we had a lot of fun. The Monkey and Parrot watching was OK. The beach resort was pretty disappointing.