Cairns Super Saver: Bootstour zum Great Barrier Reef plus Kuranda Scenic Railway plus Cape Tribulation - Tagesausflug
3 days
Über diese Aktivität
Genießen Sie drei bekannte Cairns-Erlebnisse über drei unvergessliche Tage im tropischen nördlichen Queensland. Jede Tour findet an einem separaten Tag statt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich nur um Tagesausflüge handelt. Unterkunft ist nicht im Preis enthalten.
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- Abholung vom Hotel am 2. und 3. Tag (nur von Hotels in Cairns City)
- Kreuzfahrt zum Great Barrier Reef
- Tauchunterricht (optional)
- Geführte Schnorcheltour mit Schnorchelausrüstung (optional)
- Daintree River Kreuzfahrt
- Geführter Spaziergang durch die Mossman Gorge
- Mahlzeiten laut Reiseverlauf (B = Frühstück, L = Mittagessen, D = Abendessen)
Nicht inbegriffen
- Abholung und Rückgabe am 1. Tag am Hotel
- Speisen und Getränke, sofern nicht anders angegeben
- Direkt zu zahlende Riffsteuer und Treibstoffabgabe (20 AU $ pro Person)
- Verleih von Neoprenanzug und Stachelanzug (AU $ 10 pro Person)
- Halb-Unter-Tour (10,00 AU $ pro Person)
- Übernachtung (Sie kehren nach Tag 1 in Ihr eigenes Hotel zurück und setzen am nächsten Tag und am dritten Tag Ihre nächste Tour fort; Sie müssen eine eigene Unterkunft haben.)
- Eintrittsgebühren für alle Attraktionen, die während der Freizeit besucht werden
- Sie erhalten die Bestätigung innerhalb von 48 Stunden nach der Buchung, abhängig von der Verfügbarkeit.
- Check-in am Reef Fleet Terminal um 7.30 Uhr
- Wenn Sie beabsichtigen zu tauchen und älter als 65 Jahre sind, müssen Sie ein aktuelles Tauchzeugnis vorlegen
- Kindern unter 12 Jahren ist es nicht gestattet, an Tauchaktivitäten an Bord gemäß Queensland und australischem Recht teilzunehmen
- Alle Taucher, die an einem zertifizierten Tauchgang teilnehmen möchten, müssen einen Tauchschein nachweisen
- Das Tauchen innerhalb von 24 Stunden vor Ihrem Flug ist nicht gestattet. Alle Teilnehmer müssen vor dem Tauchen einen Fragebogen zum Thema Gesundheit / Medikamente ausfüllen. Einige vorbestehende Erkrankungen (z. B. Asthma oder Herz- und Lungenerkrankungen) und verschriebene Medikamente können Sie vom Tauchen abhalten. Bitte konsultieren Sie Ihren Arzt vor der Buchung
- Kinder unter 18 Jahren müssen in unmittelbarer Nähe eines Erziehungsberechtigten sein
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We could enjoy all of highlights of Cairns all in once! Will be great memories for Mum and me. Thanks!
The great barrier reef is amazing and so was the crew of the Evolution. Everyone was very helpful and concerned with everyones safety. 2nd day on the train alot of history so beautiful. 3rd day walked the rain forest. Our tour guide luke was great. All and all a great 3 days.
The Great Barrier Reef cruise and the Kuranda Scenic Railway was absolutely amazing! I would highly suggest it! The 3rd day to Cape Tribulation was a very long drive that I could have done without. The guide was good but the drive was just very long and exhausting.
Snorkeling at the reef was excellent. The other 2 days were good but long with a lot of driving to Daintree and Cape Tribulation.
This three day package is really good value and gives excellent first impressions into the local top tourist attractions. All tours were professionally and very well run (with friendly and welcoming staff) - yes, it is all a bit touristy and some attractions were crowded at times but that is obviously the nature of the beast. For me, I now know much better where to spend more time on a next trip (more snorkeling and more rain forest walking). I was very happy with the all around experience.
Wonderful experience Thank you Viator
This was an absolutely fabulous trio of tours. We enjoyed the Great Barrier Reef, although to be honest, I must admit I expected to see more colour on the reef, perhaps naively. Divers we spoke to subsequently told us that the level of bleaching the process where the coral os dying is quite significant this year. It is sad to see. Having said that, the staff on the boat Operated by Down Under Dives were excellent. We loved the Kuranda Railway Tour. It is beautiful. The train trip is lovely, the commentary interesting and the area scenic. The village at the top is very pretty. We visited Birdworld while there and enjoyed that. The trip back down to Smithfield Station via the cable car was spectacular. The rain forest is beneath you, way beneath you! The third day we went to The Wildlife Habitat, Port Douglas which was excellent. We continued on to the Mossman Gorge. Unfortunately, the weather affected us here. We were building up to the arrival some hours later of Cyclone Nora. We continued on to the ferry over to the Daintree Rain Forest @nd on to Cape Tribulation where we enjoyed a lovely lunch at the Cape Tribulation Beach Retreat, followed by some time on the beach.after that, we continued on to enjoy a cruise on the Daintree River, looking for crocodiles. Unfortunately, this is not the best time of year for spotting crocs, although we did see a number of baby crocs. Following this, we returned to Cairns, arriving at around 5.30 to 6 pm. Each days tour was great. All three were amazing experiences. ,