Führung durch das Konzentrationslager Sachsenhausen, Tour von Berlin aus
6 h
Über diese Aktivität
Sie treffen Ihren Fremdenführer im Osten oder Westen der Stadt – Sie entscheiden selbst – und fahren dann gemeinsam mit dem Zug (auf eigene Kosten). Ziel ist die Stadt Oranienburg (weniger als eine Stunde entfernt), wo Sie eine Führung durch das 1936 eingerichtete Konzentrationslager Sachsenhausen machen, eines der ersten Konzentrationslager des Dritten Reichs. Wenn Sie ankommen, führt Sie ein fachkundiger Reiseleiter ins Lager, wo Sie mehr über die Vorgänge im Lager und die Gefangenen, die hier lebten und starben, erfahren.
Über fast zehn Jahren hinweg inhaftierte die SS hier 200.000 Juden, Sozialisten, Kommunisten, Liberale und andere Gegner der Nazis. Die Strafzellen, Gaskammern und Leichengruben, die Sie auf dieser Tour sehen, können überwältigend sein. Ihr Reiseleiter wird Ihnen die Geschichte des Ortes im Kontext einer der dunkelsten Perioden des 20. Jahrhunderts näher bringen.
Am Ende Ihrer Zeit in Sachsenhausen treffen Sie Ihren Fremdenführer wieder und beenden diesen eintägigen Ausflug mit einer Zugfahrt zurück nach West- oder Ostberlin (auf eigene Kosten).
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Über fast zehn Jahren hinweg inhaftierte die SS hier 200.000 Juden, Sozialisten, Kommunisten, Liberale und andere Gegner der Nazis. Die Strafzellen, Gaskammern und Leichengruben, die Sie auf dieser Tour sehen, können überwältigend sein. Ihr Reiseleiter wird Ihnen die Geschichte des Ortes im Kontext einer der dunkelsten Perioden des 20. Jahrhunderts näher bringen.
Am Ende Ihrer Zeit in Sachsenhausen treffen Sie Ihren Fremdenführer wieder und beenden diesen eintägigen Ausflug mit einer Zugfahrt zurück nach West- oder Ostberlin (auf eigene Kosten).
- Lizenzierter Führer, der von der Gedenkstätte ausgebildet wurde
- Vergütung der KZ-Gedenkstätte Sachsenhausen
- Abholung und Rückgabe vom Zentrum Berlins durch Ihren Reiseleiter
- Eintritt - Gedenkstatte und Museum Sachsenhausen
Nicht inbegriffen
- Abholung vom Hotel und Rückgabe
- Zugtickets (Sie benötigen ein Ticket für die Berliner Transport-ABC-Zone, das etwa 7 Euro kostet)
- Trinkgeld
- Essen und Trinken
- Sie erhalten die Bestätigung zum Zeitpunkt der Buchung.
- Es werden gute Wanderschuhe und geeignete Kleidung empfohlen
- Beide Treffpunkte sind möglich. Dieses Ticket ist entweder für den Treffpunkt Ost oder West gültig
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This was one of the best tours we took in Germany. Great tour with ton of history behind it. Our guide, Maria, was very passionate about the whole thing and it showed in her delivery and expressions. As we are with Eastern European heritage ourselves, we were in shock that we did not see any Russian tourists and/or any info in Russian on the displays, despite that 95% of the prisoners in this camp were Russians. Very sad, very emotional tour. Not many people were attending as everyone needs to know on what happened there to prevent anything like that happening in the future.
Josh was an amazing tour guide. Very friendly and knowledgeable. You learn a lot and at the same time you don’t spend the entire day at the camp. Just be mindful that it is a lot of walking since the moment you get off the train station!
Our guide, Josh, was a wealth of knowledge, he enlightened us on several topics pertaining to what the prisoners were exposed to on a daily basis, things we never knew had happened or were ever mentioned in our U.S. education teachings. Great tour, strongly recommend. Only negative is it is a long day so be prepared. Also we encountered a few young families where the young children were climbing over portions of the camp remains and parents were not disciplining them, parents, do not bring young children.
This was a very sombre but interesting tour. Our guide Martin was so knowledgable about the camp that he made the tour that extra bit more incredible. Well worth visiting if you have the free time.
Very informative tour. Experience made so much easier as guide (Sebastian) assists with trains etc. Meet at a central train station then take a 25 minute journey to Sachsenhausen. At all times the guide was informing us with facts and details about events prior to and during WW2. Would highly recommend this to anyone.
John, (from Ireland, originally), helped to make the tour memorable. He was knowledgeable regarding the camp, the area, and the horrors of Nazi control of Europe. My sister, my daughter, and I were very pleased with the amount of new knowledge we gained on this tour. I highly recommend this tour to everyone 14 and above.
An eye opening experience, explained very well with our guide Julian. Worth visiting the site and learn about the inhuman atrocities subjected upon innocent Jews and other political prisoners.
We had a very informative tour of Sachsenhausen. Our guide was Julian and he gave us excellent background on the concentration camp and the political reasons behind it.
Mike was our guide. He had a great command of his subject and was very attentive to the needs of the people in his group.
Josh, our Gide was incredibly knowledgeable, very helpful and My wife 7 I were glad he was our Tour guide, Cannot praise him enough - He also was very good in explaining that it was not just the Jews that were targeted by Hitler's Third Reich, but many other groups - which perhaps may not have been known by all. Although a sobering experience, Josh kept it 'Light' by also focusing on the bravery and resistance of those within the camps, so that the overall Visit did not become too depressing an experience.
The tour was interesting, fascinating, sad, and lightning, informative and heartbreaking. Our tour guide Ronan was well-informed and had lots of information to share during this tour. This is a tour that involves a lot of walking. Come prepared.
Josh was excellent. He provided information in a very balanced way, detailing the horrors with positive stories. An understanding and sensitive visit was had to this memorial.
A somber place to visit but worth the experience. If you get Campbell as your guide, you will be lucky because he is superb and his knowledge of the site amazing!!
My expectations were high but Sachsenhausen did not manage to reach out and touch me. The guide was extremely knowledgeable but there is absolutely nothing to see. It is only when the tour comes to an end that you get to see some bunk beds and two dissection tables. Otherwise you just find yourself walking through what used to be this infamous site and listening to an extremely detailed account about the purpose of the camp, the evolution of the concept of a concentration camp etc. If you have been to Auschwitz, I suggest you dedicate the long morning to some other interesting site in Berlin.